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Outback Haze #8 x Silk Haze S


DEA Agent
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The meme sums it up perfectly :D✌️


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ICMag Donor
☝️ This is an example about how liars and toxic people actually operate. Jump on others threads unprovoked with their own lies.

You have disrespected Nevil's actual family and friends to profit and line your own pockets insulting the people he cares about and loved.

This is the exact thread and records of my purchased of Outback genetics which clearly wasn't from Dwight at the time nor was it ever listed as pure. Your are delusional and discrediting yourself. 👇

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And this is the thread your referring to where you harassed and began insulting everyone last time. Again. Clearly lying again.

You refused to spell his name right for months no matter how many times you were corrected. The spelling Neville was done by those that sneered at him as insult. Which is also on that and many other threads.
Anyone can see in the first 2 minutes you were doing the same thing your doing here.

Thread 'D's NL5 x Outback Haze (Nevil's Haze 21 x Thai) x NH36. Holy Grail Haze project🙏 (this is an F2 made by Gas)' https://www.beanbasement.nl/threads/ds-nl5-x-outback-haze-nevils-haze-21-x-thai-x-nh36-holy-grail-haze-project🙏-this-is-an-f2-made-by-gas.14470/

View attachment 19120456 Your a very negative, insecure person. Bottom line. You never knew Nevil. You got 2 seed second hand. Dwight knew Nevil personally for over 30 years as close friends and received a whole collection including over 40 Outback seed. He selected through them in conversation with Nevil along with his insights on selection.

THey may as not even be the same line. Dwight has Outback. You just have Out. This is so stupid @ojd .
You are an absolute 🤡, everything you quoted about me is all Bullshit near every time ?
I asked you to start screen shot these lies and quotes you claim i say or mention

I've disrespect Nevil's family , really do tell ?

And Insulted people he loved ( Dwight 😆 🤣 😂) i don't think he loved Dwight , a friend yes but multiple other friends who knew Nevil for more than 20 years less got much larger catalogue of Nevil's Grail project seeds than Dwight got , so Dwight love i don't think so.

I've never said or mentioned a bad word against Nevil's Family EVER ( more made up lies , constant lies from stone , stretched truths and exaggerations like no other) we want actual quotes ( screenshots) of these constant lies you keep mentioning about me, your disrespecting Nevil's family by even bring them up in this 🤡 show your trying to pull.

2.You accuse me of lining my pockets from Nevil's Grail project 😆 🤣, really ?.

I offered them free when I 1st prodcued them to any long term members of the Haze community, FREE.
Was specifically passed the Original Grail seed by several different of Nevil's Friends ( who recieved the seeds directly from Nevil)to reproduce, work them and release them into the community which I've done.

Glad you brought up the Swami Outback x NL and Outback x blue orca , as they were release then without any grow logs at all were they not ? , was swami trying to make a quick buck of Nevil and his family like you accuse me off 😆 🤣 😂 🤡 , how disrespectful to like you accuse me off 😆 🤣 😂 😹

I worked Nevil's legendary strains back into the Grail project not NL , the least strain you would ever work Nevil's ultimate Sativa Grail project strain to like Dwight did , his long term friend who supposedly knew Nevil and his work that well , and x's it to NL really 👏 , really ?

Name spelling seriously , that's how petty you are 😆, the name thing really 😆 🤣,
That's all you got on me

Shantibaba along with majority of the Cannabis world used to write Neville when mentioning Nevil online , and I didn't know Nevil personally so copied the spelling from well known Canna figures ( not Dwight the 🤡, another guy trying to ride on Nevil's coat tails claiming he did this/that when he did zero of that) who actually knew or were Friends with Nevil.
It was only after 1 of Nevil actual Friends told me it was actually spelled Nevil( not supposed people/Friends who knew him but constantly dissed talked down him) , im not about Dwight but others used to tell me it was Nevil but would talk so badly about Nevil why would I listen to them.
But as I said 1 of Nevil's actual Friends who only had love and good interest towards Nevil told me that I listened and learned the real spelling.
This same guy/Friend of nevil who told me the correct spelling, also helped with my Nevil projects by providing me with several packs of seeds directly from Nevil and even clones of the NH18 x Mullumbimby Madness to work with, which i made several X's and released several years back.
If your looking in bro I owe you and got you anytime, hit me up whenever, whatever I can help with 🙏 🫡


