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NM's Sativa Bagseed Grow


New member
Hey all, my one sativa dominant plant I have going this season (first decent plant I've grown actually) is looking pretty good. Its planted straight in regular potting soil in a 10 gallon pot with no added nutes and so far hasn't had any deficiency problems. :woohoo:


Before she starts to flower however I want to transplant her into a bigger container with some ferts to help her pump out some decent buddage. Along with that I'll be adding a good dose of perlite to keep the soil nice and aerated. I'm also thinkin of tying her over to her some more horizontal bud sites poppin up. The nutes I have readily availible right now are some good organic blood and bone meal and some regular 10-20-10 liquid fertilizer.

I want the soil mix to be the main source of food for the plant throughout most of the of the flowering season. I dont mind having to come back a few times and water (It's been raining plenty anyways) but I'd rather the plant be somewhat self sufficient as shes been since may.


So what would a good soil mix for my sativaish girl that would'nt burn yet would keep her happy, healthy and pumpin buds for the rest of the season? :canabis:


p.s. I know the blood meal is great for N production and the bone for P but what combo of the two + any others you guys think are important is what I'm tryin to figure out :chin:
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Active member
mix blood meal. bone meal. and domolite lime. i didnt add lime to my soil mix this year and the ph is suffering from it. your plant's are pretty much adult's. so a full dose mix probably wont bother them.



New member
sm0kateer4204 said:
mix blood meal. bone meal. and domolite lime. i didnt add lime to my soil mix this year and the ph is suffering from it. your plant's are pretty much adult's. so a full dose mix probably wont bother them.

What kind of ratio would i use with the blood, bone, lime and soil?

Nice healthy stem btw :joint:


one in the chamber
I use lime, high P Indonesian bat guano and kelp for K. I might be adding some molasses to the mix soon.

Captain Skunk

Active member
Did you start the plant from seed or a clone?

I was just wondering if your plant has revealed it's gender yet?

good luck and stay safe


New member
Captain Skunk said:
Did you start the plant from seed or a clone?

I was just wondering if your plant has revealed it's gender yet?

good luck and stay safe

Yea its a girl from seed :yummy:

Do you or anyone else have suggestions on what ratio of nutes/soil to use from the ones mentioned above?


looking good.. bagseed is always an adventure.. never know what you're gonna get, and it may be very special. remember that the infamous blackberry was once somablaze's bagseed.. good luck..


Active member
i never really measured it out. the box should give you a ballpark idea on how much to use. i just kinda got creative and added an amount that look's right.


New member
the lorax said:
looking good.. bagseed is always an adventure.. never know what you're gonna get, and it may be very special. remember that the infamous blackberry was once somablaze's bagseed.. good luck..

Thanks lorax, I hope she turns out good

sm0kateer4204 said:
i never really measured it out. the box should give you a ballpark idea on how much to use. i just kinda got creative and added an amount that look's right.

Yea good call theres definately some instructions on the bag. I guess I'm gonna go with what the manufacturer suggests, hopefully she wont burn.

I'll have some new pics up when I repot in the next few days :woohoo:


New member
sm0kateer4204 said:
awesome, just mix up everything real well. how big of a container is she going in to?

I'm not sure about the exact size but heres a pic of a similar pot im using atm.


The new pot is going to have to be much bigger since my plant seems to be significantly rootbound.


ICMag Donor
If the pot is 10 inches across it is about three gallons. You might want to go 5 or 7.