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NORML's New Women's Alliance


Active member
As women become more of a driving force behind cannabis legalization, and more people come to recognize the power of women to change people's perceptions, more women are being recruited to help sell marijuana legalization to America.

In response to this trend, NORML has now started a Women's Alliance.

The NORML Women’s Alliance holds the following positions:

1. The NORML Women’s Alliance believes that the fiscal priorities of marijuana prohibition are wasting billions of dollars on a failed policy.

2. The NORML Women’s Alliance believes that marijuana prohibition violates states’ rights, and improperly expands the reach of government into the families and personal lives of otherwise law-abiding citizens.

3. The NORML Women’s Alliance advocates for an open, honest conversation about marijuana with America’s youth that is void of all propaganda and misleading information.

4. The NORML Women’s Alliance endorses the science-based evidence regarding the therapeutic applications of medical marijuana as well as the continuation of research into the subject.

5. The NORML Women’s Alliance strongly opposes the sexual exploitation and objectification of women in pot-culture and business marketing.

Note #5. What do you all think about the exploitation of women in the cannabis business?

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Like any industry, automobiles, alcohol, etc. marketers understand that unfortunately, no matter how discriminatory, sex sells. I actually like the 5th addition though I would never tell the operators of Lowrider magazine - a magazine known for plastering women all over cars, to stop doing what they are doing. On the other side, I don't understand why nearly every pot related ad I've seen has women covered in nugs. Its hot, don't get me wrong, but I don't understand how it relates to your tshirts.
I don't see why women any more challenged by the "sex cells" concepts of our pot culture than the men.

Honestly, I have seen more respectable women among the pot culture than I have in many other sub-cultures...

I also think a woman who places herself among nugs and then takes some pics probably has some reason for this, and will or won't do it regardless of what anyone thinks.

If we are referring to all those women whom put themselves in canna calenders and take hottie pictures like the girl from NYC- little short cutie- ooohhhh what was her name? She looked very good covered in nugs actually.... then we are not really looking deep enough into the tigers mouth- the fact that these things sell as voodoo mentioned is tribute enough to the fact that this has nothing to do with pot and sex just sells- regardless of sub-culture.

New and revised goal #5-
NORML WA strongly opposes the exploitation of humans, animals, and plants, with intentions of forwarding the medical marijuana revolution.

This would mean- and this is how i feel things should be stated-
that no human, animal, or plant, shall be harmed in the name of the mmj movement.

I think sexual exploitation is just a tool used for a goal- with each party involved having there own intentions.

Being free will as is, I would hope no one is getting forced into obsenities by anyone- particularly in a western culture business- seems unlikely.

Taking jobs from pretty women with bongs, tasteless to say the least.

Now y'all know I love myself a good mmj revolution- but honestly with all the sexual exploitation going on in the world- women just plain old disappearing and getting violated, tortured, or even killed by their own families.

Sooooo many groups of people are being exploited in much worse ways...

Still trying to wrap my head around how women in canna are being exploited as opposed to women not in canna industries...
Seems like the canna industry is one of the few whom not only respects but uplifts the female spirit- it is females after all we hold dearest in most cases...

Oh right! Exploitation of females must mean the large amount of femmed beans coming out.
Or maybe the fact that growers are actually being discriminatory- and choosing only females killing all males.

No, women are rarely exploited in this field IMO- particularly in comparison to other sub-cultures- to the contrary- the females are well taken care of and revered... not to mention the large amount of men among this sub-culture which put many non- canna smoking men to shame in respects to their understanding nature and large hearts with firm moral backings.

If anything I would find it more important to assure that women whom are in the canna community will not be shunned in respects to being bad mothers, lovers, or teachers - even if they do like to hang out nude in the garden :)
This could be done by showing the many facets of the femme medical user- and contrasting it to the known methods of treatment for women with similar health problems by big pharma- along with studied adverse effects in both groups.

Embracing femininity would be key here, as opposed to fighting something which is a cultural tradition with much farther reach than medical marijuana can entail. Surely, the people and their values must change in order for our medicine to be accepted- and with this change should come a greater understanding of women and femininity- not sooner but possibly much later... ;)

Cherchez La Femme!

mmj movement freedom fighter
Nucleus Accumbens
Krysti A.

PS- notice soft secrets mentions how good the pot grown is, and do not concentrate on the women per say- seriously i think canna smokers are less discriminatory than most- maybe because we have been discriminated against ourselves so many times...

Edit- Ooops... well i just ran into something on the wildworldlynet which in itself may be considered tasteless and may i thank gypsy nirvana and the mods for keeping certain views of the cannabis culture off of their website- a little moderation can go a long way, and yes some pics should definitely just not be taken- maybe we can teach our children to just have better taste and demand decent photographic skills to be evident in our employees... hmmm truth is some cultural norms really do need some looking at... good luck world!


I think that the folks at NORML are just trying to show how politically correct they are. For whatever that's worth.

As far as showing un/under dressed, attractive women in adverts for weed-related gear: Isn't the point to exploit the tendency of men to pay attention to sexually oriented materials? I dunno, but I suspect that the women pictured are being photographed with their permission, and for what they feel is fair compensation.