You claim i Never new Nevil which is True , but I know his Haze work VERY WELL, more than MOST ( and you 100%) thats for sure , as I've extensively worked and smoked Nevil's famous Haze strains for decades, and had access to more than most , including several Nevil's famous clone onlys I've worked with and made seeds with from Nevils famous 80's clones and even the legendary G13 Haze Male from Soma ( which is basically a C Haze pheno with near to no G13 detected)

2 seeds of Outback you recon that i got ? 😆 🤣 😂, again where are these quotes you make up of your info about me or what i do.
I recieved 4 whole packs of Outback Haze Originals, more than anyone else apart from Dwight I'm pretty sure , and selected the best 2 phenos from 2 packs planted .
Opposite phenos, Outback Haze 1 clone was much more wild growing, tasting, and to the Incense , Spice side no Pine or that side, incredible pure High, more Colombian side of Haze, very potent , up, up High but also Head fuck type Sativa High like old Nevil's Haze clone from late 90's.
Outback Haze 2 clone was more Pine Heavy and some Incense also, again very potent just less scary High , but very potent Sativa Thai/Haze High.

I still have 2 full packs of the Original Outback Haze seed packs Nevil made himself stored in the fridge , plus many other Original Grail project strains I received from 3 different people who help hugely with me working and releasing Nevil's Grail project reproductions and Hybrid lines ive offered over the years.

1.Brother Th4sim (RIP )🙏 ( never forget that gift of Genetics brother Sim), and every toke from Joint/pipe/Bong etc ever toked made from these strains/seeds you gifted are for you )

2.British Hempire ( 🙏 bro , you were a huge help in providing these Grail project strains/seeds you got from your friend Nevil, and I was honoured to be provided them to work with and release into the community)
You played a huge roll in releasing these and preserving these amazing genetics back into the community before they were lost .
If you ever need anything i can help with hit me up anytime.

OldscoolHash, another of Nevil's friends
Again you was a huge roll in helping me work these projects by providing me with Regular seeds , especially the NH21 x MM which i only had Feminized packs previously so couldn't make F2 or Regular seed hybrids with this strain/projects without those seeds , and several other seed packs you provided to me to work with and release 🙏, I owe you big time bro 👊 and you was a big help in releasing these strains into the community.


Now you claim Dwights is a different line of Outback Haze that me and very few others have , seriously ? , you cant 😆 😂 enough about the bullshit you make up about Dwight you current obsession, I mean Nevil obsession I'd understand as Nevil is definitely the most influential and skilled breeder our industry has witnessed, but get off Dwights lap , enough lap dances now , dwights pushed you off his lap enough times now it's getting embarrassing 😆.

Dwights had these Outback for how long and all he done is the Outback x NL, really 😆 🤣 😂, where was he @piffcon the largest Haze cup ever, where Nevil's Grail project strain the Swiss Thai Nevil clone
x my SSSDH OJD clone won 2nd place in over 75 day catergory ( grown entered by Bronx Science from 5 seeds 👊 ✊🙏) to beat everything else in Connoisseur over 75 day catergory apart from the legendary clone only Bandaid Haze ? , Dwight was knowhere to be seen or heard of at the show , like your silk you been shouting about for years
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Well-known member
Cannabis itself is a profound medicine and teacher.

While many of the hybrids and indica dominate types help with physical ailments, and even dulling, some haze and equatorials are unique.

My favorite Haze types tend to have a more expansive spiritual healing property. It can help connect us and shine a light through lesser nature.

Outback Silk #11. (NH21 dominant morphology)

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Well-known member
Nevil’s Outback Haze Reference Guide (part 1)

With the help of Nevil’s life long friend Dwight Diotte and his collaborator and friend @hempy I took some time to itemize some of the distinctive morphological traits of Outback Haze. The pictures are for the purpose of cross reference to help the reader observe and come to their own conclusions. This can be accomplished by both positive identification of parents traits as well as process of elimination.

