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Tutorial Organics for Beginners



and was wondering wether I should do the base in sphagnum peat, coir, or pro moss?

Stick with the recipe. It works great. Maybe add rock powders.....they will be effective in the following crops.

But do you have to feed the plants anything else with this mix, or is what is in the soil enough to last? It seems that what you supplement the soil with will feed the plant throughout the grow and all you would have to add is plain water, and maybe some ewc tea?

Depends on your plants needs. Some do some do not.

EWC tea will add micro organisms to the soil.....once every other week is good with that.

Thanks for making the switch. Stick around we are a fun bunch. :)



LC#2 problems

LC#2 problems

I am trying my first purely organic grow using LC#2, mixed to a "T" using FFOF and Sunshine, perlite, EWC, and powdered dolomitic lime. I also added blood and bone meal, green sand, kelp, and the only thing I added extra was Myco Maximum to get a jump start on the micro herd... I let it cook in a covered tub in the living room for about a month. I kept it moist with some Hi Brix and Liquid Karma mixed with my water.
I started the seedlings in #2mix but used Light Warrior instead of FFOF and the sunshine and didnt add the nutes to the seedling mix. I used two litre pepsi jugs,cut in half.

I know a lot of people here say dont worry about the ph, but I have well water that runs about 9ph, so I got some food grade citric acid crystals and added 1/4 tsp per gallon of water which brought ph down to 6.5 at the time it was mixed. I mixed a few gallons up at a time, watered with a spray bottle along edges of containers as needed. Everything was looking good until about 3 weeks, I started getting some yellowing, looked like N def to me so I mixed some half strength Earth Juice Grow and fed them. I checked ph before I fed and it was around 6 if I remember right.

Next morning I get spots showing up on the leaves, even some of the green leaves that werent yellowing yet. Looked like this:

So I figure ph is going wacky on me somehow. I then checked the citric acid water I had been using and had risen up to 7.5, which I didnt think would bother me, but could find no other explanation.
I transplanted the plants a day later, into the nuted LC#2, and watered with 1tblsp Hi Brix (molasses) per gallon of 9ph water which brought ph down to 5.8. That has been 3 days ago and plants look like this now:
Today, I got curious and decided to do some tests. I have some left over LC#2 mix, so I put it in some pots. Got some r/o water and tested the run off.. 7.25 ph runoff. So I started ph'ing some well water using the Hi Brix to bring it down. I got some down to 5.2 ph with 2tbls and tested the runoff from that, it tests at 7.1runoff...
My well water is runoff is at 7.7ph... with the veg LC#2.. I dont have any of the seedling mix to check what it was...

Wouldnt you say I have ph problems?

I know this mix is supposed to be bullet proof, but I am having troubles.. Since transplant one more set of leaves have shown signs of ph lockout. Some of the younger plants started showing signs of N def but have stopped since transplant...

Thanks to all of you for ready my ramblings, I need some suggestions to keep this from happening again. And some suggestions to keep them alive this time.

I was going to water with r/o water after all this shit happened, but now since I tested its run off, I am not so sure I shouldnt water with the molasses everytime for a while to get ph down. Next time, I will cut down on the lime I use or just get some pure peat to use instead of the hi dollar ffof...

Help me if you can, All suggestions welcome.......



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Wouldnt you say I have ph problems?

This is what I would do......

Chec you notes......see what the amounts were that you mixed with. If they are right then i is the FFOF. I had PH problems with it also but it was too low. I would mix a new batch of soil minus the FFOF and transplant NOW.

Your plants have stunted growth and heavy yellowing or the lower leaves. Adding more things to correct the problem will only add to the problem. Your foundation soil mix is off. Transplant!!

New mix and really, really pay attention. I did something similar with chicken shit once........another story. But a mistake for us stoners is very high sometimes. :)

Start over with the soil, Take notes, learn.

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mad librettist

Active member
and consider a bare root transplant if you are brave. Just google that phrase and you will probably get pics and videos showing how.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Ok, so we mixed up some new soil yesterday and followed LC mix #2 recipe besides the addition of greensand. Here is the amounts that we came up with to make it easy.

1 bale of sunshine mix
9.5 gallons of EWC
9.5 gallons of Perlite
5.9 cups of Dolomite
5 cups of Greensand

Mixed in a kiddy pool which is actually the perfect size. That is about the easiest way for us, is just using the full bale and going from there. Vonforne or B1, do you think that looks right for greensand?


Ok, so we mixed up some new soil yesterday and followed LC mix #2 recipe besides the addition of greensand. Here is the amounts that we came up with to make it easy.

1 bale of sunshine mix
9.5 gallons of EWC
9.5 gallons of Perlite
5.9 cups of Dolomite
5 cups of Greensand

Mixed in a kiddy pool which is actually the perfect size. That is about the easiest way for us, is just using the full bale and going from there. Vonforne or B1, do you think that looks right for greensand?

ya that will work growclean. LOL I had to go back and read the mix again. But 5 cups is 80 TBS so you are in the ball park.

So, how is it going growclean?



Von and Mad, Thanks for the input.

I have a bunch of MG organic setting in a tub from the last grow. I was using some EarthJuice Grow and Bloom, and mollases during that last grow, so it may be building some micro, I dont know.
I didnt add anything else, no lime or anything, which didnt turn out to well for me, as you can imagine. Thats why I decided to cut no corners this time, but some how things went awry.

How about if I take the MG I have, add perlite, worm castings, MAYBE 1/2 DOLOMITIC LIME, then add the regular amount of blood, bone, kelp meals, jersey green sand, and some Liquid Karma to moisten it. Then take this mix, and blend it in half and half with the mix my plants are in right now and transplant them??

That way I should have somewhat of an existing microherd going that will spread easily to the new mix ....

