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Oregon Organic Guerrilla 2009, with your host BACKCOUNTRY


Thats a tough pill.....I am sorry bro, I too had a grow partner like you, mine was a Dingo, never ever left my side until the day he died, I hate these days....

Stay Strong my ORYGUN friend....


Smoke weed and prosper
Sorry to hear that BC. It's hard to lose a friend, a companion and the most trusted grow partner a man can have. As a dog lover i understand your loss and I too mill miss seeing (pictures or/with) her.


Active member
sorry about your loss :( im a dog lover to , ive lost two dogs in my live and i know what the felling is.

"If dogs don't go to heaven then when I die, I want to go where they go"


Doing what we do because we are who we are
I am truly sorry for your loss Backcountry.

I to take my dog with me to my plots, I just would not have it any other way... he is getting very old he is 13 years old but can still keep up with the best of them when he has to..
She looks beautiful in those pics


Mourning the loss of my dog......
She had a great run! 12 years isn't bad for a full time outside dog, I'm glad that she was taken quickly and didn't suffer anymore of the torments of old age. A large black Lab has replaced her on my guerrilla runs the last couple years, but he is not as likely to stick with me out in the hills, not as likely to be there when the Cougar is sneaking up.

I want to replace her with another Lab type dog(they are the easiest breeds to train not to chase livestock), another female(more loyal than males), but bigger. A Newfoundland/Lab cross would be perfect, or maybe some kind of Mastiff or Burmese mountain dog cross with Lab(I hate purebreds).


Umm its up in the hills somewhere between Cave Junction and Takilma I believe...

It's been about 7 or 8 years since I went up there but it looks almost identical to the lake in your pic.

Break out a map and look for it...it makes for an awesome day trip


Throbbing Member

The last 2 dogs we have had have been lab x ?? mixes. I love them, I find them to be smarter than most labs without the goofyness you find in a 100% lab. One was a black lab x Chow mix, and the other we still have is a yellow lab x shephard mix. Both were/are great with kids but very protective of the family.

Good luck on your search and sorry for your loss.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Umm its up in the hills somewhere between Cave Junction and Takilma I believe...

It's been about 7 or 8 years since I went up there but it looks almost identical to the lake in your pic.

Break out a map and look for it...it makes for an awesome day trip
From where I live, the Cascades are easier to get to, the only hiking I've done on the west or southside of the valley is along the wild Rogue between Mariel and Agness, a very beautiful 1-2 day hike(lots of water falls).

Looking at my Oregon atlas and Falconguide "Hiking Oregons Southern Cascades and Siskiyous", I see that Bolen lake is near the California boarder, in the vicinity of the Red buttes wilderness. I've been itching for years to do some hiking in the Red buttes and Kalmiopsis wilderness areas. I'm especially interested in hiking the wilderness portion of the Illinois river(a rugged area I'm told).
My dad is in love with the Sky lakes wilderness and Mountain lakes wilderness, so thats where I hike.
The lake in the picture is Buckeye lake in the Rogue-Umpqua divide wilderness, as far north as I have hiked yet, it is about the same size as Bolen lake according to my book. I also want to hike the Eagle caps desperately, but I might wait on that one for horses(it more resembles the Rockies than other western mountain ranges).

Bacchus said:
The last 2 dogs we have had have been lab x ?? mixes. I love them, I find them to be smarter than most labs without the goofyness you find in a 100% lab. One was a black lab x Chow mix, and the other we still have is a yellow lab x shephard mix. Both were/are great with kids but very protective of the family.
For sure, the (pure?) Black Lab I have been hiking with is just too immature for my tastes, almost all my dogs have been Lab crosses, this last dog was a Golden retrieverX Lab. My Boarder collieX Lab wouldn't leave the livestock alone, my best so far was a NewfoundlandX Lab, she was fiercely loyal, aggressive when threats were present, big as fuck, smart, and stayed close to the women and children when they were around. She died mysteriously of kidney failure, a huge loss! I'd love to find another large dog crossed with Lab.
Sorry to hear man. Personally german shepperds are the best for me. They are guard dogs and will put there life on the line for you at any given time, Always be at your side and never even let you out of there sight. And nothing will get close to you w/o you knowing if your sheppherds by your side, which is always.They shed hair, Thats the only real pain.They always have your back, Literally, If your facing one way, the dog will face the other way,always. They put themselves in a good vantage point by nature and love to work and play.


From where I live, the Cascades are easier to get to, the only hiking I've done on the west or southside of the valley is along the wild
Rogue between Mariel and Agness, a very beautiful 1-2 day hike(lots of water falls).

Looking at my Oregon atlas and Falconguide "Hiking Oregons Southern Cascades and Siskiyous", I see that Bolen lake is near the California boarder, in the vicinity of the Red buttes wilderness. I've been itching for years to do some hiking in the Red buttes and Kalmiopsis wilderness areas. I'm especially interested in hiking the wilderness portion of the Illinois river(a rugged area I'm told).
My dad is in love with the Sky lakes wilderness and Mountain lakes wilderness, so thats where I hike.
The lake in the picture is Buckeye lake in the Rogue-Umpqua divide wilderness, as far north as I have hiked yet, it is about the same size as Bolen lake according to my book. I also want to hike the Eagle caps desperately, but I might wait on that one for horses(it more resembles the Rockies than other western mountain ranges).

Im basically just the opposite of you, Ive been all over the westside of the valley, but not much east.

Southern Oregon sure is beautiful, though :) Our own little paradise.


Sorry to hear of her passing BC. She looks like she really enjoyed being in the woods and going with you to check on your grow.


Canna Coco grower
Around noon PST today, my dog of 12 years died, from a heart-attack or stroke. She has been my primary grow partner during most of that time, and is BACKCOUNTRY's mascot(she is the dog that appears in my gif avatar).
She will be missed, not a great guard dog, but very loyal and kind.

Outside of my friends and family, my peers at OG and ICmag are the only people that knew her at all, so after e-mailing my family, I decided to share with you all.

A few pics from the past-










Brother... I am so sorry to hear that.... I know how important our pets are... and I grieve for your loss Backcountry..

I hope can find your pets spirit in another.... it will happen and another bond will form with many new memories.. Which will take nothing away from the precious memories you have with this friend..

Hang in there..... Spirit never dies... energy never disapears it only changes form... E=mc2



BC, not to be the 50th person, but like everyone else has said; it sucks to lose a very loyal companion.

On the flip side of that. How would the earth hole 'refill' it's oxygen supply. If each fiber is moist, in turn the plant uses the available oxygen, how could the air penetrate the soil to fill the collapsed air pocket?

UG! :joint:


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Between the fibers silly!!! The water is in the fibers, not on the outside, water on inside, air on outside! The water will not pool between the fibers to purge out the air, we are talking microscopic here BTW.

Kinda like jumping into one of those "pools" full of plastic balls at your local McDonald's......it looks like its all little plastic balls, but there are spaces between them........

Keep re-reading the explanation until it makes since, it is all there.


Smoke weed and prosper
i wanted to jump in and add that you did use coco-coir and that stuff is known for 2 things: water retention and aerating soil mixes...or at least that's what i know and love it for :D
but i like your explanation more ... plastic balls... gave me a good laugh too


Active member
I'm not about to start burying totes or barrels or whatever...but thank you for doing the experiment anyways! it's nice to know someone is always thinking to better the way mother nature provides. Necessity is the mother of invention, and pot farmers are in need!
Need to legalize the growing, distributing, and consumption of cannabis for all to benefit!!!

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