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Obama Backs DC Vote to Legalize Marijuana


ICMag Donor
Obama Backs DC Vote to Legalize Marijuana

</HEADER> <CITE id=yui_3_16_0_1_1418362358311_806 class="byline vcard top-line">By DEVIN DWYER </CITE>

<FIGURE id=yui_3_16_0_1_1418362358311_799 class=" cover

" data-id="79388c10-d419-3e64-8a2b-c2f2a372c7f0">
</FIGURE> Obama Backs DC Vote to Legalize Marijuana (ABC News)

President Obama supports legalization of the recreational use of marijuana in the nation's capital as approved by D.C. voters in a November referendum, the White House says.
But he also reluctantly supports and would sign a government funding bill that includes a rider blocking the measure, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. Congressional negotiators have quietly tucked into a $1.1 trillion spending deal a provision prohibiting the district from spending money to enact the new policy.
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"We do not believe that Congress should spend a lot of time interfering with the ability of the citizens of the District of Columbia to make decisions related to how they should govern their community," Earnest told ABC's Jonathan Karl.
But despite the concerns, "the president supports the passage of this compromise proposal and would sign it if it arrives on his desk."
D.C. voters approved a referendum in November, by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, to legalize the possession of up to 2 ounces of pot or up to three plants for personal use.
District leaders have protested the anti-marijuana rider as anti-democratic interference, since residents of the capital city do not have voting representation in Congress.
Members of Congress supportive of the provision say they are acting to uphold federal law, which still bans the use, possession and sale of marijuana.

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ICMag Donor
70% voted to legalize ( Wow! ) and the "house of the people" just said FU. But at least they all get to spend another 1.1 TRILLION lots of which is on military and after all the ( usa usa ) does have military in over 100 countries, perhaps the greatest welfare program of all time, while back at home over 1,000 Americans murdered by police, a large percentage of which were military prior to being police, this year, people in their 20's can't figure out how to give change unless the machine displays how much to give. Some look to establish a "career" flipping burgers at mcdonalds. How many people get arrested and chained and/or thrown into a cage for a plant in the land of the free? How's that "great society" thing working out?

Whew boy what's it going to take, 100% and then finally..........I won't say it. Rant over and out


Active member
ICMag Donor
Obama supports legalization now. If only there was something he could do about it.

It's a shitty compromise, but it might be worth it if they're cutting off funds for the DEA raids in states where it's legal. The people in DC get screwed while the people in California and all the other legal states stop getting screwed. Someone's always getting screwed in politics.

I guess DC won't get a legal weed market like Colorado until it's legal federally. Which will happen at some point. It's just taking forever.


Active member
Obama supports legalization now. If only there was something he could do about it.

It's a shitty compromise, but it might be worth it if they're cutting off funds for the DEA raids in states where it's legal. The people in DC get screwed while the people in California and all the other legal states stop getting screwed. Someone's always getting screwed in politics.

I guess DC won't get a legal weed market like Colorado until it's legal federally. Which will happen at some point. It's just taking forever.

You ARE kidding right? Because he COULD! The executive branch is 1/3 of the gov't power for a reason. He DOES have the power.


Active member
ICMag Donor
You ARE kidding right? Because he COULD! The executive branch is 1/3 of the gov't power for a reason. He DOES have the power.

I was being sarcastic. He's had 6 years to stop enforcement of the prohibition laws. He implied that MMJ states were safe when he was elected, then let his justice department go on to raid more dispensaries than they did under Bush. Now it looks like the Republican House will do what Obama said he would do 6 years ago.

Electing a pro-cannabis president won't end prohiibition overnight, but it will be a huge step forward. Someone like Ron Paul would have ended the federal raids on dispensaries overnight.


ICMag Donor
Obama's nothing more than a puppet (DUMMY) that can't even follow the orders of his masters!

We The People!

Lest we not forget that Congress are the Masters of Washington DC.
They have the power to do whatever they want with that city.