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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
felons cant have stun guns. and if we are talking knives i can use any kinda knife no matter how cheap it is. im been practicing marial arts for over 20 years so i know what im doing. those pepperbal guns do work. plus you could load one pepperball and then load one of those steal balls right after it so you get shot with a pepperbal then you get shout in the head or chest with a solid ball its gonna give you time to react. wether is run or whatever else you decide to do. I know what im doing. never lost yet
Fair enough Hawk, I guess you have to expect the unexpected as we never know what's around the corner.
Are you concerned for your mum's safety or your own safety (maybe both ?) do you reside in a dangerous area known for serious assaults and attacks.


Well-known member
Fair enough Hawk, I guess you have to expect the unexpected as we never know what's around the corner.
Are you concerned for your mum's safety or your own safety (maybe both ?) do you reside in a dangerous area known for serious assaults and attacks.
well i do live in a city but its pretty safe all things considered. Ive just been in too many fights and its always good to be cautious. there are lots of people of questionable character. Plus if someone catches me on a bad day you never know what could happen. as far as my mom she is completely oblivious. She doesnt even know shes being rude sometimes i think so yeah i have to look out for her. there are people who i would consider thugs around here


Well-known member
lol buzz. i know a guy with one of those salt guns.maybe ill get one for funsies
I had one like this.
I bought it to shoot the asian ladybugs that get in the house during the winter. It was as effective on them as it was on flies. I gave the salt gun to my niece's stepson. I'm pretty sure he was good at annoying parental units with it.
i love the shirt man and appreciate you showing the one with the extra built in muscles
/and you know im getting the s'medium, so i look extra jacked!
im working throu the jar and its fun to smoke, still has a little fruit and sweet and is super mellow
ill break out a new jar soon!
You wear it well and man what style!
All this talk about buds coming out of the closet has me thinking of jars of buds in a closet near me. I'm beginning to realize where you are coming from.
Are Gator Gurls a thing, Buzz?
Sometimes they can be created.
Gator Gurls are real, @Bababooey, but you have to know where to find them.
For example:
I present to the class, MrsHotForever.

Another shining example is Jessica Itchetucknee, Gatur Gurl Extraordinaire

We used to go tubing on the Itchetucknee Springs run. Crystal clear cold water running through Florida wilderness was an adventure. My roommate got busted by a ranger who saw him trying to hide a beer. Ranger pulled his boat up next to Tom's inner tube, "Get in the boat, Son." Bye bye Tom. We'll catch up to you in a few hours at the landing.
they had a wicked weekend, two guys got lost and couldn't find there way back to the caravan until the sky broke, another guy lost his boots and the one I was chatting with on the phone said his head was several inches from the sky and he spent most of the night trying to touch the stars
LOL Sounds like a perfect lift off. I have had a few mind melting episodes after a stroll through the cow pasture. In springtime the saying was, "When it rains they grow." Strange things happen if you eat a lot.
bum gravy
I too had to mark 'bum gravy', @pop_rocks . I think of it as Building My Gaelic Vocabulary.


Well-known member
Dont you get salt everywhere if you use it in the house buzz? seems kinda messy
That is another reason I gifted it to the young lad.
Now I have a nerf pistol to take aim at the bugs crawling on the ceiling.


The pink darts are deadly.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
ive never seen a dbl barreled bug asalt before! that looks sweet
ive gone through a couple of them but they are a lot of fun
i mostly use mine outside shooting flies and stuff like that, i leave the spiders alone
i has doing laundry today and came across one of the shirts my mom friends sent out! its not as bad as the three gator moon one, at least this one says university of florida on it and has a tiny gator logo on it
ill keep my eys open for those gator girls, or am in looking for those nole' sqwaas?!
fsu girls.jpg

not bad!
/what about the U!?


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ive never had a mushroom tripping weekend but it sounds better than a binge drinking weekend for sure, Supx.
Sounds like u partied quite hard back in the day so i think it's smart that you're trying to be reserved about plunging back into those water. Mushies and cider are comparatively mild, especially if the alternative is coke and whiskey. Then you too can end up like conor mcgregor - not much of an athletic career anymore, but rich and degenerate is a lifestyle too.

That toy shotgun and uses table salt to kill bugs looks pretty cool, not sure i want to use that in the house, like Hawk said id have to clean up a bunch of salt everytime i fire it. Outdoors is how Pops uses it, that would be fine, but killing bugs outdoors isnt really useful.

Will Hill played for UofF back in the urban meyer days, pre-2010, so no NIL money or direct payments from the school, just good 'ol-fashioned envelopes of cash under the table, free car and home leases to his family, etc. Ur right, supposedly the schools will start paying the athletes directly, not sure how that's going to work but the rich (big $$ athletic programs) will keep getting richer (all the best players) im sure.

