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need help florida growers!

i just finished up a indoor grow and i am getting a late start this outdoor season.i have 3 outdoor grows under my belt and have always started earlier than this. so i'm a little concerned about starting late. i will be germing in two weeks right now were getting 13hrs 48min of daylight down here right now. my question is when i start vegging inside before putting out what light times might work better for me 24/7 or 18/6? i'm growin nevilles haze hybrid (fem) special skunk (fem) from female seeds plus freebies. do i have anything to be concerned about? shold i vegg for a shorter period or longer? anybody? :chin:


Mold has been a problem with some of my plants last year. I would personally use 18/6 * as I do indoor & clone the tops. I had some plants sativa's that were not harvested until early Dec. I have a few 1 month+ plants outside now and planted some more seeds today. If your grow area is secure you have all the time you need. Flowering started for me in central FL early August and later for some. defend your plants from mold & winds.

Good Growing

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Weather would be my main concern in Florida. With all the hurricanes every year the state gets hammerd by strong storms. I don't live in Florida but I lived there almost half of my life so I know what the weather is all about. It's only getting worse too. Plants can get demolished by the weather.
i actually havent had a problem from hurricanes destroying them yet. they survived Charley,Wilma and that other one. Charley hit one county north of here and i thought for sure they would had some damage done but they didnt. they werent staked or anything i just had them in some dense forest. but a couple of the ones i've raised in the back yard broke in half. not having hardly any cover from the wind at all.
Florida blows? well Florida may blow but it's mighty warm here around Christmas:)