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odor issues in a green house


What are the odor issues of growing in a large greenhouse? how far away from the Greenhouse does the odor dissipate?

I'm considering doing a large green house grow (30x100ft) next year, and my concern at the moment is odor from the grow, basically, how many feet (recommended safe distance) would I need to be from my nearest neighbor, so they don't smell it or arouse suspicion/attention, I realize the green house would bring attention to itself, but i plan to grow a lot of fruits and veggies around it, to make it look like a small to medium normal farm grow operation.

I'm looking at some 20-40 acre properties in my area, mostly farming community type areas.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
3 small ripe plants in my greenhouse can be smelt 30 odd feet away. i think you would need carbon filtration/extraction for a greenhouse that big inless you were very isolated. i would probably do it anyway just for peace of mind.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
possibly. i think the idea of making it a believable farm operation is a good one - but it would be a part-time/full time job in itself. grow a sh1t load of highly scented sweat peas and sell the flowers!. i would put a few rows of tomatoes around the edge of the greenhouse too.

river rat01

a shitload of dryer sheets hung all over the inside of the greenhouse do wonders of covering the smell.

and everyone just thinks your doing a lot of laundry.


Overkill is under-rated.
EVERYBODY who sees your greenhouse is going to wonder whats inside it, and anyone you have on the property is gonna ask to see. Any rippers who wander by are gonna head straight for it, and will probably get what they're after. In the US< a remote outbuilding is not considered part of your "curtilage" so cops can basically walk up to it without a warrant. High humidity often leads to mold or PM problems, and bugs can be difficult to keep out. Can't use carbon filters because of the high humidity in greenhouses. These are some of the many reasons greenhouses are not terribly popular, especially for commercial production.

Grow VERY low odor strains if you do this, I'd use ozone generators in the exhaust ducting and tons of ONa Gel or whatever too.


EVERYBODY who sees your greenhouse is going to wonder whats inside it, and anyone you have on the property is gonna ask to see. Any rippers who wander by are gonna head straight for it, and will probably get what they're after. In the US< a remote outbuilding is not considered part of your "curtilage" so cops can basically walk up to it without a warrant. High humidity often leads to mold or PM problems, and bugs can be difficult to keep out. Can't use carbon filters because of the high humidity in greenhouses. These are some of the many reasons greenhouses are not terribly popular, especially for commercial production.

Grow VERY low odor strains if you do this, I'd use ozone generators in the exhaust ducting and tons of ONa Gel or whatever too.

What about in a mountainous region? away from the prying eyes of the general public, I have a lot of options for selection a location.


Overkill is under-rated.
Middle of nowhere might work, but you still may have to deal with choppers depending on your state. From what I've read and guys I've talked to, greenhouse weed basically turns out like outdoor weed, which is cheaper to produce and gets you the same $ per pound as greenhouse. If you get your quality REALLY high (great genetics) you might get away with calling it indoor, but you gotta be careful.

Honestly a big GH used to be a fantasy of mine too, I still lust after the forever flowering units (auto-darkening) but I know there will be a lot of issues to overcome.


Active member
you need to calculate the volume of your greenhouse and then put in an air intake that will recplace that volume 10 times per hour.

Make sure the air enters at the bottom in a way in kinda makes circles round the greenhouse , cuz of the temperature the air will rise and exit through an exit hole you made.

Also put in an oscillating fan.

this way you will smell close to nothing outside the greenhouse while in the greenhouse the smell will be nice

I use a torin 1000 kubic meters industrial fan , it is not expensive and also doens't use much electricity
you think I'd be safe if i had 1000-1500ft from my nearest neighbor?

a greenhouse that size loaded with plants @ harvest time would reek! depends on the way the wind blows but that kinda stink can carry a long way, isolated areas with trees around the property is key to disfuse the smell... be safe.


with all due respect to all- there's some pretty confusing, and misleading advice.

#1- greenhouse bud is like any bud- varying quality. you can definitely grow indoor quality buds- or better- with the proper setup.

#2- it stinks like hell. If i were using a full size poly tunnel setup, i'd want some serious buffer- 500 yards would be the bare minimum. more like 750yards to be safe. odor is definitely strain-dependent.

#3- odor control is unnecessary when you have a good physical buffer- but carbon filters are really the only option for something this size if necessary/desired.

#4- establishing a greenhouse for a few years without pot plants is key- you can't just throw up a big GH in the middle of nowhere, and grow a cash crop. baby steps. first year, no pot plants- just get a feel for things. second year, maybe 1/4 - 1/3 full. third year- well, you know. ask any pilot (not LEO pilots) and they'll tell you they notice new structures and what not- flying is a passion, and guys really get out and LOOK. they'll know, and suspect things- if something weird is happening all at once.

you can see MJ through most GH plastic- its not obvious, but the discerning eye can definitely identify suspect growth...

just my .02.


Active member
I agree with floater. The best smoke I have ever produced has been greenhouse bud. So potent I have to take naps with indicas and sativas keep me up at night.

Heres the current growth (still got 3 to 4 weeks left). SMELLS LIKE FRUITY PEBBLES!

July 30th.


Aug 15th/

Aug 26th

Sep 9th