Mushrooms would make my stomach uncomfortably tight but never gave me the squirts, thankfully.
Ive also heard u can harvest them off of cow turds after it rains, wouldnt mind going to a cow pasture to try that but with my luck ill either get caught or harvest the wrong type of shroom.

I dont think hawk's switchblade is 'cheap', if anything the spring in it is too strong, but like he said he has ways to defend himself without crossing the law. How about nunchuks, u any good with those? Cant imagine nunchuks being illegal to carry anywhere, although theyre not very concealable.
Hawk used to live next to a couple methheads, he's in a safer area now but there's homeless people, sometimes drug addicts, you can run into them anywhere.

That water does look amazingly clear for a Florida swamp, Buzz, and that gator was more cute than intimidating. Arent they more afraid of people than the other way around?

I did not realize ol' Jimbo's first wife cheated on him, i wonder if she found out he was having affairs so that's why she 'stepped out'. Supposedly urban meyer's wife does the same as well, but urban is a known cheater. Remember him checking out some chick's oil at his Columbus OH restaurant?

This is why I love football in the state of FL, it's like a never ending soap opera.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
yeah @buzzmobile, you dont hear a lot of gator bites man stories
is that a common thing in fla? i imagine most people have the sense to avoid them and even if you surprise one in the swamp it probably just wants to get away
if anything they could tail whip you
/would it help if you carries a whompin stick around with you?
you guys have a lot of shark bites out there, but from what i remember it was more like small sharks so the wounds are rarely life threatening
i agree, its basically going to create a caste system in ncaa sports where the teams that can afford to pay will land the best recruits and the rest of the teams just get by
like you said, there was always goodie bags and treats for the best young players, but now we are talking cold hard $$$
it was just fun to shoot the flies who gather around the back porch with the salt gun
i even modded my gun by disabling the safety so i could shoot it as fast as i could pump
i might need to look into getting a new one here one of these days
yeah that knife was a pos, sorry @shithawk420
see how thin the blade is? i guess it might be an ok pokey pokey knife but its not going to hold up to use
but @$25 its a burner that you can afford to chuck it the need arrises

i miss football! but we have the olympics coming up soon
/and boston won the nba title, i wonder if we will be hearing from @D. B. Doober


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
saw this and thought of you @buzzmobile

you country boys are wild
/all in fun brother, i dont really watch college sports
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Well-known member
Of coarse its a piece of shit knife. its a fake Benchmade from China.It does say D2 on it though. If it really is D2 steel then thats not bad. but Benchmade makes really good knives. thats not disputable. ive seen really good fake Microtechs and they sell them on Temu too. if i sell the Benchmade i might buy one.

hell no you cant carry nunchaku around. In some states they are still illegal. Only recently the UK made them legal to even privately own. I could easily kill someone with a pair. Just accidently hitting yourself practicing hurts like hell. Im pretty good with them but my uncle is awesome. Dont need to do any fancy tricks. just need to bonk them on the head and its lights out.

neighbor finally cut that tree but now i got big fucking logs i got no way of getting rid of. my mom was stupid and said we would burn some of it. i cant burn that shit. my mom doesnt know how to be assertive. Shes only 4 foot 8 or 9. she needs to get mean like those little old Chinese ladies.
Guess ill take pics
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
big logs arent bad but i think you guys should just have the neighbors haul all that shit away man
and to make it into firewood, first that needs to be split and then aged till its dry
i dont know if you have snakes in your area but snakes love wood piles
take some pics man!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
big logs arent bad but i think you guys should just have the neighbors haul all that shit away man
and to make it into firewood, first that needs to be split and then aged till its dry
i dont know if you have snakes in your area but snakes love wood piles
take some pics man!
ow wow man, it looks a lot better, could you post the before and after pics in the same post?
/sorry bro im just lazy
those are fat pieces of wood and would need to be split down to make them usable, plus its going to take a while for them to dry
are they going to haul out that other pile of sticks on the laft?


Well-known member
I had one like this.
I bought it to shoot the asian ladybugs that get in the house during the winter. It was as effective on them as it was on flies. I gave the salt gun to my niece's stepson. I'm pretty sure he was good at annoying parental units with it.

You wear it well and man what style!
All this talk about buds coming out of the closet has me thinking of jars of buds in a closet near me. I'm beginning to realize where you are coming from.

Sometimes they can be created.
Gator Gurls are real, @Bababooey, but you have to know where to find them.
For example:
I present to the class, MrsHotForever.

Another shining example is Jessica Itchetucknee, Gatur Gurl Extraordinaire

We used to go tubing on the Itchetucknee Springs run. Crystal clear cold water running through Florida wilderness was an adventure. My roommate got busted by a ranger who saw him trying to hide a beer. Ranger pulled his boat up next to Tom's inner tube, "Get in the boat, Son." Bye bye Tom. We'll catch up to you in a few hours at the landing.

