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OT1 Haze?


Bob Green

Are you guys ever going to do a re release of Oldtimer Haze with multiple mothers and fathers like you did before? It would sure be nice to get a few packs with a variety of phenos.

Ras Pablo

Well-known member
Are you guys ever going to do a re release of Oldtimer Haze with multiple mothers and fathers like you did before? It would sure be nice to get a few packs with a variety of phenos.

I don't think so....as far as I know the release you're talking about was the only opportunity for all those interested in this line to get it alive and fresh, those one's that didn't take a pack or make their own F2...lost their opportunity to keep alive OT1 Haze.


Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Bob, I would like to hear Dubi comment on whether Ace will ever release new OTH. Many moons ago, he said a possibility in the New Year but I believe the intent was to use Male 6 x unknown single female. I was lucky enough to get a pack of 3F x 6M in the clearing out of SeedBay stock. Had also won a pack of 13F x 6M but alas, Seedbay accidentally shipped to someone else. I don't know germ rates on the 3F x 6M, but will be trying a few soon as well as a few seeds from recent purchase from their mid 2009 release. I recently found this pack from on line. PM if you wish for more details.


i think dubi said the plants got stolen so another set back? i know some people to who are waiting, i hope ACE continue what i would call there most famous strain now!

charlie garcia

Hi everyone
I dont know either what is going to happen. I sent some lots again of Oldtimer Haze to ACE guys some months ago in the hope and wish they would make some seed stocks. But I dont know about them... Wish maybe next season could be done if still some interest in this old line from Oldtimer
best everyone

Bob Green

I for one would love to get my hands on a few packs. I am sure there are quite a few people around the world that feel like it is a line worth preserving too. I hope I did not learn about ACE too late to get some for myself. But keep up the good work!


ACE Seeds Breeder
High all,

Oldtimer's haze wont be available in the next months, reproduction was delayed so it will take a bit of time to re organize again the reproduction. We still have selected Green Haze x Meao Thai and Purple Haze x Meao Thai hybrids but not 'pure' Oldtimers' Haze. Thanks for your interest.

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
High all,

Oldtimer's haze wont be available in the next months, reproduction was delayed so it will take a bit of time to re organize again the reproduction. We still have selected Green Haze x Meao Thai and Purple Haze x Meao Thai hybrids but not 'pure' Oldtimers' Haze. Thanks for your interest.


Wish you and Ace collective well. Keep up the fight to reproduce this line. It appears to be well worth the struggle and I for one wish for more than the two packs I have for many years of selection.


I am also interested in some packs of OTHaze.
It seems we all need to keep the fight to preserve the more rarer lines. We should each do our parts to keep a non-selected preservation line available for the future. Much like US falconers gave up their prized birds for breeding projects that bolstered the wild populations following the DDT epidemic which ravaged US raptor populations. Just my two cents. ;)

Keep up the good work ACE! I cant wait for my VBxThai's to germ!! :)

Btw Dubi, did I read correctly that Di Wee Dalat had sent you some beans?....Years ago!!! ;) At any rate, I've been looking around trying to decipher whatever happened to the line and if it's/he's still around...... :\


ACE Seeds Breeder
Btw Dubi, did I read correctly that Di Wee Dalat had sent you some beans?....Years ago!!! ;) At any rate, I've been looking around trying to decipher whatever happened to the line and if it's/he's still around...... :\

Yes, DWD shared her dalat vietnamese sativa many years ago, i had the good luck to grow the original seeds, she was an extreme tropical sativa reaching more than 3 meters outdoors and finishing in December. Classic SE asian sativa expressions: high quality positive effect, lemony, spicy and woody aromas but dalat sativa line was very hermie, hard to breed with her, i indeed did a few crosses with her but they were not very interesting at all.

I think DWD reproduced several dalat generations in pure form, not sure if he managed to lower down the hermie rates. Unfortunatly i lost contact with him when ovegrow was banned.


Oh. That's too bad.... The dalat strain had a great story behind it! I read the entire archived CC thread. As I remember there were some good equatorial sativa grow info in there!


Got a question about OT Haze:

What do y'all consider to be the most quintessential Haze traits? I guess what I mean is in a cross, even within it's own population, the offspring just has to have these qualities, in your opinion.