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NYPD commissioner blames Colorado Weed for increase in New York shootings

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
File under : Your just making shit up now, douchebag....

NYPD Commish Bill Bratton blamed a slight uptick in violence in the city (45 homicides at this point last year, versus 54 this year) on marijuana. He had this to say this week -

“The seemingly innocent drug that’s been legalized around the country. In this city, people are killing each other over marijuana more so than anything that we had to deal with [in the] 80s and 90s with heroin and cocaine . . . In some instances, it’s a causal factor. But it’s an influence in almost everything that we do here.”

Hyperbole at its finest. Even if this year’s uptick holds through December (and it’s worth noting that we’re only dealing with eight weeks of data, here), New York would end the year with 383 murders. The city saw 2,245 murders in 1990.

I’m not exactly sure by what Rube Goldbergian chain of events Bratton thinks legalization in Colorado and Washington is causing homicides in New York City, but it’s clear that he thinks there’s a connection. Another NYPD official said the problem appears to be “ripoffs” — not turf battles, but attempted robberies gone wrong.

Of course, if we want a more direct examination of what effect legal pot might have on homicide, we can just look at the cities where it’s legal. Here’s what we know:

Homicides dropped 24 percent in Denver last year, the first full year of legalization in Colorado. Robberies were down 3 percent. Burglary was down 9.5 percent. The only crimes that increased significantly were larceny (a property crime, not a violent crime) and arson, which seems unlikely to be related to marijuana. Overall, violent crime dropped 0.7 percent, and property crime dropped 2 percent.

Homicides did increase slightly in Seattle (from 23 to 26), the largest city in the other state to legalize the drug. But it’s more difficult to draw conclusions there because the Washington law was quite a bit stricter than the Colorado law, and still left room for a thriving black market.

Of course, we only have a year’s worth of data from Colorado. But then, Bratton is drawing broad conclusions based on just eight weeks.

I won’t argue that legalized marijuana is responsible for the 24 percent drop in homicides in Denver last year. There’s not nearly enough data to jump to a conclusion like that. But it’s still a hell of a lot more defensible than arguing that it’s responsible for an increase in homicides in New York.

Read More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...r-blames-marijuana-for-increase-in-shootings/


maybe it has more to do with the thug ( IQ's under 20) wanna be gangsters packing heat just looking to smoke somebody commissioner then that "seemingly innocent" plant ? some of your boys haven't been model cops as of late either were they smoking weed on the job ! guessing he wants to start locking people up again for smoking a joint


New York City Police Department and police departments across America are killing America's youth at an increasing and alarming rate. NYPD Commish Bill Bratton why is that?

Washington DC in the 1980's was the murder capital of the world, as the Washington Post and Washington DC police department sat on their hands and watched the murder rate escalate to the highest per capital murder rate in the world. How did that happen NYPD Commish Bill Bratton?

New York City Police Department's policy of stop and frisk is one of the most blatant examples of constitutional violations and government sanctioned discriminatory policies I've seen in my lifetime. How did that happen NYPD Commish Bill Bratton?

Legalization in Colorado has resulted in lower crime rate and higher Colorado tax revenue revenue that previously would have supported Narco - Terrorist organization like the Mexican cartels and Colombian FARC and Colombian cartels that grow and sell cannabis and openly massacre anyone that gets in their way.

One of the alarming 2015 statistics in American is the percentage of American youth drying from alcohol and heroin addiction, 115 times 11,500% higher death rate for alcohol and heroin deaths than marijuana deaths. Increased heroin use in American is stemming from addiction to legal prescription pain mediation. Pain medication from pharmaceutical companies via lobbying contributions are, pharmaceutical companies by a large margin, the largest contributors, to the USA Congress. Ironic that legal pharmaceutical drugs are killing Americans at an alarming rate, as Congress looks the other way, or blames marijuana as a gateway drug -very pathetic.

Ironic that Congress and the office of the USA Attorney General and Federal Police (Department of Justice / Office of the US Marshals) sit on their hands and look the other way as city and municipal police kill American youth at an increasing and alarming rate. But, hey lets blame Colorado - pathetic!

Increased pharmaceutical heroin / painkiller addiction is the new gateway drug. South American Narco terrorist have adjusted their business plans accordingly marijuana production is out, heroin production is in. Narco terrorist are funding their massacres, of their own people by producing heroin instead of marijuana. How does this get unreported NYPD Commish Bill Bratton and the New York Times?

American and Mexican youth are getting murdered at an alarming rate, Colorado crime rates are declining rapidly since the legalization of marijuana. From my research, I live in a Colorado suburb with one of the lowest crime rates in America? How NYPD Commish Bill Bratton? How pathetic to blame New York City murders on Colorado?

I recently visited New York City. New York City infrastructure, roads, airports, bridges, garbage collection, housing affordability, crime rate are in rapid decline, compared to International modern cities in China, South Africa, the Middle East, United Kingdom, even Europe and South American, but hey lets blame Colorado for New York City murders - pathetic!
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Active member
bill bratton was seen smoking a joint with a Utah rabbit shortly before this press release

did the drug warriors all get their stupid pill prescriptions filled yesterday or what ?


Active member
"appears" to be rip offs.

It is mostly customers upset with the low quality of the Colorado and Washington product.

This shit never happens with the Cali weed.

You know how happy the cows are here.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Yeah cause CO weed is THAT dank gets people so twisted they want to kill each other

:: rolls eyes

On other news, Heroin and crack dealers extend their streak of non-violent community outreach

however I wonder if the real zombie apocalypse will be caused by a noxious mixture of pathogens and agro-chems used to meet the challenges of the weed rush

Day of the triffids meets invasion of the body snatchers


ICMag Donor
Washington law was quite a bit stricter than the Colorado law, and still left room for a thriving black market.

Some jack ass reporter has not the slightest clue why a black market even exists in the first place!!!



Well-known member
And these are the people busting pot related people. When it comes to real criminals they can't even catch a cold.


Active member
We should go to war on water too while we are at it. Water kills so many innocent people every year! It gotta go!


Registered Non-Conformist
Haha. What next,,,> ? First the CO weed was getting Rabbits high - and thus should we shut the program down. Classic shit.


Active member
Wow! The bs never ends. Colorado can't win for losing.

Hardly. We're just making them look like the fools they are, that's all.

If this really is a problem in NYC, I'd suggest that the problem isn't the product but rather the distribution system.

Not a whole lot of people are dying because of our distribution system here in CO. I honestly have heard of any at all.


New member
Murder rate in Seattle and Denver

Murder rate in Seattle and Denver

If marijuana were causing a rise in murder rates, murder would be up in Seattle and Denver, cities where recreational and medical marijuana is legal. That's not what is happening though, so bullshit can correctly be called on this supposition.


As long as money grows on trees for thugs in NYC and most other major cities, expect violence. The fact that this guy is blaming the legality in CO for the problems caused by illegality in NY is sad and hilarious. If they couldn't buy from CO they'd buy from CA or Mexico.

Midnite Toker

Active member
More propaganda obviously, but there are alot of well meaning, God fearing, law abiding types who will absolutely believe this crap. The battle rages on and on and on......