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New marijuana business forcing Christian Youth Theater to move


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New marijuana business forcing Christian Youth Theater to move
Legalized marijuana is sprouting new businesses in Washington, especially in Spokane County, where there are now nine state-licensed marijuana growers in the county, more than any other county in the state.
However, while new businesses are moving in, they're inadvertently forcing some others out.
Take for example the Christian Youth Theater, which is preparing for a production that opens this weekend at the Bing Crosby Theater. The Bing isn't the issue so much as their regular location in Spokane Valley. Because a pot business is moving in the theater is moving out.
Christian Youth Theater has operated out of a converted warehouse in Spokane Valley for the last seven years. Memories of past performances hang on the wall where people wear values on their sleeves. Rehearsals for the Music Man and Oklahoma have hummed through the halls, the costume closet and dance studio.
Now they'll have to leave it all behind because a new production is roaring in.
"It was funny and scared all at the same time, because you're thinking youth theater and marijuana," Kristine Lyons with the Christian Youth Theater said.
Potential marijuana growers are leasing out a space in the same complex as the theater. The property is owned by Mountain Gear and state laws require any pot grow must be 1,000 feet away from a school or places where children often recreate like the theater. That means the theater now has to move.
"You just never think it affects you so it was one of those type of surprises," Lyons said.
The property owner says it was simply a business decision. They've given the theater seven years of reduced rent and now they're trading it in for a tenant paying top dollar for a large 32,000 square foot facility.
Despite the unexpected change in location, Christian Youth Theater doesn't feel like the victim.
"My 14-year-old was a little confused just why a children's theater company would be displaced but on the other hand change and growth is a great thing for her to be able to understand and grow," CYT parent Amy Kells said.
Christian Youth Theater opens Beauty and the Beast Jr., a production with 100 kids involved, this weekend at the Bing Crosby Theater.
Pictures will be taken at the performance; they just hope to find a new wall to hang them on.
"Really what we're looking for is a new place to call home, and hopefully home for a very long time," Lyons said.
The theater has been very happy with the landlord and it completely understands the situation that is forcing it to move by June 30. Some promising prospects have come along in their search for a new home.
Yeah dude. That was an old REI warehouse. It was on the market for years and the youth center was renting a small corner of it for a discounted rate. I don't think they were even covering the property taxes.

The moment I saw this I knew the news was going to blow this way out of proportion. Spokane has literally BLOWN THE F**K UP. There are NO spaces to rent for 502 businesses (probably in no small part because lots of people moved here to start a business - cheaper land and power than the Seattle area). Every free building in the county that met zoning criteria had a bidding war. People who wanted space had to: offer to buy for $50k+, lease blank warehouse space at double the price (with $100k+ of renovations to get it up to WA building code which is, I believe, one of the toughest in the country - CO/CA mmj consultants are worthless here regardless of their marketing), or lease a warehouse that has already been brought up to code for something like $2.00 psf minimum.

You're damn right those kids are moving.
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Good story and thanks for posting; and what a great fucking attitude by the CYT parent Amy Kells. Inspirational actually. Took the big change in stride and was able to properly guide her young daughter through the change. Bravo!
Got to give props to the other side when they are so cool about a change we all love to see. Time to smoke a peace pipe when the other side is as open minded about a change, one which I'm sure she doesn't like but uses it as a great teaching moment for her child.
That's good parenting right there and after having a very intelligent child who challenged absolutely everything I said, it's not easy to do that well and she did. Peace sister I admire you.:tiphat:


Enormous Member
It's not the MJ business that's forcing them to move, it's the landlord forcing them out, wanting a reasonable return on his property investment. The title is misleading.


Active member
Basically the same story here in Denver- dilapidated warehouses empty for years now command top dollar, with tenants redoing the security, electrical, plumbing, climate control & you name it at their own expense. Even when they go belly up, and I'm sure some will, landlords make out.

I understand how marijuana came to be grown indoors, because it was illegal, but doing so commercially now that it's legal seems quite contrived, to me.

With all the players jumping into the game, I suspect the price will fall precipitously, leaving many w/o the income to keep the lights on.... The Colorado market isn't infinite, and they have no other way to create profit.


$$ ALONE $$
The Devils Weed....
The Devil cant create anything. Only Steal, Kill, and Destroy. Roaming about like a roaring Lion looking for someone whom he can devour.
God is the creator of Marijuana. Hence the great attitude from the CYT Parent.
I'm a Pentecostal Minister and have smoked my own homegrown for years.
Wish the closeminded sheeple would open up their understanding, but I cant preach about MMJ being good for you. What I can do is educate the people about its usefullness in peoples lives and its medical benefits, and pray that it will "click" one day in their minds and make sense to them as it does us. :biggrin:

Great read Tudo.


Enormous Member
Hey Overgrow,
Very interesting that you're a minister, and you support cannabis. It's been my experience that the religious right have full heartedly endorsed refer madness, which I've never really understood, given the whole "I give you all of the seed bearing plants in the world" thing.


$$ ALONE $$
Theres so many religious groups out there that all believe something different. LOL!
Im of the belief that Gods word is fully truth and infalible. If God said, "He gives us all the seed bearing plants and herbs to use." then I believe Him. His Word has never failed me yet.
Its people that twist and warp it for there own selfish ambitions and ends, that makes Jesus so comical, like the Jesus in the Family Guy cartoon that we all know today. :biggrin:


Active member
What the hell makes them a "Christian" youth theater?

Here's what they're producing:

Shrek the Musical
Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka
Disney's Beauty and the Beast JR

Is Disney god now? I'm not going to pretend to understand people who spend their time on the supernatural but this is just disgusting. Is "Christian" used here to imply child friendliness (Disney, really?) or is it meant to exclude some undesirable group? Let's emulate Jesus by exploiting little children and exploring our dreams of stardom vicariously.

That somebody thinks this story is worthy of sympathy makes me want to cry.


The Dude
The Devils Weed....
The Devil cant create anything. Only Steal, Kill, and Destroy. Roaming about like a roaring Lion looking for someone whom he can devour.
God is the creator of Marijuana. Hence the great attitude from the CYT Parent.
I'm a Pentecostal Minister and have smoked my own homegrown for years.
Wish the closeminded sheeple would open up their understanding, but I cant preach about MMJ being good for you. What I can do is educate the people about its usefullness in peoples lives and its medical benefits, and pray that it will "click" one day in their minds and make sense to them as it does us. :biggrin:

Great read Tudo.

He said sheeple lmfao


if it smells like fish
I aint into Christians any how.....lame religion... I would rather have a pot shop than some religious asshats... give the pot shop reduced rates and charge the religious more imho