We have just launched our new ICMag store. There's a link on the top menu bar. We've put up some basic items with the ICMag logos on them. Note that there may be two logos on items. Like on the T-shirts, you see a small icmag logo on the front, and a big logo on the back.
If anyone wants something different, like a big logo on the front, let us know, as we can customize the locations and sizes of the logos if there is a demand.
This store is run by Printfection.com, and so there is no tracking you back to this site or your account here. They handle your CCs. In fact the store itself lives on the printfection site, we just display it here in a frame.
All purchases support the ICMag website!
If anyone wants something different, like a big logo on the front, let us know, as we can customize the locations and sizes of the logos if there is a demand.
This store is run by Printfection.com, and so there is no tracking you back to this site or your account here. They handle your CCs. In fact the store itself lives on the printfection site, we just display it here in a frame.
All purchases support the ICMag website!