Agree... Nirv. Nl is a excellent strain for next to nothing $ wise.. highly recommended.. also as med strain... relaxing etc etc
Nirvana's NL is the 1st plant I ever grew, and to this day6-7yrs later, My Best Bro. is bugging me to get more NL beans, It is getting hard to find straight NL, NL#5 is around
some, but NL, not so much. Sensi does have a NL, but I alnt paying crazy money 4 beans.
$75-$80 is My limit, and it KILLS Me to go more than $60.
tosh.o its good to hear that iyho, Nirvana's NL is better than Sensi's.
Looks like Ima gonna getz some Nirvana NL next time I order beans.
Peace; 1TT
What's the difference between the NL and NL#5? I always thought that NL5 was the definitive version that everyone was talking about when they said NL.
What surprises me is your a 2005 member....and this info has been widely discussed here with doc's to back up the info