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NFL 2019-2020


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I live on Florida’s West Coast in Central Florida. We’ve got some wins at 40 miles an hour and bands of rain coming in, but I don’t expect very much more than that. I’ve got all my cars and equipment stowed up and I have my generator ready to push the button and get off grid.I hope all you Florida folks stay safe and avoid any problems with the storm
hey man! welcome to the football thread boo
hope you and yours stay safe from the storm, this looks like it could be a good one

How’s she cutting everyone? Hope you’re all safe and well. Been flat to the mat the past while.. No sign of early retirement unfortunately. It’s Good to see the steelers sitting pretty in AFC North, (what can I say) been watching highlights as most of the games are on rather late. Been dragging my ass out of the pit at 6am due to early morning starts. I scanned the previous pages “the sex machine got my attention the most” quite a bizarre contraption, I hope it comes with instructions. Happy birthday buzz ya ol fecker..

Take it easy everyone, and keep it real..

Back to my parlour ;

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😘 my man X, its good to see you still remember the lads
football is in full swing and we have a few good matches on the schedule


Well-known member
Hope buzz and and everyone stays safe.im in the hospital right now.thought I was gonna die. Hopefully I'll be home for the games.been here 2 days
Battery is about to die.hopefully they got a charger


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Hope buzz and and everyone stays safe.im in the hospital right now.thought I was gonna die. Hopefully I'll be home for the games.been here 2 days
Battery is about to die.hopefully they got a charger
wtf man? you mean phone is about to die
what happened


Well-known member
Hope buzz and and everyone stays safe.im in the hospital right now.thought I was gonna die. Hopefully I'll be home for the games.been here 2 days
Battery is about to die.hopefully they got a charger
Shit man, how many lives does a ninja have?

You'll be grand, you got more lives than a cat...


Horse-toothed Jackass
Is it the liver issue? Hawk said his liver enzymes or something were like 1000, which was way way higher than normal.

Hopefully Buzz gets his power restored in a day or three and can post an update. Looks like the eye passed to his east, similar path to Idalia last yr, so maybe his winds topped off at 60mph instead of 80+. Every little bit counts at those speeds...


Well-known member
I got the cowboys tonite. Giants didnt cover the spread vs washington, that's my logic. Plus 'Boys are objectively a talented team, right?

Im sure Buzz has a few usb battery banks, they wont last him long without a gennie/grid power, but they'll last him a couple days.

Arent u a Florida resident, Boo? 40mph winds can be damaging as well. But ur right, Buzz is going to see some $hit tonite.
What was the last h-word to hit central FL bad, boo? Michael?

U picked a winner, Superx. Steelers are a lock for the playoffs, i think, 3-0 and with justin fields keeping turnovers low.
Do u leave the house at 6am or wake up at 6am? Leaving at 6am is pretty dang early. Is it the drive?
Does Ireland have a decent retirement system? How long, realistically, before you can retire without any effect on ur current standard of living? Hopefully not too long.
Is that really the view from ur home? Looks like a green paradise. Looks a little rainy tho. But i guess that's what helps make it green.

Hey Buzz, how much longer do u have power? R u supposed to unplug everything in case of surges? Already 250K FL residents are without power, and Helene isnt supposed to hit land for another 6 hrs...
Hey babba, rainfall here can average up to 200 days a year, though the west of Ireland can exceed those figures, ya get use to it.
Regarding retirement schemes, alot go with personal pension plans( personal retirement fund) helps when your retired, and you would also be entitled to the normal pension. That lump sum of money depends on your tax returns.

Retirement age is 99 🤣
Your sack would need to be dragging of the ground before consideration..
Retirement age in Ireland is 65, as this would be stipulated in your contract, the government are currently trying to raise that age to 67. There is no law in force to legally stop somebody from working beyond that age. A lot would get there pension at that age anyway plus redundancy package, so it would make sense to just bail out..
I need to orbit the moon several times before approval.

Obviously self employed is a different kettle of fish...
Winner winner chicken dinner..

You can certainly feel the nip in the Air over the past week or 2, temperatures here would of been averaging 5-6c (fareinheight, who knows) Autumn wouldn't be my favourite month, the cold snap though brings out some amazing colours on the trees, especially the Acers and maples.

So Florida is taking a bashing,
Was the floods and hurricanes in Florida that bad?
I was reading gusts of winds of speeds at 225kms, is this normal for this time of year in Florida?


