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NL: Ministers declare war on marijuana trade


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Justice minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin has published draft legislation calling for a major clampdown on all aspects of the soft drugs industry, news agency ANP reports on Thursday.

The plan involves making sure everyone involved in the supply chain - from equipment suppliers (growshops) to traders and even electricians who help build illegal plantations face up to three years in prison, ANP says.

The legislation states all preparations 'making it possible' for illegal marijuana growing will be a criminal offence.

Blind eye

Although growing marijuana plants is technically illegal, in practise the public prosecution department takes no action against people who grow up to five plants. Possession of up to five grammes of cannabis is similarly ignored.

Last year, the department said police would be paying more attention to the mass growing of marijuana and the minister hopes this legislation will give them greater powers.

The department estimates the Dutch marijuana industry to turn over between €2.5bn and €5bn a year, making the plant one of the country's biggest cash crops behind tomatoes and cucumbers.

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Yup this sounds about right with the direction that the NL has been taking now for a while. I believe that the good old days of the 90's have long passed and it looks like they want to move it completely out. Don't worry as I am sure that one of the many EU country's that has 20% plus unemployment will soon pick up the slack. I hear that you can buy everything on the cheap right now in Greece. Maybe go pick up an island and set something up! I can see it now an Marijuana Island Resort.


Active member
Man since the CDA(fucking christian moralists) have taken control of the government , it has been going downhill fast

There is even a politician , ciska joldersma , that wants to make ice o lator hash illegal for shops to sell


Active member
From what I've been hearing, the conservatives are on the way out. Pray that Job Cohen becomes the next prime minister. He will smoke out the conservatives...hehe...


I love my life
Thank you very much NL and Europe! CA needs more tourism. To think I wanted to visit, I guess Prague it is ;)


Its not a law yet and what he proposed costs money, so since the government has to cut down their expenses and employees of the government have calculated that full legalisation incl tax will bring €420 million extra (IMO much higher), the question is if this proposal will become law.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



Quote Elmanito; "that full legalisation incl tax will bring €420 million extra "
IMHO, that´s the way for a WW legalization to come to live.
$$$.$$$.$$$.$$$.$$$ !!!! Money makes everything possible !