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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
sorry im still having reading comprehension problems and it kinda hurts to read too much at once but for the most everything is ok but the grow room in the basement buzz? hope you didnt lose any keepers. happy birthday! i feel like shit cause i forgot my moms birthday is today. 63. my moms sister died at 63. she isnt gonna die on my watch. told her after the bears game she can have anything she wants

yeah i was fucked.i had 2 choices. get to the liquor store as fast as i could or go to the ER. chugging liquor would of been quicker but i would of been square one. i dont know if ive ever been that sick before in my life. it i was it was only once or twice. the meth didnt help but i didnt do too much.it was time to go.hopefully this is the last time. got an IV 3 times cause it kept falling out. thought i was gonna have a seizure. i was freaking out while my mom was on the phone with 911. they thought it was a domestic. i told my mom i have to go NOW and not wait for an ambulance.

coolsest nicest cop got there first. obviously a rookie. asked if i was violent and patted me for weapons. i said im sick i gotta go to the ER. he was actually scared i think. it was his first kinda call like this. very nice kid.asking if he can help somehow and even offered to help me walk to the ambulance. very nice and sincere like he really cared.wonder how long thats gonna last.but yeah i was worried i could die any second.wasnt the meth. i was drinking non stop for i dont know. those days are over. its hard to describe. i wasnt drunk.

i saw a very serious movie with Sammie Davis jr. actual name of the move called A man called Adam. my name actually is Adam. anyway he was a violent drunk and talented trumpet player. i actually used to play trumpet a little. any way that movie reminded me exactly like me. dont mean to give the movie away but at the end of the movie he gets on stage and he just keels over and dies from drinking.thats how i felt and i got scared.gave me a bunch of multi vitamins and 20mg of diazapam.dont know what they put in the IV besides saline but it helped a lot.very nice and pretty and nurses doctors. a few really pretty ones with jamacain accents and one Indian nurse.she was especially nice. after the drugs wore off i was getting the urge and aggitated again.so this really awesome nurse gave me another 10mg of diazapam. i needed something stronger but it helped. i feel like such a POS. no more liquor. told myself im gonna have some beer for the bears game and thats it. its time to grow up.but its all i known.ive been drinking jack since i was 13.

i dont know how many lives ninjas have but im getting low.ive never met anyone like me except my lady friend i fell for but she dont talk to me anymore.my mom understands but she isnt exactly in the right mind mind. we talked for about 2 hours earlier.we almost never have a civil convo but she just no matter what it comes back to politics. she actually said she would kick me out if i voted for Trump! im not voting for anyone but im still sick. and its making her sick. i cant wait for this election to be over.its making everyone looney toons.i dont know if you guys ever saw that 3 stooges episode where moe is sick and he goes MY NERVES MY NERVES. think they are out in a cabin and hes popping pills and drinking codeine with liquor or something and the bear steal their food through a window.thats how i feel.im not so tough anymore.my nerves are shot. cant handle loud noises when im sick

but yeah they were real nice pretty nurses.wish i could of talked to them. i know how hard they have it.looks like im gonna have to walk to the liquor store for a 6 pack of beer. i refuse to watch that game without beer.beer isnt the problem. i had 4lokos,vodka,whisky and god knows what else. but one things for sure.this has to stop. and i know you guys are older and wiser but if some kid reading this thinks drugs and alcohol is a joke and your invincible your not.and to be honest i think it was that cheap ass whisky that made me the sickest. it was called like 5 star whiskey or something.tasted like it was distilled out of shreks ass.for future reference unless your really broke never buy anything that says american blended whiskey. they throw whatever is left over in the kitchen sink. point is if i can help just one decent kid not make my mistakes it would make me kinda happy.i havent been happy in probably at least 5 years.shit.maybe ive never been happy

im still messed up so sorry for the rample but feel a lot better. i gotta get some librium at the pharmacy so hope that helps.man this Indian nurse was a trip. said she came here in 04 with 20 bucks.20 bucks wont even buy a combo at mcdonalds now.she was telling old indian healing remedies but i only understood half of what she said. if she could she would of talked for hours.

it figures fields is doing good on the steelers.havent seen him play yet.i guess the consensus is that Cutler is the best QB the bears ever had but i guess people forgot about Sid Luckman. I know its early but i think Bagel is better than wiliams. my dad has had it. he says he hopes the bears lose. i dont want them to lose but i was be very dissapointed. i dont mind if pops wins a game

anyway sorry. im just lost. glad everyone is ok. guess it was really bad down there. i got family in GA.i should see how they are doing. happy birthday buzz! hopefully you dont have too much work to do and glad your ok.you got any kids? get those lazy bums to do it! thats whats kids are for! j/k
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Well-known member
Happy Birthday Amigo!..

