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No PGR's in Cannaboost


Active member
Sorry, but Boost does contain triacontanol, which is derived from alfalfa meal. They don't want you to know this, as you can make it yourself very cheaply. It's nothing new really, but they add other stuff, mainly carbohydrates, to "create" their own "unique" (and very expensive) blend. It's main effect is to speed up finishing times. I know this both from personal experience, and because I know a Canna rep, and he admitted as much to me when questioned about it. So basically you could make your own and mix in molasses, and you have "Boost". Yes, I do use this product because it works and I am too lazy to make my own, but I would if I were a commercial grower that required large amounts.


Sorry, but Boost does contain triacontanol, which is derived from alfalfa meal. They don't want you to know this, as you can make it yourself very cheaply. It's nothing new really, but they add other stuff, mainly carbohydrates, to "create" their own "unique" (and very expensive) blend. It's main effect is to speed up finishing times. I know this both from personal experience, and because I know a Canna rep, and he admitted as much to me when questioned about it. So basically you could make your own and mix in molasses, and you have "Boost". Yes, I do use this product because it works and I am too lazy to make my own, but I would if I were a commercial grower that required large amounts.

One may infer from the processes described that Boost contains naturally occurring triacontanol and other PGR's. However, they explicitly state that Boost contains no added PGR's. I am far more likely to believe published statements of fact from the manufacturer than any kind of misinformed propaganda from some product peddler. Besides, I highly doubt that any sales rep is privy to proprietary information regarding the exact content and manufacturing process involved in making a product as complex as boost. Also, if you read the article carefully, it clearly states that there is no molasses in the final product.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
think we already talked about this in the nutrient section

sugar cane contains tri- how ever you spell it

also, as someone stated before, no one knows exactly what's in boost. also know this as boost and bio boost have different things in them... so I know no one knows what's in boost or bio boost or they state a question like, which one are you talking about, or they would go on to state the differences in both.... no one is ever gonna know, unless whoever owns canna goes crazy or the top mixer / scientists who formulated it gets drugged into telling what's all in the bottle..

let's give it up, and buy it if you want, don't if you don't.


Active member
I am far more likely to believe published statements of fact from the manufacturer than any kind of misinformed propaganda from some product peddler. Besides, I highly doubt that any sales rep is privy to proprietary information regarding the exact content and manufacturing process involved in making a product as complex as boost.

Those comments are patently absurd and specious on several levels.
"statements of fact from the manufacturer"?
There couldn't be any "propaganda" issued by them, eh? Please.....give me a break. Then why the secrecy? Why not just list the ingredients? Because someone might copy the highly complex manufacturing process? I think not. It's because anyone can make a similar product easily. A competing company could reverse engineer it for a tidy sum if they wanted to.

"I highly doubt that any sales rep is privy to proprietary information regarding the exact content and manufacturing process involved in making a product as complex as boost."

Who would know better than a rep who has worked for the company for years? You, maybe? I'll take the rep any day, as he has no reason to lie about it. Admitting what it is doesn't help him make sales to me, who is buying it anyway.
And who said anything about the "exact" content?
No one. We are talking about triacontanol. Of course they put other stuff in there to make it "proprietary".
"Complex"? Yes, they want it to sound complex to justify the high price.
I was using that as a generic term, meaning any sugar based carbohydrates, which we all know it contains.
So, in summation, if you prefer to pay top dollar for their "proprietary' product, be my guest. I do.
If you are on a budget and want to save money, make your own very similar product. Go to the health food store and buy alfalfa tablets. Mix 500 mg. per gallon of water, and make your own triacontanol. Then throw in some molasses, and you have your own home made "Boost", more or less, for a fraction of the price. Works just as well.
And that's the real secret.


"patently absurd and specious"? Give me a break! Most reps I have met are clueless morons with zero education or background in chemistry or plant biology. I have found most manufacturer advertising to be a bit sensationalistic and hyperbolic, but rarely does it achieve true proppaganda status (other than Advanced). Canna's ads strike me as rather understated. Reps, on the other hand, are generally aware that their target audience generally knows even less than they do, which sets the bar pretty low and leaves plenty of room for all sorts of utter nonsense. The point of starting this thread was to put to rest the simplistic notion that boost is nothing more than some triacontanol and molasses, which it clearly is not. There has been much discussion on various forums including IC regarding this notion. Canna has stated explicitly that boost contains no added PGR's and I am inclined to believe them. I don't post often, but whenever I come across any credible information that my fellow IC members may find interesting, I post it. We simply disagree, and frankly I have absolutely no interest in debates predicated on unprovable assertions. However, if you really believe what you are stating, purchase some molasses and triacontanol, mix a batch, and see what happens. The cheapest source I have found is here:


I have done this myself and have found it to be much less effective than triacontanol alone applied as a foliar spray at 5 ppm. There are components in Boost that seem to make it more effective as a drench/root application product than the molasses/triacontanol combination. I currently use Boost along with my nutes in coco and triacontanol as a foliar spray.


