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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
***a note from your author***
There's been some recent rumors going around that nevil didn't work with any south or central American and south Asian import cannabis, people have gone so far as to say he didn't work with any landraces at all lol
Well. The lie/rumors always takes the elevator and the truth always takes the stairs.
Just so everyone is extremely clear about the fellow. Most is not all of nevils very first breeding projects were actually with award winning birds at a very young age.
As far as breeding cannabis goes....his very first works were with basically any seeds he could find from coffee shops.
I used to spend hours in the 90s drooling over hightimes and seed catalogues. Esp the ones I got in person in Amsterdam 1998/1999
Enjoy these as much as I have, and let the truth be known


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Back cover (Inside outside)



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Here is nevils the seed bank very first every add via hightimes magazine.

Apparently this was the first time any seed co (legal or not) posted in HT

Those all look like imported landraces to me.



Well-known member
Premium user
High Times has an interesting history,I read somewhere at first Forcade did it to mock Playboy using drug pics as centerfolds and bankrolled the entire mag from smuggling and even up to the 80's they put every drug in it's issues. Later mainly weed. It became really popular in the mid-late 70's and they were also protesting Nixon for making some pot sentences on par or even exceed sentences for rape and murder. Also they escaped Green Merchant for some reason while Sinsemilla Tips and others got raided leading to rumors of DEA cooperation. Not sure how much one reads is true but Nixon sure was a fuckwit and ruined many lives.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
High Times has an interesting history,I read somewhere at first Forcade did it to mock Playboy using drug pics as centerfolds and bankrolled the entire mag from smuggling and even up to the 80's they put every drug in it's issues. Later mainly weed. It became really popular in the mid-late 70's and they were also protesting Nixon for making some pot sentences on par or even exceed sentences for rape and murder. Also they escaped Green Merchant for some reason while Sinsemilla Tips and others got raided leading to rumors of DEA cooperation. Not sure how much one reads is true but Nixon sure was a fuckwit and ruined many lives.
Tom Forcade would turn over in his fucking grave seeing what happened to High Times. And there's a reason why they dodged GM shutdowns, they gave everybody up. Check out the late '70s editions, more coke than cannabis.

med-man, hope you're not going to use Nevil's name to hawk a new seed mix, there's enough people around here doing that as it is. If Shanti doesn't do it, nobody should.