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NL#1 and Dannyboy represented by NG


New Grower

hi Everybody!

This is my new thread where I need your help to control my 2 clones. I show the pics and you'll know what I'm talkin' about.

These plants will grows one more month at least. What should I do for the healthy growing? I would like 2 nice plants at harvest (not 2 undeveloped plants). How should I continue the bending to keep far the plants?

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Active member
dude they are growing healthy. if you wanted large plant's you shouldnt have put them in the same hole. instead given them their own large ass hole with good dirt added. none the less they will get larger throughout the season wether they are veggin or not. you seem to be doing fine, good luck.

New Grower

Thanks monkey dude!

Yes, they are growing healthy at the moment (cause I bended them) but they grow and they won't have enough space so I should do somekind LST training (or bending) to maximalize the yield.

These 2 plants are my favourites! :kissass:

Should I bending out them now or just later?

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Active member
i only have 4 plants outdoor's. but yeah your right more is better, you could start some more. training them in different direction's will only make it look like their further apart. in reality they are growing and weaving in between each other under ground. growing 2 plant's this close together they will make it to harvest. but wont be nearly as large. start more tis year. it will help your yield lot's.


Active member
mmmm, their goona be flowering like hell soon. but they still have good veg time left to get big and healthy to carry those bud's.

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