Active member
"patently absurd and specious"? Most reps I have met are clueless morons with zero education or background in chemistry or plant biology. The point of starting this thread was to put to rest the simplistic notion that boost is nothing more than some triacontanol and molasses, which it clearly is not. There has been much discussion on various forums regarding this notion. Canna has stated explicitly that boost contains no added PGR's and I am inclined to believe them. I don't post often, but whenever I come across any credible information that my fellow IC members may find interesting, I post it. We simply disagree, and frankly I have absolutely no interest in debates predicated on unprovable assertions. However, if you really believe what you are stating, purchase some molasses and triacontanol, mix a batch, and see what happens. The cheapest source I have found is here:


I have done this myself and have found it to be much less effective than triacontanol alone applied as a foliar spray at 5 ppm. There are components in Boost that seem to make it more effective as a drench/root application product than the molasses/triacontanol combination. I currently use Boost along with my nutes in coco and triacontanol as a foliar spray.

Well, now you have raised speciousness to a new level, and also resorted to name calling and insults.
"Most reps I have met are clueless morons with zero education"
Not only are you calling "most reps" clueless morons, but you are inferring that my friend, the Canna rep is a clueless moron, although you don't know him.
You are also deliberately distorting what I posted in order to "win" an argument.
"The point of starting this thread was to put to rest the simplistic notion that boost is nothing more than some triacontanol and molasses".
I did not say that. If you read my post, I stated that it obviously has other ingredients also to make it "unique", but the main active ingredient IS triacontanol.
I also stated that I was using the term molasses as a generic term for sugars/carbohydrates.
Your notion of "credible" information is incredible to me: ad copy intended to sell a product with "secret" ingredients. Really, it's too funny!
Why the secrecy? Why don't they just list the ingredients? The reason is because any of us can make our own triacontanol from alfalfa pellets, available at any feed store.
Many other companies now have products with triacontanol, but they are not telling either, for reasons previously stated.
Also you have posted false information, ie that triacontanol must be used as a foliar spray which isn't true.
It can be used as a spray or as a tea, and can be used in soil just by adding alfalfa, pellets or tablets. It can also be used hydroponically. Canna's version of triacontanol, Boost, can also be used as a foliar spray or as an additive to coco/soil/hydroponics.
"I have absolutely no interest in debates predicated on unprovable assertions."
YOUR assertion that Boost does not contain triacontanol is not only unprovable, but false.
It is , at this point, pretty much common knowledge around the net that Boost does indeed contain triacontanol, as do many other products.
Here's a link for some ready to use triacontanol, and how to use it as foliar, in soil, or in hydro:
http://www.nutri-tech.com.au/downlo...iquid Fertilisers/Nutri-Stim Triacontanol.pdf

You're hanging around the wrong reps, and need to do a whole lot more research. Also, you need to take add copy a whole lot less seriously, especially concerning companies selling high priced additives.


"Most reps I have met are clueless morons with zero education"

Also you have posted false information, ie that triacontanol must be used as a foliar spray which isn't true.

YOUR assertion that Boost does not contain triacontanol is not only unprovable, but false.


I said "zero education or background in chemistry or biology". NOWHERE did I state that boost does not contain triacontanol, but rather that it contains no "added" triacontanol or other PGR's. I did not state that triacontanol "must" be used as a foliar spray, but that it is more effective in foliar applications than drench/root applications. This has been clearly documented in a number of scholarly research papers. Re-read what I have posted and take a deep breath. By the way, I do plenty of my own research. Growing has been a hobby for nearly thirty years, but in real life I am a tribologist doing independent contract work for various smaller boutique oil companies that specialize in synthetic lubricants.


Active member
NOWHERE did I state that boost does not contain triacontanol, but rather that it contains no "added" triacontanol
So now you are parsing words!
O.K., so we are in agreement:
Boost does contain triacontanol.
Just like the Canna rep, one of those clueless morons, admitted.
I wonder how he knew, being so clueless and all?


Registered User
is it me, or did u two just do the same dance on each other?

the rep & the advert are the same thing... canna. if one is unreliable, so is the other. seeing that you both have concerns about one or the other, you are both in agreement... it's a marketing/manufacturing company, and that means they are out to make a buck, and that means their credibility is always going to be in question... as it should with any of them.

both seem to think that triacontanol is there from their 'proprietary' processes, though no synthetics are used (addt'l pgr's)... right? hormone if 'natural' & pgr if synthesized...? so could just be semantics over synthetic vs natural... and you both seem to agree that the stuff is good, either way.

it's kinda funny, no? i'm a little high... ;-)
is it me, or did u two just do the same dance on each other?

the rep & the advert are the same thing... canna. if one is unreliable, so is the other. seeing that you both have concerns about one or the other, you are both in agreement... it's a marketing/manufacturing company, and that means they are out to make a buck, and that means their credibility is always going to be in question... as it should with any of them.

both seem to think that triacontanol is there from their 'proprietary' processes, though no synthetics are used (addt'l pgr's)... right? hormone if 'natural' & pgr if synthesized...? so could just be semantics over synthetic vs natural... and you both seem to agree that the stuff is good, either way.

it's kinda funny, no? i'm a little high... ;-)

First chuckle of the day for me. Thanks:tiphat:


Active member
Old thread bud funny.

