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Oh Sweet Mary, What's That Perfume You're Wearing?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
3.10 Oh Sweet Mary, What's That Perfume You're Wearing?

When discussing either cannabis flowers or concentrates in detail, the subject of odor comes up, leading to a discussion of the entourage effect of Sweet Mary's panoply of engaging smells, noted for their ability to freely penetrates double zip lock baggies and quickly permeate whole rooms or vehicles.

In Characterizing the Smell of Marijuana by Odor Impact of Volatile Compounds, by Rice and Koziel @ PLOS.org, they identify the dozen most odiferous cannabis compounds escaping from fresh material in a duffle bag, in order of human odor threshold pungency.

Here they are, as well as their physical properties. Of note, is that the chemical composition is of greater impact than vapor pressure:



Active member
OK, I have no idea how I got wedded to the idea that all the good smells had to be mono-terpenes. Makes one wonder how useful those low temperature purges really are...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
OK, I have no idea how I got wedded to the idea that all the good smells had to be mono-terpenes. Makes one wonder how useful those low temperature purges really are...

They are aromatic Alkene hydrocarbons, which act the same as monoterpenes, even if they all aren't.


New member
Rice's work is interesting, but the study needs to be replicated before I put too much stock in their results... Its almost like they got high and did it over a weekend, given the quick and dirty methods they used. I'm all for HomeMethods, but When using SPME for this type of high impact/low [conc] skunkhunt there are sooo many variables to consider. SPME can pick up a 2 day old fart, or the scents residues from fresh washed laundry if hygiene/cross contamiination isnt considered when taking samples.

Regardless, the work shows us that there are some possible missing pieces to understanding how SweetMary Formulates such a wide variety of fragrances (would make the most snooty french perfumer cry if they took a second to take Mary Seriously and smell the range of bouquets she can produce)