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Old farts aches and pains complain thread!!



Aight...I looked around here for the OGOF aches and pains thread lol. I couldnt find anything so here it is! Let me be the first one to have a rant.

Just as I was catching up on everthing, things looking sunny and green, I went and Fuggin pulled something in my back at work tonight:cuss: So Im off to smoke a big fat fookin honker(thanks to a friend) and down some tylenol (always worked for the kidney stones) an Im going to crash and see what happens in the morning! I knew saving some of that beautiful herb would come in handy :sasmokin:

What the hell? Im the only one to have a bitch about this lately?? Ahhh hell, maybe Im just chronic:bat:




Well... I for one am REALLY tired of all this speculation re/ OG. It's giving me a headache.

Hope your back gets better Bang...


gunns..... i said that 4 daze ago ....LOL ....must be u have a higher tolerence for bull shit :smoke:

sorry to hear about the back mr bw ....sure hope u feel better soon ....read somewhere that marijuana is really good for sore backs :wink:

personally i feel pretty good ....for an OF .....:smile:


Hey Gunns and River, the ol back feels a bit better today! Maybe I didnt mess it up as bad as I thought. That big fat hooter sure did help...slept like a baby after it high settled in:D Chiro today and back to work wed. I hope!

Yes, the big ass headache is rampant. Its funny how people draw conclusions purely off of speculation. Hopefully a good bowl of some fine herb will help settle that headache of your down Gunns...at least real light dull one:)



don't waste your money on those bone cracking chiros......daily yoga practice will improve your back naturally and correctly!

try this site www.yoga.org.nz for a free beginners yoga instruction video..it changed my life for the better

I had chronic lower back pain for decades then I developed sciatica which was like getting tasered down one nerve line in my leg.... the last time my lower back "went" I was just about house bound for a month,,..the jolts of pain would almost drop me to the ground ...I couldn't sleep more than a few hours at a time without waking up in pain...I had plently of spare tire around the waist too ....Bubbleman suggested this joga video, I'm glad I took his advice.

after over 4 months of 6 days per week yoga practice later I too highly recommend this beginner's video for anyone with lower back pain as it has greatly improved my quality of life, my breathing has improved, it reduces stress, improves brain function, focus, improves posture immensely and greatly strengthens the mid section muscles of your body which helps support the spine etc etc...

daily yoga combined with a swift 30 minute walk will keep you fit and correctly aligned ...along with many other benefits

why let your body get so down that you have get another person to correctly align your spine - take control of your life and your body with yoga

my problem worsened due to spending most of the waking day sitting in front of a PC!since the mid 90's...I still spend way too much time each day staring at a monitor but the daily yoga and walks keep it all balanced..I've never bveen more "cut" and trim in the guts than right now.

I've just started working towards handstands and headstands...I've always wanted to be like Gomez Adams smoking a fat one while doing a head stand
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My only ache is Gunns posts on vistors and my only pain is that no River flows by my house. I envy you both for that friendship.



Well the older you get the more things that hurt sometimes,lol. Oh well,I think the older you get the more you really appreciate life so like everything else it's ying and yang. The real funny thing about growing old is getting up about the same time you used to get home. Not to mention eating dinner at four thirty. I'm just waiting for a good sale on white shoes and pants that buckle right under my tits (mansierre needed,lol) and I can get a condo at La Boca Vista right by georges and jerry's parents.

the craw

I really want to be in this thread,,,,but i dont got no aches or pains,,last saw a doctor in 84 when I fell off my bike....what can I do to get in.............


I've been suffering with a couple of metatarcil bones broken in both feet! Due to no fault of my own, nuf said. 2 years ago I had double hip replacements and since then I have been fond of tylenol 3, and Oxycotone if I can get my hands on them. Combined with a few fine J&B scotches and few bowls of my finest, I find that helps alot.

Please don't drink and drive!


A place to complain about your aches & pains! Cool thread.

Due to years of construction work & a couple months of stupidity, the back was so bad I was crawling from room to room. Had emergency surgery last year to fix the old L4/L5. Doc released me a few weeks ago and now I'm trying to get back into a regular routine at the gym and damn if everything doesn't hurt nowadays! Your body sure goes downhill when you stop exercising!

Thanks for the link, kifit! :wave: Yoga sounds like something that'll help me. I'll look into it.

billy bob

Aches & Pains

Aches & Pains

I am in my fifties ,worked all of my life on concrete floors so my feet hurt all of the time. plus every now and again I manage to bend my back out of place it usually takes me out of work for at least a week at a time. been to chiropractors with limited relief from the pain. a week laying flat on your back is'nt fun . Some times can't even roll over.I have two fused vertabra in my back bone there is no hope for them so when I over do it I simply have to pay the price through the pain. :yoinks: :badday:

Snot Poker

New member
Well with a name like BANG WANG this seams like and good topic. this getting old takes pratice. I hope I get it right this time Dr. said surgery on L4 and L5 or lose weight, well I've been cut on before so for the past year i've worked off over 40lbs . It has helped and some good meds do help me make it through the days.
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Active member
rt toes hurt from breaking foot a couple of years and not getting it set right
rt heel has heel spur
rt knee has been hurt so long it just always hurts
lt knee hurts from taking the load from the right knee

at least my hips don't hurt...

lower back from a fall 15yrs ago refuse to go under the knife for the back unless it becomes absolutely necessary

both shoulders from several separtions

rt elbow
both wrists from multible bone breaks during childhood and my hands from several surguries..

this year the cool/wet air began to make my body ache...


i have cancer,hep-c,arthrites,cronic pain,mass tumer in thoratic spine, mass tumer in thigh(left)mass tumer in left knee.P.T.S.D(post traumatic stress disorder),depression,clinacal depression.insomnia.deg.disk disease in lower back,ive been in pain and complaining for so long it just dont do any good to complain.cant shit without aide from pills due to excessive use of vikes(asshole closed up tighter than a frogs ass)
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