I didnt buy cannaboost or pk 13 -14, and replace rhizo with thrive alive from technaflora, and since my store stocks a.n. sensizym I replace cannas with that. I see the rhizo and zym to be improtant so I use them or similar products. Also use a silica but thats it.

I have seen people claim their crystal coverage get better from using boost. I dont buy that I dont even know if its worth the money.
Anyway funny thread glad I searched cannaboost


Active member
mmm i would love a cheap alternative to boost , I did side by side experiments with jack47 , same cut and stuff .. I say boost turns them out more dank and sparkly ... well the envym thing is a myth to me since I tried the cheap alternative " H&G Rohrfrei " 99% made of enzyms and yeah ... it doesn't cost a fifth of the cannazym and lasts longer :)

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
All the fuss over tria and nobody is talking about a thing called "pathogen-associated molecular pattern" aka PAMP (some prefer MAMP). If you carefully read their advertisement, they mention fermentation, bio-ethanol, yeast, and polysaccharides. The latter are at least partially derived from micro-organisms (yeast) used during the former, hence contain PAMPs, and therefore activate PRRs and NLRs on/in plants. That's exactly what chitosan and kelp extracts do ;) . And there's a bunch of other stuff in the fermentation residue which might be beneficial, some are also found in ACT and the like.


Active member
All the fuss over tria and nobody is talking about a thing called "pathogen-associated molecular pattern" aka PAMP (some prefer MAMP). If you carefully read their advertisement, they mention fermentation, bio-ethanol, yeast, and polysaccharides. The latter are at least partially derived from micro-organisms (yeast) used during the former, hence contain PAMPs, and therefore activate PRRs and NLRs on/in plants. That's exactly what chitosan and kelp extracts do ;) . And there's a bunch of other stuff in the fermentation residue which might be beneficial, some are also found in ACT and the like.

This guy OO is way too smart for MY own good.
A long while ago I took a long look at plant fermented extracts and yeast extract, only to get lost in all the fancy names and methods.

I truly believe there is merit to fermented plant extracts but never came to any real conclusions.
And remember kelp extracts are probably gonna contain some hormones, types and concentrations are probably best for another thread.

I have been working with chitosan as of late, but no side by side conclusive evidence, but chitosan does so many good things, one must seek out a specific outcome before testing to see if it is effective in a side by side.

Funny, I have been educated by OO many times and although I always learn something new....I come away feeling like I don't know squat.
Not that he was not helpful, it just seems it I can not contain it all in one brain!
I don't know how he does it, but I would take notes if I were you.
I certainly have to. :biggrin:

:smoke out:

Hey back at ya! OO
I am back up but not firing on all cylinders yet, thanks for the greeting.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Hi Shaggy!
Glad you're up and running again :) .

Forgot to mention: If the advertisement is correct, Boost does not contain the by-product molasses but a by-product of molasses recycling such as salvaged during bio-ethanol manufacturing. Obviously, such a product is heavily deprived of carbohydrates but (alongside the remaining microbes; see post above) enriched in secondary and tertiary metabolites such as compatible solutes as well as many inorganic nutrients (and with some bad luck also chloride), B vitamins, and amino acids and derivatives thereof.


Active member
This guy OO is way too smart for MY own good.
A long while ago I took a long look at plant fermented extracts and yeast extract, only to get lost in all the fancy names and methods.

I truly believe there is merit to fermented plant extracts but never came to any real conclusions.
And remember kelp extracts are probably gonna contain some hormones, types and concentrations are probably best for another thread.

I have been working with chitosan as of late, but no side by side conclusive evidence, but chitosan does so many good things, one must seek out a specific outcome before testing to see if it is effective in a side by side.

Funny, I have been educated by OO many times and although I always learn something new....I come away feeling like I don't know squat.
Not that he was not helpful, it just seems it I can not contain it all in one brain!
I don't know how he does it, but I would take notes if I were you.
I certainly have to. :biggrin:

:smoke out:

I don't think only ornamental is a hobby grower I'm guessing he's probably a professional. Maybe someone who works in a lab or possibly has a PhD but maybe not in that field right now. Hard to say I do know he does know alot about plants, it's very interesting to read his posts.


Horticultural enthusiast
ICMag Donor
Old thread bud funny.

I didnt buy cannaboost or pk 13 -14, and replace rhizo with thrive alive from technaflora, and since my store stocks a.n. sensizym I replace cannas with that. I see the rhizo and zym to be improtant so I use them or similar products. Also use a silica but thats it.

I have seen people claim their crystal coverage get better from using boost. I dont buy that I dont even know if its worth the money.
Anyway funny thread glad I searched cannaboost

Thanks for bumping this one-

got a laugh and some knowledge
