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Oldie strain


New member
Was pondering some of the old smoke from way back. Remember Elephant weed ? Was told it was weed soaked in Elephant tranquilizers , never did find out what it was . Does anyone really know ? Was about the same era when Thai sticks were making their rounds .


Way back in the day before I knew anything about weed besides smiking it I had some stuff called "Guano". The guy who sold it said that it was made from all bat guano and no light ever was shinned on it. The things you learn.


Elephant weed, the high lasted all friggin day, you would forget that you smoked it, but the high didn't quit. I remember one evening thinking I was coming down with a cold or something as I was buzzed but hadn't smoked since that morning.


Elephant weed is still around i smoked some that my gf's dad got from middle aged women whos son grew it, this was only 2 years ago at most.

Nice light green buds, amazing high i loved it.

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