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- Opiated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth? -


Active member
I wasn't there. I do know an old Deadhead tour head, who unprompted, mentioned dealing Thai Stick in WA state that had been laced and caused withdraws when it ran out. The story was about the bud being dipped into the water left over from heroin manufacture, not in the opium itself. Think about it. You are making massive amounts of heroin, which only uses one alkaloid, morphine. Yet you have this waste water left over, with a cocktail of other opiate alkaloids being present, chiefly codeine. Why would you not utilize this post consumer waste product? So the argument that it must not have been done due to cost seems extremely weak.

I can comment on a slightly related episode, that I experienced: Back in the late 90's, some friends were at the hospital, due to another friend breaking his arm. Some nurse failed to secure an ampule of morphine, which somehow ended up in one of my friend's pockets... So they being stoners, not junkies, decided to lace it heavily onto lower quality commercial weed. My friend and I picked up a 1/4oz for $20. We smoked some, and being teenagers at the time, were outside via a downstairs window and while walking back, to go inside, my friend simply fell and rolled down a hill, smacking into a fence. After retrieving him and attempting reentry the 2nd time, he somehow fell and about cracked his head open on the foundation, only to get up completely unaware of what just happened. Once inside, while laying down, I remember getting pronounced CEV's until oblivion overtook me. The next day, we smoked more out in the woods, to the effect of nodding out on the forest floor for the next 4-5 hours. Fun times.

Donald Mallard

el duck
I wasn't there. I do know an old Deadhead tour head, who unprompted, mentioned dealing Thai Stick in WA state that had been laced and caused withdraws when it ran out. The story was about the bud being dipped into the water left over from heroin manufacture, not in the opium itself. Think about it. You are making massive amounts of heroin, which only uses one alkaloid, morphine. Yet you have this waste water left over, with a cocktail of other opiate alkaloids being present, chiefly codeine. Why would you not utilize this post consumer waste product? So the argument that it must not have been done due to cost seems extremely weak.

I can comment on a slightly related episode, that I experienced: Back in the late 90's, some friends were at the hospital, due to another friend breaking his arm. Some nurse failed to secure an ampule of morphine, which somehow ended up in one of my friend's pockets... So they being stoners, not junkies, decided to lace it heavily onto lower quality commercial weed. My friend and I picked up a 1/4oz for $20. We smoked some, and being teenagers at the time, were outside via a downstairs window and while walking back, to go inside, my friend simply fell and rolled down a hill, smacking into a fence. After retrieving him and attempting reentry the 2nd time, he somehow fell and about cracked his head open on the foundation, only to get up completely unaware of what just happened. Once inside, while laying down, I remember getting pronounced CEV's until oblivion overtook me. The next day, we smoked more out in the woods, to the effect of nodding out on the forest floor for the next 4-5 hours. Fun times.

cant be bothered repeating myself or what others have said for goodness knows how many pages ,
so just read the thread man ...
youll see that old head had no idea and was just repeating some urban myth he had been told ..


Well-known member
cant be bothered repeating myself or what others have said for goodness knows how many pages ,
so just read the thread man ...
youll see that old head had no idea and was just repeating some urban myth he had been told ..

just close the thread... some stories will never be told the ones who know dont say
is there a angel dust on the weed thread ? Im pretty sure that got the weed wet...:bigeye:
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Donald Mallard

el duck
just close the thread... some stories will never be told the ones who know dont say

yep your right ,
im pretty sure no new information can come ,
and it is a bit annoying when folks see the title of a thread ,
then comment without bothering to see what comments have already been made ,
thereby repeating the same shit over and over ...
so i think we can wrap this one up ...


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
With the legalisation in Thailand and more Thai members joining our forum, I think it might be a good idea to unlock this thread and get hopefully some more inside information from our Thai members.

Please note keep it civil in this thread or this thread might get locked again.


Well-known member
I remember smoking opium out of a light bulb with a straw. Doesn't it have to be vaporized? I thought incineration would destroy it


New member
I used a pipe for opium. Usually with hash under it. It turns blood red and leaves a little hard residue, surely someone would notice laudenumweed.

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