Make sense??


By the way, the plants are looking just a little better today, not any worse, but I am still skeptical about the soil base I have... base


Active member
Just getting ready to move the plants from the veg table to the flower room. At that time, I will be transplanting for a final time to larger pots and the LC #2 mix that's been ripening for 3 weeks with the bone, blood, kelp etc.

I'm excited to see how these things grow with just water and teas. But being an old school farmer type of guy that is used to applying N-P-K-S through the drip, with micros via foliar, I can tell you that I'm tentative.

I feel like I'm losing control of the procedure.

We'll see the effects.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
So, how is it going growclean?


Thanks as usual. It is going good. We are a few weeks out from our first harvest. Hit a couple of bumps along the way. The worst of which was getting clones originally from an apparently infected source. Getting rid of the spider mites was a PIA. Had I to do it over again I would only start from seed. But we do have a good seed stash now and after this run of flowers and the run of their clones that they have behind them, we are starting our own strains. We will be scrapping all the strains we are running now. This will make it tough again. But we will see. I will post some pics in another thread soon!

Thanks for asking!


Von and Mad, Thanks for the input.

I have a bunch of MG organic setting in a tub from the last grow. I was using some EarthJuice Grow and Bloom, and mollases during that last grow, so it may be building some micro, I dont know.
I didnt add anything else, no lime or anything, which didnt turn out to well for me, as you can imagine. Thats why I decided to cut no corners this time, but some how things went awry.

How about if I take the MG I have, add perlite, worm castings, MAYBE 1/2 DOLOMITIC LIME, then add the regular amount of blood, bone, kelp meals, jersey green sand, and some Liquid Karma to moisten it. Then take this mix, and blend it in half and half with the mix my plants are in right now and transplant them??

That way I should have somewhat of an existing microherd going that will spread easily to the new mix ....

Make sense??


By the way, the plants are looking just a little better today, not any worse, but I am still skeptical about the soil base I have... base

I do not know what your existing soil is made from but with the description I will assume it is MG.

I would go half the amount of the blood meal........you do not know how much N isn´t the soil. You can always add but never take away from the soil once it is in there. I would go with a little more lime. About 1.5 TBS per gallon.

Fora micro herd just brew a fresh batch of ACT and water in. No problem.

You are on the right track. Keep us posted and if you need any help .....just ring.



Just getting ready to move the plants from the veg table to the flower room. At that time, I will be transplanting for a final time to larger pots and the LC #2 mix that's been ripening for 3 weeks with the bone, blood, kelp etc.

I'm excited to see how these things grow with just water and teas. But being an old school farmer type of guy that is used to applying N-P-K-S through the drip, with micros via foliar, I can tell you that I'm tentative.

I feel like I'm losing control of the procedure.

We'll see the effects.

Before long grapeman, you will just transplant and harvest.

KISS! That is what we teach.

I am glad you like it man. Thanks for giving us a chance.



Thanks as usual. It is going good. We are a few weeks out from our first harvest. Hit a couple of bumps along the way. The worst of which was getting clones originally from an apparently infected source. Getting rid of the spider mites was a PIA. Had I to do it over again I would only start from seed. But we do have a good seed stash now and after this run of flowers and the run of their clones that they have behind them, we are starting our own strains. We will be scrapping all the strains we are running now. This will make it tough again. But we will see. I will post some pics in another thread soon!

Thanks for asking!

Those little bumps along the way will make you shine like a star on down the road.

Keep us posted brother. I want to see some pictures of those plants and some of those seed plants of yours also.



Active member
Before long grapeman, you will just transplant and harvest.

KISS! That is what we teach.

I am glad you like it man. Thanks for giving us a chance.


I hedged my bets. I made a batch of LC#2 with the blood, bone etc. early and planted my beefsteaks in them a month and a half ago. They really love the soil so far. Almost killed my gardner when he was irrigating the pots from the hose instead of the water bin I have next to the pots so the chorine will dissipate first.. LOL

I tried to explain in spanish that I was trying to take care of the micro herd and he might've just killed millions of my friends. but my spanish is limited to all things grapes. so I just had to forbid him from ever watering my tomatoes.

Thanks for your help B1 & V


Grapeman........I am running my tomatoes in 100 liter-modified LC´s mix also. The eat that mix up for sure.

I have a question regarding LC's mix # 2

Am i understanding it correctly that i can just mix up the promix, perlite, lime and EWC as my base and then to fertilize i can use RECIPE #5

Fish and Seaweed

For veg growth…
1 capful 5-1-1 Fish Emulsion
1 capful Neptune's Harvest 0-0-1 Seaweed or Maxicrop liquid
1 gallon H2O

For early flowering…
1 tbs. Neptune’s Harvest 2-3-1 Fish/Seaweed
1 gallon H2O

For mid to late flowering…
1 tbs. Neptune’s Harvest 2-4-1 Fish
1 gallon H2O

for my fertilizer?
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I have a question regarding LC's mix # 2

Am i understanding it correctly that i can just mix up the promix, perlite, lime and EWC as my base and then to fertilize i can use RECIPE #5

Fish and Seaweed

For veg growth…
1 capful 5-1-1 Fish Emulsion
1 capful Neptune's Harvest 0-0-1 Seaweed or Maxicrop liquid
1 gallon H2O

For early flowering…
1 tbs. Neptune’s Harvest 2-3-1 Fish/Seaweed
1 gallon H2O

For mid to late flowering…
1 tbs. Neptune’s Harvest 2-4-1 Fish
1 gallon H2O

for my fertilizer?

Also, there is no need to let this mix 'cook' so to speak?

mad librettist

Active member
Nope. That's only for blood meal.

But use good humus (compost). Makes a big difference. Any priblems just use more in a tea or slurry.