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New York, New York


Active member
New York City marijuana arrests top 50K, 86% minorities

By "Radical" Russ Belville

(New York Times Blog) More people were arrested last year in New York City on charges of marijuana possession than during the entire 19-year period from 1978 to 1996, according to an analysis released this morning by the Drug Policy Alliance.

Last year, the sixth year in a row that marijuana possession arrests increased, 50,383 people were arrested, according to a report recently released by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services and obtained by the policy alliance, which advocates for reform of drug laws.

The figure adds up to 140 arrests a day, making marijuana possession the leading reason for arrest in the city, and represents an 8 percent increase over 2009 and a 69 percent increase since 2005, the alliance reported in a statement issued Thursday.

Seventy percent of those arrested are younger than 30, and 86 percent are black or Latino, even though, according to the Drug Policy Group, “young whites use marijuana at higher rates.”

Here’s another way to think of it: 1 in 17 marijuana arrests in America take place in New York City.


Active member
smelling like grass and being black even worse im afraid...nyc is a paramilitary police state of undertrained and underpaid rookies...

theres no leniency, and no decency left, its big $$ locking people up, eating a sandwich in the park lands ya in the brooklyn bing...


to hell with the haters


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
yea whodair its horrible. instead of maybe raising the incentives to try and attract more qualified people for the job, they lower the requirements to get people on the street. now a bunch of assholes who couldn't give a damn about upholding the law get paid to carry guns around. my sister lives in bushwick, and there are murals all over the place telling people their rights, and that they can film police, and all types of shit.



weed fiend
It's amazing to witness how the nation's biggest city and the world's destination reacts toward it's inner-city poor. These minorities are being locked up when whites get a fine. NYC wouldn't be finding all these personal stash busts w/o profiling and shaking down minorities, pedestrians and mostly poor.

I thought Rudy's exodus would reign in this bullshit, at least the bust numbers would go down. Bloomberg has taken it to a whole new level.

I wonder how many of these idiot beat cops arrest a simple possession while the innocuous chevy suburban rides past full of weed.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
disco its disgusting. i have lived in new york my entire 25 years. i dont live in the city, but im in a suburb 40 miles away, and i have been going to there at least twice a month this entire time. i am an unassuming, clean-cut white guy, and i have been giving warnings multiple times over. i have been caught smoking on numerous occasions by uniformed and plain-clothed police, and all i did was tell them that i have a lawyer and this bullshit wouldnt even stand up in court. and i got let go. my cousin on the other hand, who is puerto rican and italian, where as i am irish and italian, has been beat, harassed, and abused at the hands of the NYPD for pissing in an alley way at 3 in the morning. its fucked up because i know a bunch of people who became new york city cops for the only reason that they couldnt do anything else with their lives. its pathetic, new york has over 30k officers, and probably 20k of them should not be allowed to carry a gun.



May your race always be in your favor
Gotta keep those privately run prisons for profit filled some how. So pick on the least violent weed smokers. The number of smokers in jail in Amerika is stupifing. GOOGLE private prison industry and you'll be suprised what you'll find. It's basically slave labor. And now the prison for profit are starting up in Canada. All smoker please line up for the showers.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
The insanity of locking anyone up for bud in any way, shape or form is beyond reason. Yet again you need to follow the money.. when it's this corrupt you are left saying .."You can keep your land and I will find a better place to stay," but that's just me ... peace out Headband707


weed fiend
Gotta keep those privately run prisons for profit filled some how. So pick on the least violent weed smokers. The number of smokers in jail in Amerika is stupifing. GOOGLE private prison industry and you'll be suprised what you'll find. It's basically slave labor. And now the prison for profit are starting up in Canada. All smoker please line up for the showers.

Now that we have Citizens United, the ol' prison warden doesn't just contribute the $2300 hard limit for a lawmaker's reelection. Now, his prison can contribute unlimited soft money to every lawmaker the warden wants. So long as a prison is incorporated, it qualifies as a business to donate unlimited grease to the wheel.

And the big wheel keeps on turning.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i been locked up more times in the city buying weed than you can shake a stick at!
why i started growing my own.
now the amount of "time" and "fines" paid = 0
it does pay to be white in some instances!


Active member
so the cop keeps telling me put my hands behind my back like im praying, im fuckin jewish and dont pray bitch !!

this was new york patrol, its nypd in boots and chaps like some gay fuckin village people !!

our grass is extra smelly too, the sours and piffys are tough to conceal !!


New member
Yeah, the stench of smoking is tough to conceal with the strains avail today. They need to cultivate a kick ass non-stinky plant so the cops can't tell what's in the pipe.

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