The dialog is summarized from Dwights conversations with Nevil to the best of my ability.

  • @hempy may have further contributions to help refine this reference regarding his '78 Thai as well.
Begin: This is a reference to NH21 x MM from: Neville releases GRAIL (Neville's Haze #21 x Mullumbimby Madness) | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana Community Online

“#21 represents the best high, with a soaring, psychedelic old school Thai effect. #36 represents the most practical plant in terms of flowering time, yield, height but is still a very fine high too, which can be categorized as euphoric. Opinions are divided as to which is the best high. The spiritual warrior preferring NH21, will often sneer at the NH36 lover’s preoccupation with sybaritic pleasure, while as the sybarite, looks on with perplexity at the 21 lover’s attempts to come to grips with his realizations.”

This description was before the Outback project was made, but would still apply to NH#21 and #36. Reportedly Nevil had regrets about releasing this make because MM overtook NH and failed to meet his expectations, but he needed a car at the time.

In contrast Nevil felt Hempy’s Thai and MM did work together.

MM × Hempy’s Thai morphology cross reference.
-burning bush

Hempy’s male Thai and the female of Hempy’s Thai Nevil used. Notice the structure, node spacing as well as alternating rather than spiraling bract and bract patterns.



It should be noted that Hempy said these examples are from early flowering in pots and do not represent his Thai full grown to maturity. The pictures Hempy has of mature Thai look to be wild foxtailing exotic flowers or grinspoon types. These can also be found in Outback haze such as OJD’s #1 and Dwights #3.

This is a picture of the NH#36 that Nevil crossed to Hempy’s Thai. From the quote above we can gather that Nevil selected 36 for manageability, and profile. Notice the pyramid boxy flowers with manageable foxtailing, calyx, pistils. Also. Completely green petiole stems. A trait shared in common with Hempy’s Thai


Now here is the picture of the Nevil’s Haze #21 plant and dried flower from his 90 plant hunt of Nevil’s Haze. The #21 was his crown jewel to preserve and conclude a lifelong journey.


Notice the frame, the spiraling spears, the node spacing. Notice the Rounded Tops of NH#21 relative to NH#36 or Hempy’s Thai and in contrast with other outcrossings.

Perhaps one of the most distinctive traits above on NH#21 and in everything that comes from Dwight’s Outback haze #8 is the striking dark dried blood petioles going from stem all the way through the veins of each leaflet. A trait not found in the other parentage.


Dwight’s #8 is grown indoors as a clone and tied up. However, the NH21 and Dwight's #8 may as well be clones of each other. The morphology is spot on and even dominant in some of the Outback Silk.

That is about all I can share in this post and hope it is helpful and worth bookmarking.

A personal note on Dwight Diotte. He is a phenomenal human being with genuine heart and passion. I met him not knowing who he was and was so inspired by his warm inviting and encouraging disposition to everyone excited about haze. None of the ego and skepticism we run into. That is not to say he won’t stand his ground. He was run off both forums and IG very unfairly to control narratives. Their are a lot of unfortunate acts when people pass away.

I suggest anyone who is not connected with him on LinkedIn go ahead and reach out. He is no seed hustler, but is absolutely passionate and knowledgeable. Aside from the plant I am grateful to have become his friend. Btw. He is also the reason Silk S was preserved.




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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes I see you two may have different views on this topic.
Yes we do , this pic looks nothing like the NH21 or the outback Haze Or Hempy's Thai
Looks like Dwight's Outback, just not like any Outback Haze ive grown or even any Outback Haze hybrids and ive grown many over the years

A strain supposedly wilder than Nevil's Haze and no extreme training needed to keep it manageable ?
Think of the old Nevil Haze , was very extreme, throw in Hempy's Thai and get this manageable Haze, really ?

We have SSH phenos more wild from seed
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Well-known member
Yes we do , this pic looks nothing like the NH21 or the outback Haze Or Hempy's Thai
Looks like Dwight's Outback, just not like any Outback Haze ive grown or even any Outback Haze hybrids and ive grown many over the years

A strain supposedly wilder than Nevil's Haze and no extreme training needed to keep it manageable ?
Think of the old Nevil Haze , was very extreme, throw in Hempy's Thai and get this manageable Haze, really ?

