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Old Skunk#1 Freebies from Gypsy

  • Thread starter IceColdCrickets
  • Start date


there sam the skunk mans skunk #1 and from what ive herd there nothin but primo genes.


Non Conformist


MarijuanaMesiah said:
there sam the skunk mans skunk #1 and from what ive herd there nothin but primo genes.
They were indeed Sams.There old though so they didn't (don't)germ. the best,but I think if ya babied them you could get em to pop.Good luck,take care...BC


Heres a great pic of the skunk #1 feebie your talking about from abby normal


hope this helps and best of luck

i hear the same thing as BC stated.
they were from sam skunk man given to gypsy. but that germ rates my be low cuz they were older seeds.
i popped mine quit some time ago cant even remember the germ rates but i know it wasnt that bad.
i had a few females but i wasnt to excited about the end product i do remember that hehe.


Active member
I hate to pee in your punch bowl but frankly, Nirvana's freebies have been a HUGE disapointment and in my opnion, a waste of time

The skunk1's were as hermi prone as most mexican strains - and that's bad! They would polinate other plants too - people hate that. -- And the quality was bunk.
My friends and I are spoiled as shit, we choose what we like and I can tell you some of the rejects were not cheap seeds. I never grow for quanitity - it's quality that I take pride in.

I fact, I got some G13XWhite Giant Freebies with a order that totaled several hundred dollars,,,,, - - I just sprouted them a couple weeks ago,,,, 2 sprouted - one of them, the growth tip died - just 2 little seed pod leaves that have been green for a couple weeks now - and ONE other out of ten seeds.
All I can say is Phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhat! -- Now, it's no big deal - I have C-99 X NYCD and Bogs LSD - - and a B-52 in veg and flower - - had those freebies been my only garden, I'd be bummed - ok, more bummed - -

And you need to harvest before you can grade the plant - so the smart grower will have clones established from the begining.

(and a good way to mark them and keep the linage straight)

I kill anything average or below, anything that hermies easily and a few others just to scare the rest into submission.

The freebies have never made it past the first round.
and I was a rookie lightweight back then.

Life is too short for poor weed


how can something you get for free be a HUGE disappointment? sam the skunkman is one of the most tried and true breeder's on the market. he has the original skunk #1 and i know for a fact they arent hermie-prone.
the germ rates on the freebies sucked, but i did get three amazing skunk #1's a few years back that truly knocked the shit out of the more modern, more hyped genetics i was growing at the time.
as for other freebies from gypsy, here's a thaitanic f2 i was GIFTED with an order:

its going to be a time-waster for sure by the time it gets in my bowl! :joint:


I loved the freebie Skunk #1, exactly the same as the Pure Skunk #1 from TFD, I had no hermie issues but only got 4 plants from the 10, bad germ rates due to being older seeds. I made F2s using the male and the nicest female, of the three females, two were the sweet pheno and were very sativa looking, the thired was the stinky pheno that looks a little more indica and is a touch more potent, that was the one I used to make seed. I also made a Columbian Gold X Skunk #1 cross using a Columbian male and one of the sweet pheno females. I've kept a couple of clones of the sweet pheno as I really liked the taste and the yield was pretty damn impressive too, it's easy to see why the Dutch crossed this SKunk to so many other strains, it's a true classic.

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amen to that hempire! skunk is the universal cross it seems. it adds yield while decreasing flowering time (to sativas) and still the flavor of the plant it is crossed to is retained.


No pics atm, but definitely grow out those SK#1 freebies. Sam the Skunkman told me himself (through pm's) that they are indeed from him, and that they are indeed EXACTLY the same as The Flying Dutchmen's "the Pure".

Grow them, make seeds if you get a nice growing male, and have genuine SK#1 seeds forever. I did, and I still grow out the seeds from time to time.




Active member
i was gifted about 14 seeds of the Skunk #1 freebies. 5 split in water, 3 came up, and 2 fizzled out after about 1'' tall. I was left with one seedling from 14. It was female, i vegged it up quite large, and with 15+ other strain she was the only one to thru out male nanners in late flower.

