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NYCD x DC and two others


So here is my 2nd outdoor grow, third grow overall. My first outdoor grow was incredible, due to og. Ffirst indoor grow didn't go so hot, from 5 females, I have 2 left...after my debacle indoors (in which ph fluctuated wildly causing all sorts of lockouts) I learned a lot. I learned that I need more planning for an indoor grow, and I learned a lot about nutrients.

Taking this information into my next outdoor grow is crucial, I want to do the guy who gave me these incredible NYCD x DC seeds proud. I got these 5 seeds sometime at least 6 months ago...he made me promise not to put these seeds indoors, he gave me others to tied me over, which I commenced to ruin indoors.

I put these seeds into soil, after the paper towel method, on the first of may. They were put into a peat moss, worm casting, perlite mix. Of the 5, 4 made it out of the soil. Currently one of them is looking a little weaker than the others.

I transplanted these guys from 4in pot to 1 gallons two days ago. The weaker one barely had any root structure, while the others were quite healthy.

The soil I tranplanted them into is organic (being in such a liberal area always influences soil ammendments). The mix I got from LC on the organic forums here...it's 5 gallons peat/ 3 gallons perl/ 2 gallons worm. To each gallon I add various amounts of dolomite lime/kelp meal/blood meal/bone meal/ and greensand. So far I am still growing in pots, because I am moving into a new place in the next month, and I need to be able to transport them. I havent found a house yet, but I am hoping something comes up soon, otherwise I need to find a place in some wilderness...but the problem is that all the wilderness around here is state owned parks...ugh, this problem has been killing my brain.

I also transplanted two of those 5 indoor plants into said soil on 4/20 and put them outdoors. The pics you see now are about a week after I put them outside. One's a shiva skunk, and the other is an unknown nirvane genetic sativa dom (at least that's how it seems).

They are now much happier, as am I.

The seedling pics are of the NYCDxDC.



yea im kind of hoping that the longer period outside will influence it better...i think thats why the person (molto mota from og) stressed outdoors.


It's a great buzz, just extremely low yielding. I grew it side by side with a dutch passion blueberry which is supposed to be a low yielder too. The nycd x deep chunk gave me a final dry weight of 3.8 ozs vs 9.1 ozs on the blueberry. They were started at the same time and grew side by side each other. The other interesting thing on the deep chunk x nycd is that it is primarily almost pure indica, yet the buzz is almost like a pure sat high.. very cerebral abd uplifting... great working buzz and not couchlock at all.


That is defintley a stark difference...what did you use as feeding? Just wondering if you used the same nutrients for both...and if so...or not...which ones did you use?

I'm being totally inquisitive too, i am not trying to come off as condesceding (sp?), just from a general knowledge sort of thing. Thanks
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I used the entire biobizz line only with the only addition being hygrozyme (enzymes, not nute anyhoo). They were grown in a soil consisting of coir, perlite and worm castings. I got my seeds from a friend who crossed these 2 plants himself. You are the only person I have seen so far who is growing it too (very cool). I knew it was a low yielder anyway, that's what the breeder himself specifies for the deep chunk. So it didnt come down to the lack of light, nutes or conditions, it came down to the genetics of deep chunk. No complaints, the breeder himself says very low yielding but extremely potent and satisfying for the consiour. But you sure can help it in anyway possible to increase the yields if ya can by giving them as long of a veg stage as ya can. It is really cool to see ya growin this strain!! The buzz is very scratch my head and be like...."Wow", that could be a nice kick from the nycd too though.....


Here's some more pics...the shiva has been a little nute deficient (which is nothing new), I'm gonna feed it water only for two cycles, and see where I'm at...I think I need to use some kelp in the tea...



It's been a while since I've updated, I've moved and found a perfect living situation, I haven't had to kill my plants, and I've just begun to put them in the ground...yay, I'm excited.

Here's a few pics, if anyones interested...