We have SSH phenos more wild from seed
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@ojd you already failed to identify long established NL5 traits with your "round tops" statement. For 30 years the NL has been known to contribute the flat top.

Now another teachable moment.

This is an atypical Mullumbimby madness.



There are variations between plants, but relative to NH21, MM generally has larger columnar bats. The canopy is not as open. The branches do not sprawl as much. The node spacing is not as consistent along the length of branches

For cross referencing how NH21 contributes to a cross when it is dominant. This is how the NH21 influences the MM
@ojd says this is NH21XMM

General morphology. NH21 contributes an open canopy with branches Sprawling nearly as long as the plant is tall. Despite the long branches the node spacing was consistent and tight with virtually no branching at each sight all the way to the trunk.

This is NH21 the same morphology described above


This is Dwights Outback haze #8 tied up a little over half way through flower.


This is Outback Silk half way through flower.

These are the only pictures I could find of @ojd Outback Haze #2. The one he uses in his breeding. It isn't the best quality picture. close ups in a granny's stairwell. That said. While the flowers bare some resemblance to hempy's Thai and N36 it doesn't seem to have the morphology of NH21. That is a positive synergy, but there is no point in pretending it's something else regarding visual markers



Using the door as a reference these look like plants finishing under 3' with uneven node spacing. Ojd Do you have any whole plant pictures that actually show your Outback #1 and #2 plants well at different stages of development?

You talk a lot about them, but I can't find much of anything that really shows them at all.


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Well-known member
Not every plant out of the Outback haze line is a sprawling giant. The project started with the NH36.

"NH#36 is a plant very suited to indoor cultivation with large yields and high quality."

"#36 represents the most practical plant in terms of flowering time, yield, height but is still a very fine high too, which can be categorized as euphoric"

Typical NH bract sequence



Hempy's 78 Thai/NH36 was the first step. Hempy's Thai is a rather unruly exotic long flower type, but had everything Nevil's sought to clean out the NL and preserve the Haze Male A and C.

Likewise the NH36 was fast and and heavy for a haze dominant which countered The Thai making it manageable and able to finish faster.

This was the '78thai Nevil used which was seeded and flowered right away in a pot. This is how the Thai morphology may look when it's forces to finish early in the cross with a plant like NH36.

It would tend to terminate the fenitrigo/foxtail traits earlier on some while others may still favor the exotic morphology of the Thai.



This is Hempy's '78 Thai grown indoors without having the flower time reduced by NH36.


It also stands to reason that the Thai/36 step. "Out" would have had types with the more exotic elongated foxtails rather than the relatively short manageable foxtales of NH36.

I also noticed that between NH21, NH36 and Hempy's Thai, that it is Hempy's Thai that appears to have the longest thinnest fan leaflets and NH21 the least NLD of the 3. However NH21 seems to have the largest most sprawling frame and Hempy's the least of the 3.

@HEMPY's Thai


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The Haze Whisperer
Nevil never called my Thai the 78-Thai that was Reefermans Thai the Swiss Thai, he called my Thai Thia because of how I spelt it.

The OutBack Haze is Thia/N21 x NH36 and Nevil also made NH21 x NH36 seed.

The Thia grown in that pic was 14 ft indoors trained sideways at 7ft and grown 7ft more the frame is very vine like once in flower, and she won't stop stretching like most Haze should.

Starts off like this in flower.


Getting ready to show sex.


In flower.



Well-known member
Nevil never called my Thai the 78-Thai that was Reefermans Thai the Swiss Thai, he called my Thai Thia because of how I spelt it.

The OutBack Haze is Thia/N21 x NH36 and Nevil also made NH21 x NH36 seed.

The Thia grown in that pic was 14 ft indoors trained sideways at 7ft and grown 7ft more the frame is very vine like once in flower, and she won't stop stretching like most Haze should.

Starts off like this in flower.

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Getting ready to show sex.

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In flower.

