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NewsWeek-Weed Nation special edition...


Well-known member
anyone else picked this up at the news stands yet? an entire edition devoted to the (apparently) inevitable legalization of marijuana. it details how, when, and why it was outlawed, putting the nazi Anslinger front & center, calling everything he said & did misinformation & sensationalized for propaganda purposes. I have not finished my issue yet, just got to the "centerfold" where they have a breakdown of pro, fence-sitting, and anti adherents. well, back to the magazine! :woohoo:


Well-known member
as always, NewsWeek fucked up a few details. according to them, indica is a tall stringy plant, while sativa is a short bushy variety. gotta give them a little credit, they are giving both sides of the debate some room. hard to think that they really believe that horses ass Kevin Sabet is anything other than a huckster/snake oil salesman though...they seem to be bending over backwards to make it look like it is anything other than inevitable for us to win, but the writing is on the wall unless the damn sky falls in the legal states and turns the undecided against us. this next election is going to be critical. if the GOP builds on its gains AND takes the White House, the momentum may turn against us for another ten years or so...we need a moderate Republican or a Democrat in the WH, and hold the barbarians at the gate without a veto-proof majority. well, back to the mag to look for more mistakes...:)

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
haven't bought a magazine in years but im gonna have to pick up a copy of this thanks for the heads up!


ICMag Donor
as usual on ebay between 7 and 10 a copy but with make offer provisions. Easier for me to do everything online even thought it costs more.......dang it all sometimes
I gotta get that! Damn Anslinger, anybody watch "the union" on Netflix? One of the best historical narratives I've seen. Bunch of cool very credible people who all believe in legalization or decriminilization at the least.


Active member
I gotta get that! Damn Anslinger, anybody watch "the union" on Netflix? One of the best historical narratives I've seen. Bunch of cool very credible people who all believe in legalization or decriminilization at the least.

They made another doc, just released recently, called The Culture High.


Well-known member
for those here whose teeth are too long :biggrin:, go to www.thenation.com and check out the article -"Pot Block!" about the incredible maze of lies, bullshit, and misinformation about who is and is not responsible for re-scheduling cannabis. a catch-22 scenario that makes you want to scream and strangle entrenched non-elected bureaucrats...these are people that we CANNOT throw out of office! you will grit your teeth down to the gums.


Well-known member
two quotes here, from the same DEA source, one paragraph apart. tell me if you spot the hypocrisy... "the DEA cannot unilaterally change the classification of a drug. you don't want us to do that. we are not doctors, we are not scientists. we're cops." then, one paragraph later - "we at the DEA research the potential harm to the user, the availability, the risk of addiction-that sort of thing." fuck me running! if they are not scientists nor doctors, how in hell are they qualified to research ANYTHING??? :biggrin: what I want to know is, if they are this stupid, why does anyone trust them with guns & the keys to a car? downright fucking criminally negligent if you ask me...:tiphat: