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Nevada bill would allow sick pets to use medical marijuana. Your dog wants Steak

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
FIle under: WTF?

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — Pets might soon be able to use pot under a bill introduced Tuesday in the Nevada Legislature.

Democratic Sen. Tick Segerblom is sponsoring the measure that would allow animal owners to get marijuana for their pet if a veterinarian certifies the animal has an illness that might be alleviated by the drug.

Segerblom said he's concerned that some animals might have adverse reactions, but "you don't know until you try," he said.

Some veterinarians who have given cannabis to sick and dying pets say it has relieved their symptoms, although the substance hasn't been proven as a painkiller for animals.

Los Angeles veterinarian Doug Kramer told The Associated Press in 2013 that pot helped ease his Siberian husky's pain during her final weeks, after she had surgery to remove tumors. Kramer said cannabis helped his dog, Nikita, gain weight and live an extra six weeks before she was euthanized.

Read More: http://www.seattlepi.com/news/medic...-would-allow-sick-pets-to-use-pot-6139456.php


Active member

Don't knock this till you try it on your pooch.

My GSD has hip displacia...she is 11yrs old. She uses med MJ about 4-5 times a week depending on her activity level, whether we are home etc. My vet laughed when I told him, and he said to "keep doing what your doing"....

She is a POT FIEND now, my wife asks her if she wants some weed and she will B-LINE it right to me.

She did fall off her chair once...the dog that is...


Active member
Fucking retard Tick. We can't even properly roll out the human med system and you introduce a bill for dogs.


New member
HELP. I'm not sure if this is the correct thread i should be on but i'll try anything. My 12 pound 11 yr old cat has kidney disease. If you know anything about cats and kidneys you know I'm just trying to buy time and get her to eat so i don't have to watch her starve to death. I've done some reading about glycerin tinctures used for cats/pets with kidney disease. Can anyone help me navigate through the process? Is there a particular brand i should purchase? A particular strain? How do i administer it? Whats the dosage? Please help.