Horse-toothed Jackass
The Irish pension system doesnt sound dissimilar from America's, social security retirement age ranges from 62 to 69 or even 71, depending on when u were born. A lot of workers in the private sector supplement their SS retirement with private retirement accounts, IRA's and 401K's, cause there are tax breaks you can get when u set up and contribute to those accts.

Do u mean u have to orbit the sun a few times before u can start collecting?
Also, generally speaking, over here the longer u work and delay retirement the more ur monthly payment will be when u start. So that's another consideration, how early u can retire vs how much u will collect when u do.

Id like to see what ireland looks like with some browns and reds interspersed with the green.

100mph winds should be normal anywhere but that section of FL, the NW panhandle, has experienced that twice in 2 years so far (Idalia last yr, Helene this yr).

I think I just saw Buzz's home on TV just now. Ignore the fact that the size shape and color are wrong.


Well-known member
Crazy, are these prefabricated homes, no solid/concrete foundations? Maybe all timber, how else would they float away.. Would you be covered under your home insurance policy..


Cabana’s bitch
Arent u a Florida resident, Boo? 40mph winds can be damaging as well. But ur right, Buzz is going to see some $hit tonite.
What was the last h-word to hit central FL bad, boo? Michael?

no power for almost 24 hours but the generator is cranking, 12K powered by Honda 20 hp v twin...I believe the last big storm was Ian...I don't keep track of the names unless it's one of my exes names...those storms would surely be dangerous...she told me to get rid of my cars and tools...I thought better and moved out of the house and gave her 1Million for my freedom...she pissed it ALL away within 10 years...


Horse-toothed Jackass
Im not sure how that happens, Superx, there's another FL resident I talk to that said he had his home bolted to his foundation. I guess that's a thing in areas where H-words are common? Im also thinking that home was on a slab foundation, no basement, but im not sure.

I think in America the federal govt does flood insurance for homes, otherwise private companies wouldnt dare cover these types of natural disasters.

Oooo, Ian in 2022. That was a Category 5. U remember Ian, Buzz? That hit SW FL before moving on to the Carolinas so maybe u didnt get so much damage then.

Good to hear youve only lost power, Boo. Youve got 12 kw of generator power? Sounds like u can run lights, a/c, everything without a hitch. Must use a decent amt of gas tho.

Sounds like u were a most generous ex-husband, Boo. What'd she spend 1M on in 10yrs? Living the instagram lifestyle? Fancy cars, plastic surgery, 5k/mth apartment? How's she doing now, if u know?


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Hope buzz and and everyone stays safe.im in the hospital right now.thought I was gonna die. Hopefully I'll be home for the games.been here 2 days
Battery is about to die.hopefully they got a charger
wtf man, what happened to you?
that sucks that you landed in the hospital man and i hope you get better soon
are the nurses hawt? at least; maybe you can make a good impression and get a few numbers

im sending you my prayers @buzzmobile and hope the worst has passed, now you get to clean up the aftermath
if you cant keep your feet dry at least keep your chin above water
i have a pick em up truck if you need me

retirement age at 99y/o, i always knew you irish were a bunch of lazy fecks,now get back to work
200 days a year of rain? really, where i live i get like 20-30 good days of rain if im lucky, but its more brown and not green where i live
im loving the change in seasons man and the colder temps and bringing out the sweat pants and hoodies

these are low effort posts man and im going to have to call you out!
come on , no ball pics or hawt taeks?
you=suck man
maybe you are just hungry?but i gots the two for one coupons in the mail the other day; plus i have this legal weed that hits like a hammer
/here in california all weed is legal
you know the dumpster


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yes Hawk, now is the time to ask for a sponge bath from the 20 something female nurse's assistant. Tell her to pay special attention to your balls and arsehole. Dont be afraid to dig in there. And if a finger happens to slip in, knuckle deep, you wont complain to her supervisor. 'Accidents' happen, yknow.

I imagine Buzz might be busy with the chainsaw for the next day or three. Hopefully his grow is intact, his plants havent floated away or anything. Hopefully he gets power back soon as well.

This is going to be Superx soon, if he can't retire until his 90s:

elderly worker v1.jpg

There is something to be said to remaining active even during retirement, concentrate on hobbies or exercise, travel etc. But yeah, it'd suck to have to keep working well into old age because u need the $$.

I got a really nice ball pic i plan to post this weekend. Do u want to see a wiener pic first tho? I prefer to keep the frank and the beans separate.