She loosely seeded almost everything, and was easily the worst bud outa all the strains from that grow. It looks ok, but smells of the bland dutch 'sweet skunk', which should not even be called skunk, as it smells nothing like one at all. The high was the same, pretty bland, boring, and week.

I woul personaly rather grow good bagseed, any day of the the week.

I know I only had one female, but this is an IBL, and she looked pretty much the same as all the pics i've seen of her. there could be nicer examples, but they would have to be extremely different phenos..

I'm not flaming the freebies, or bitching, just answering the thread starter's question.

On the other hand the Blockhead freebies were some of the best seeds i've ever grown, the Mexican Sativa was interesting and herm free, the Black Thai was a good grower and potent, altho not my fave taste. the MMM had males nanners on almost everyone of the 5-6 fems i flowered, sometimes not showing up until flowered from clone..
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Active member
IceColdCrickets said:
thanks for the info on the pheno you found. I think in IBL strains you can always find a shitty pheno in any population that will ruin you from the rest ,, Could be from seed exposure to elements and slightly damaged. Or could have been a fucked up seed..

OR ... just like when other things breed there is always a chance to get a RETARD in the group. I wish you would have had more then 1 plant to compare to instead of writing the whole strain population off as shitty.

Uniformity within a stablized hybrid population does not mean that all plants grown from seed will be identical, as nothing but land-races are even close to being homogenous in this way.
The only way to grow precisley the same plant again and again is to use clones from the same mother plant.

i wasn't writing off the whole line, I gave a disclaimer about only getting one female.. I know it's not the best way to judge anything. But I have smoked samples from a few other girls from someone else who got 3 girls from 20 seeds and it was pretty much identical.

But you must always remember that the overall quality of seeds/seedlines is also judged by germ rates.. getting 1/14 can really thro a wrench into your grow.

I know IBLs can have some variation, but should still be very consistant, or else they wouldn't be IBLs.

All I mean, is I MUST HAVE gotten the 'retarded' pheno cause it was shite. I actualy threw pretty much the whole plant into 'grade B' hash bags.

It's not that the plant looked bad, in fact it looked as good or better than all the above pics... It's just that this was the 7-8th 'skunk' i tried, and the least potent, and least skunky of them all. I was extremely frustrated after wasting all the time on the 1st 6-7 'skunk' strains, and i was really hoping on the Skunk#1 to have at least some skunkyness...

Sure, they're ok for a 1st time grower, but i would still recomend well selected bagseed over the Skunk#1 freebies. 1/14 germination (from somone who gets 100% usualy) can disapoint any 1st time grower, and may make them lose interest in growing.

I'm not writing off the line, some people may like the pot and get some better girls... jus IMHO it's bland, boring, and in my area the commercial is at least twice as good. All of the unknown or bagseed i did on my 1st grow was better, easily.

And again, i'm not looking to flame the seeds... it's just my opinion.


My favorite plant in my garden is from a Skunk #1 freebie seed. I've had it for years and cloned it dozens of times with never a ball in sight.

I love this bud... it has an amazing sweet lemon and spice smell, really complex. Anybody who's ever smelled it has been like "where did you get this? (I never tell 'em.) Every once in a while I'll have a plant in flower go all blonde on me, just like its Alcapulco Gold ancestors.

When you smoke, it expands like a bitch, but it is soooo sweet. It is a really up, happy, buzzy high -- the ultimate wake-and-bake weed. I can smoke this shit and work all day.

I haven't grown as many strains as a lot of you guys - only a half-dozen or so, but this plant is worth every penny I ever spent on seeds. And it was FREE!

So you CAN get good plants from skunk freebie seeds, if you're patient and maybe lucky.


I got the low germ ratio durban skunk freebie my buddy got 5 outta 10 to germ it grows one delicious outdoor plant mad pine perhaps sprucey lemon not alotta skunk flavour if any very nice I should be able to get a clone of the lemon spruce its really a special flavour old school buzz really cordial and happy.

I wish i got sk#1 freebies or at the very least TFD's the pure would come back in stock.