Using your credit card will not get you busted. Usually police are tipped off by someone who knows you grow.
After you are arrested, the DA may acquire all sorts of evidence to shore up their case. Any grow related equipment, material, refuse, bags, scales, paraphernalia, stems, trim, weapons, credit card & bank statements, etc.
They can't and won't look into financial records unless they already have plenty of evidence to charge you.
IMO, there are other things to worry about.
That's always been the problem with growing- you're a sitting duck for rollovers & snitches. Even dealers who move considerable weight might get raided when they have no product- I saw that happen many years ago- but growers always have something going.
It starts with a fuckup or a lie, or a little of both. Your best buddy lets his fuckup cousin know that you grow. Months later, the fuckup gets popped for something, anything, and he'll swear to the cops that he's seen your grow. A little surveillance, a little snooping around reveals corroborative evidence for a warrant, so Whamalama! You're busted.
After that is when they check the electric bill, your financials, whatever they can get to increase the load on you, probably including the dog's vaccination record. Building an airtight case increases the chances that you'll cop a plea, which is what they want. Down you go.
Anybody who has ever received the green customs tape should realize that they have a little bit of a line on you. OTOH, if they wanted to bust you, they'd have proceeded differently. Your seeds would have arrived, followed by the bust some time later, if they could come up with corroborative evidence. Just because they intercepted some seeds with your name on 'em doesn't mean you ordered 'em nor apparently is it grounds to search your financials, either. As the whole thing gets more computerized, having your name come up too many times probably isn't a good thing, but it remains to be seen if even that is a real problem.
Here in Colorado, seed growers shouldn't need to deal with the hassle or the anxiety as good genetics will be available OTC come Jan 1. Customs doesn't matter when there's no border between the seed producer and the grower.