Thanks for that, @bigsur51
MamaD made a pumpkin pie for my birthday "cake". That was my request to my Mom at sometime in my childhood. I'm going to have a slice as a breakfast 'horse doover'; that's French for good shit.

Back to work today. I have some 'gifts' Helene left me downstairs.


Well-known member
Sounds like you were in the eye of the storm man, Sounds fkn tragic..
Maybe try salvaging what you can from the basement, getting what you can out of the water, I would be more inclined to have a whiskey first (it is your birthday)

Any sign of the water levels dropping, signs of structural damage?
The eye was about 60 miles away and east of us. The NE quadrant of a hurricane is the strongest part of a hurricane. Helene shifted a little and the farther she moved east the damaging effects of the wind lessened for our location. That move made it much worse for those people along the coast.

The water came into the basement during the storm and without electricity the pump down there became a paper weight. Once I was able to roll out the generator I was able to run an extension cord to plug directly into the pump. The water is still infiltrating the basement and flowing into the sump. The pump is running every few minutes now to remove water. No sign of structural damage. The basement/cellar was not constructed properly and as a result hydrostatic pressure from rising ground water levels cracked the concrete slab floor. This is the first time I can recall a flood in the summer and it is the deepest water ever in 30+ years in this old house.
so what do you do with the underdeveloped pecans?
I allow them to become one with the Earth. I am learning from them.
Are you familiar with the legend of the Mag Lab? FSU has a powerful magnetic lab they use for research, legend (or idiots) says that it's able to move hurricanes away from the city. Given that Ian last year was moved east and the area missed the worst of it, maybe theres something to it.
Yes the MagLab is blamed/credited for a number of events.
Did Buzz see the eye of the h-word?
Thankfully No.
happy birthday buzz! hopefully you dont have too much work to do and glad your ok.you got any kids? get those lazy bums to do it! thats whats kids are for! j/k
Thank you, @shithawk420 . There's a good amount of work to do, and we are childless. I may check out RentAKid.com to see what kind of lazy bums are available. Maybe I could lure them by telling them we are going to play a game of

Jaguars v Texans
Eagles v Buccaneers
Chiefs v Rams
Bills v Ravens

Those are the broadcast TV games for today here.

@superx I overlooked the whiskey reply. Fortunately there was a birthday bottle that MamaD authorized me to purchase as a gift. I brought home a bottle of 1792 Full Proof bourbon. Strong medicine was required.


Well-known member
The eye was about 60 miles away and east of us. The NE quadrant of a hurricane is the strongest part of a hurricane. Helene shifted a little and the farther she moved east the damaging effects of the wind lessened for our location. That move made it much worse for those people along the coast.

The water came into the basement during the storm and without electricity the pump down there became a paper weight. Once I was able to roll out the generator I was able to run an extension cord to plug directly into the pump. The water is still infiltrating the basement and flowing into the sump. The pump is running every few minutes now to remove water. No sign of structural damage. The basement/cellar was not constructed properly and as a result hydrostatic pressure from rising ground water levels cracked the concrete slab floor. This is the first time I can recall a flood in the summer and it is the deepest water ever in 30+ years in this old house.

I allow them to become one with the Earth. I am learning from them.

Yes the MagLab is blamed/credited for a number of events.

Thankfully No.

Thank you, @shithawk420 . There's a good amount of work to do, and we are childless. I may check out RentAKid.com to see what kind of lazy bums are available. Maybe I could lure them by telling them we are going to play a game of View attachment 19075186

Jaguars v Texans
Eagles v Buccaneers
Chiefs v Rams
Bills v Ravens

Those are the broadcast TV games for today here.

@superx I overlooked the whiskey reply. Fortunately there was a birthday bottle that MamaD authorized me to purchase as a gift. I brought home a bottle of 1792 Full Proof bourbon. Strong medicine was required.
thats a little before my time. are those pick up sticks? and i could of swore the bears are playing the rams today.was in a coma for a week?