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Thanks for the correction on the order/ sequence and spelling hempy.🙏 The same content and reasoning I posted would apply regarding trait identification.

On that subject of trait identification. The only pictures I was able to find of your Tia in outdoor or natural condition were the ones Nevil posted here.


You previously mentioned that it's not an accurate representation because it was flowered from the start in a pot. However, that is what I am looking for because that is how I flower all of my haze including this Outback line.


Your Thai seems to have a self supporting frame in the outdoor pictures. The pictures of the males do as well. Given the overall weight projections of fenitrigo flowering it would be a fair assessment that the structure and proportion would hold up and be consistent.

Both of the males in your indoor and Nevil's outdoor are consistent with the female Nevil selected and each other in their overall structure and morphology. You also mentioned it breeds true with very little variation which also helps in identification.

In both of the flowering pictures of your Thai above they have far more flower development in the terminal buds with less in the interior canopy. Accounting for approximately 1/3 of the overall height of the plant which is also consistent in the morphology of the branches. As seen above.

In these untrained Thai examples their proportions are about 1/3 as wide as they are tall. Their branching in both instances is incrementally shorter at a consistent upward angle lending the overall shape of a spruce or even are arborvitae with the male on the left.

By contrast Nevil's selections of NH21 and NH36 have far more energy put into branching at an almost 1:1 ratio of height and width.

Another distinctive contrast between your Thai and Nevil's NH selections is the node spacing. Your Thai node spacing as well as energy into each flower site is not consistent through the canopy relative to the NH21 and NH36

Zooming in on the pictures it can be seen that the Thai node spacing becomes incrementally shorter until focusing all of its energy into the terminal flowers.

One of the more prominent markers of Nevil's selection on both parents is that they have very consistent node spacing along the entire length of the branches with equally consistent flower size through the canopy. There is almost no branching from each branch. A very distinctive growth pa inttern.

Both of these NH21 are from the same plant, but this top rolled back and was cut off in the lower picture as were some side branches.


zooming in on the NH21 above, the NH36 or Dwight's #8 all have sprawling 1:1 branching as well as the consistent NH node spacing and flower production throughout the canopy .

Growing conditions aside, Hempy's Thai seams to have the most prominent fenitrigo traits of all 3 parents selected.

@HEMPY, I love the full flower pictures you posted of your Thai and totally understand training the plants for height limitations. I also understand your reasoning for significantly increasing the dark cycle to finish the flower.

However, these factors do not result in an accurate representation of that plant grown untrained for purposes of trait identification.

The result in your conditions shown here is that the foxtails further elongate. They will grow off of the otherwise vertical terminal flower reaching for the light.

I focus a lot on trait identification so I am trying to picture it what it would look like through cross referencing all of the pictures we do have available.

This is what I picture untrained and upright.

A Symmetrical upright plant with foxtails tighter to the branches and more focused terminal flower development relative to Nevil's Outback selections.

Do you have any more pictures of your Thai. The more information the more their is to examine and identify.

I know I include my line of thinking about what I notice, but pictures as they say are worth a thousand words.

what contrasts of similarities do you all see and why?✌️🙏


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Well-known member
The OutBack Haze is Thia/N21 x NH36 and Nevil also made NH21 x NH36 seed.
I know Nevil had sent Dwight a rather large collection of including 36 x 4 and 18 x 4, 36 x 21 etc. as well as numerous other.

He has worked though, selected and made most recombinations that are possible at this point. There were some that Nevil indicated would not be worthwhile.

I know there are other collections out there as well, but the seeds are encoded rather than labeled. I precaution Nevil took. Dwight knows the coding as does Shanti from my understanding. ✌️


The Haze Whisperer
@HEMPY, I love the full flower pictures you posted of your Thai and totally understand training the plants for height limitations. I also understand your reasoning for significantly increasing the dark cycle to finish the flower.

However, these factors do not result in an accurate representation of that plant grown untrained for purposes of trait identification.

The result in your conditions shown here is that the foxtails further elongate. They will grow off of the otherwise vertical terminal flower reaching for the light.

I am a bit confused at some of the things you're posting, mate.

Those plants were grown under 18/6 in veg and then flowered under 12/12.

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