LOL Sounds like a perfect lift off. I have had a few mind melting episodes after a stroll through the cow pasture. In springtime the saying was, "When it rains they grow." Strange things happen if you eat a lot.

I too had to mark 'bum gravy', @pop_rocks . I think of it as Building My Gaelic Vocabulary.

go raibh maith agat Buzz, there's several dialects in Ireland (at least 3) both my daughters are fluent as are most of my family. Ulster and connaught would be different in terms of vocabulary and certain phrases but the same similarities would be consistent between the dialects. ( if that makes sense) unfortunately 😕 it's no longer as widely spoken as it would of been many years ago, most of the youth nowadays find it very difficult to learn and would much rather speak spanish/German and even mandarin as they see these languages as a better opportunity to advance in there career's especially when it comes to travelling the world. If you want to stay in Ireland and pursue your choosing profession there is certain positions that you must be fluent in irish in order to obtain the job ( unfortunately most people don't want to hang around) and would much prefer to travel the world when the time comes..(the youth of today for you)

Hey Babba, we have the summer solstice coming up there will be plenty of bonfires being lite all over the place to bring it in especially up in the hills and mountains, I might have some poitin cocktails at the weekend 😎 (sweet with lemon and lime) very strong and can blow your head off if you don't control yourself, depending on how the night goes I might even howl at the moon. 😆a friend has plenty of mushies from last years pick in large jars preserved in honey.(it's getting more difficult each year to find them)I find it easier swallowing them this way, they are sweet and slip down your neck. I will avoid them this weekend and stick to the poitin and the howling as they both go hand in hand.. 😆

Hawk, you have some nice tree trunks there, do you know what type of tree it was that come down? (Hard wood/soft wood) have you access to a chain saw and axe.? It's crazy you have to pay some body to take that away, (or your neighbour does) if that was here the person would have to pay you to take it away (I'm guessing you don't have a open fire/stove) it would make a fine fire this time next year, there is some trees that don't need air dried and you can burn them pretty much straight away..(especially in pits or camp fires) ash takes little drying time (edited to add)
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Well-known member
Yeah I know the neighbor should take care of it.my mom was just happy the neighbors did anything at all and didn't really think about the clean up.i guess I could pile the logs around and make a fire pit but if I'm gonna make a pit I'd rather do it right with some decent stone or bricks.

Sorry I don't have good before pics.i was too embarrassed about the yard.it was bad.i don't know what kinda tree it was.it was pretty beat up and dead but here's the pics I do have


Well-known member
Just got back from the liquor store.they sell bongs and kratom now.i swear there's more pipes than people around here. and WTF!? A six pack of Blue Ribbon 16oz is $10 before tax.so that's almost $12 a 6 pack.jesus christ I'm glad I've slowed down a lot.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
it looks like they did a good job cleaning up the yard, @shithawk420
if you can burn it that is great but otherwise its just yard waste
so are you guys going to replace the fence too or just it be open range?
good dog! btw
/give it an extra pats from me


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i did not know there were several dialects spoken in ireland?
are you sure the other lads arent just drunk and slurring their words?
/jk my friend
but the all use the same alphabet?
i can dog how people would like to speak mandarin, that is going to be the new language of business
plus did you know if you can speak english and mandarin you can communicate with like half the worlds population
i can actually understand mandarin (cant read) because my mom is chinese
when i was a kid i could speak it but im old and lazy now
i also know some spanish, growing up in socal
i dont see what an irish kid would be doing speaking spanish, but its an easy language and there are lots of spanish speaking people too
so how did you learn to talk these dialects? was it widely spoken when you were growing up


Well-known member
Yeah that fence is rotted and broken. if i had the money id get a new one. need a new porch too.

wish i could speak mandarin. i know a bit of Japanese but not enough to have a conversation i dont think. So whats the difference between mandarin and Chinese and all that? i used to know but forgot. I can pronounce and know some words but they just talk way too damn fast for me. They can say a whole sentence in literally 3 words so i kinda understand how it works. I knew there was different dialects and Gaelic and celtic and all that but im just as confused by that too. Although i get the feeling after some Irish Whiskey i could be very fluent!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
the chineese language is two dialects, mandarin and cantonese
/if im not mistake they both use the same alphabet
but its how you say the words
i think more people speak mandarin, but my numbers could be swayed
dude, you have a phone, download one of those apps! and just do the free learning
i was thinking of doing that myself recently, just getting one of those free online tutorial apps and playing that for like a few min a day
i bet you would be good at it hawk and i can just see the jaws drop when hawk strolls in speaking a foreign language!

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