Well-known member
ha! i was just taking a good guess.im a good guesser but i dont have a fucking clue how its played. sorry to bother you so early in the morning.i know you got shit to do.one last question. those pecan sticks no good for cooking if you dry them out are they going in the burn pile?im feeling unusally spry.this kid here would help if i could.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Glad to hear youre off the hard stuff, Hawk, and say happy birthday to ur mom for me. Hopefully she outlives her sister by many years. Were they close before her sister passed away?

Maybe youre Sammie Davis Jr reincarnated. Do you feel like youre black at all? What would that feel like? Can you sing or dance at all? He was quite talented.

It's nice that you didnt get an angry cop, if you were getting so agitated they might have pulled out a taser on u or held u down even tho youre in medical distress.

Sounds like u were making a real connection with that indian nurse. What did she look like, face and body wise? Maybe u should have asked her for a sponge bath.

Ive seen some 3 stooges episodes but never one where he's popping pills and drinking codeine. Maybe back then it didnt have the same stigma it does now. Heck didnt they prescribe meth as a diet pill?

Id advise u to go full libtard until the election, just to keep Mum happy. Throw in a few rants about trump and project 2025 and you two will have the best relationship youve ever had.

Maybe what happened to u is a warning to me, been drinking some vodka and whiskey the last week or so, mostly for football games, but i can tell it's affecting my health, gained some weight, feel more sluggish, little more brain fog, dont sleep as well, etc. Im going to have to cut down as well. We'll do it together, Hawk.

Im thinking it was getting hydrated that made u feel better, Hawk, well that and the valium. Hopefully u never get that drunk again, but if u get close, make sure u drink plenty of water. Electrolytes too. Were u getting enough salt in your diet before u felt sick?

Tyson bagent showed improved accuracy during preseason, he might have a real future in the league but probably wont show it on the bears with a #1 overall pick in front of him. Maybe they can trade him for a pick.

Im trying to convince myself the bears have a 50/50 chance to win, theyre favored by 3pts, but the mismatch in coaching between the 2 teams is so great i think the rams win outright.

'Horse doover' =Hors d'oeuvre. Nice one, Buzz.

Were the plants floating in the grow room? I think u mentioned that happened earlier. Is it possible to seal up the cracks so there's much less water infiltration or is that like using ur finger to plug a hole in a dam, another leak will spring up somewhere else?

Im guessing Buzz has to rake up the sticks and cart them to the burn/brush pile. Does he even bbq anymore? I think his family used to own a bbq restaurant but not sure he does much grilling/smoking any more. He does make an awesome pizza, which is almost as good.



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
good morning all you Cool Cats..

ya all have a damn interesting thread going here and I am digging it

pecans and pickup sticks put a smile on this old bastagies mug

besides pickup sticks , these two games were popular when I was growing up in the late 50’s and 60’s..

and football 🤓




Those are some cool tops. When I was young and finishing concrete we would tear out the old concrete and we would always find old marbles. I collected a bunch

BTW: it's concrete not cement. Cement is a component of concrete


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Those are some cool tops. When I was young and finishing concrete we would tear out the old concrete and we would always find old marbles. I collected a bunch

BTW: it's concrete not cement. Cement is a component of concrete

we would make about a 3 foot circle and put one of our old beat up tops inside the circle

then we took our good top and then tried to knock one of the tops out of the circle and we got to keep whatever we knocked out

retired licensed journeyman cement mason here Local 690

my white privilege


I did come out of retirement for a few weeks to help my girlfriend do some improvements on her place



but now I’m just a poor old dirt farmer who’s lost all his corn



The good ole Bull float. Those knee pads have seen some use

am I right that cement and concrete are two different things


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning, another Sunday. I am a huge NFL fan but My team has been bad for so long that I usually stay in the corner.

Like today. The Broncos play the Jets. I see a bad moon a risen. If I were a betting fan, and I'm not, best way to make some quick cash is to lay the 8 and bet the farm on the Jets. Broncos have no O line and a marginal running game. Plus the Broncos have a rookie QB and has been inaccurate on passes over 10 yards.

I see a rout coming! I am a loyal Bronco fan so I will sit through this but It won't be fun. Something like 35-7.......Jets.

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