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Need help Drying/Curing Bubble


Active member
After I remove my bubble from the screens on the bags I place the resin on the pressing screens. Once I am finsihed I have the different grades seperated. I use the towel method to press the bulk of the water out. My problem is I am ending up with gooey sticky messes especially with the 73u screen's resin. It looks like a piece of brown chewed up gum. It doesnt seem to dry out over night on the cardboard and it never turns to a consistancy that I can break it into powder always sticky and gooey. What am I doing wrong? :(
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sound like you did something correct. smoke it, it should be dry by now. or freeze it. if you like it HARD!! good luck. go smoke that shit. and post pics, ure gonna be sooo happy.


I hear you need to leave it on the cardboard for longer than overnight, but i am making my first batch right now. try letting it sit a bit longer... patience! :)


Active member
Never use the pressing screens from bubbleboy

Never use the pressing screens from bubbleboy

You should never press wet tricomes. Not EVEN "GENTLY" as BubbleBOY says.
Throw those pressing screens away. You want to suck or absorb the water out not press it or press it gently. Use a kitchen shami. After rinsing your tricomes with clean water to the center of the bag, place your bag with the tricomes in it on top of the kitchen shami. Let it set there until all the lose water has been absorbed. Then use your flat credit card style card to harvest all your tricomes from the bag. Then place these on a silkscreen preferably 23micron. Then you can use a paper towel "Gently" pressing your tricomes from underneath the silkscreen and absorb all the extra lose water. Then you can chop it up with your plastic card. And gently press from under the screen again, collecting all the lose water without "bruising the Fruit" You will notice a difference in the way it will press in your fingers. It wont press into powder or dust and stick to your fingers. It will press and stick together, then SNAP at the break intstead of tear or fall apart. This is well dryed and cured hash.



My little pony.. my little pony
I press it and dont have any problems preserving the potency. My advice would be to leave it in the patty shape and put the cardboard on top of your computer display for a couple of days. 2 days will be enough to dry something about 1/3 inch thick.

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Well-known member
what i like to do is make sure one the majority of the water is out from a gentle press in the pressing screen, you can put it in the freezer to give it some brittleness if need be before you remove it from the pressing screen. What i do now is chop the semi wet paddy into a nice powder, that i spread quite thinly over the cardboard. THis allows the water to be pulled out by the absorbtion ability of the cardboard as well as due to the water being affected by gravity and sinking in the hash.
I have always dried my hash like this and have certainly never had any complaints , as for bruising the fruit? well thats just something adam from thseeds would say, Oh wait that is what he said, and your just repeating his words.

bubble man


Active member
Im posting a pic...

The stuff on the left is the 45u stuff on the right is the 73u. The 73 was pressed gently with the towel and screen..it took me awhile to peel it off the screen and when I did i laid it on the cardboard over night. The next morning i had to struggle to remove it from the cardboard as you can see at the top where there is some melted into the board. I keep my house at 72 deg with central ac. Anyway...so I put that piece of melting hash in the freezer and just chopped it into pieces but it seems liek its going to stick to the cardboard rather than leech water :/

Having trouble inserting the pic...anyway heres the link to it


Active member
"Bruising the FRUIT"

"Bruising the FRUIT"

Yes the phrase "Bruising the Fruit" was coined by him about 4 years ago. This is why I always write it in quotes " ". For I do not copy and claim it WAS "MINE". He coined this phrase because of people like Bubbleboy and Mila who still harvest and dry there wet tricomes the old wrong way.
As far as Bubbleboy never having complaints about his water extractions, believe me I have tried it and yes I complained.

Also the man who coined "Bruise the Fruit", Had many complaints about bubbleboy's water extractions, recently saying nothing "bubbled" or for that fact was there anything worth taking for personal stash. I heard he had better buds then "bubble"?????


My little pony.. my little pony
" Bruising the Fruit "



Active member
Ok back on topic...

Last pic in my gallery will show you the latest run. The 45u is on the left and seems to be drying well as you can see it was moved over and left a wetspot. The 73u on the right is still sticking together melting in room temp, etc... I tried to break it up but it got worse. WTF? So I pressed too much again?


Well-known member
Hey trichome, i can't see any images in your gallery ? not sure , but if i could see the hash i might have a better idea whats going on.
can you post the picture up here?
Throw that shit in the freezer for the time being just in case its not properly dried, you won't get any funk happening that way.
bubble man

ps, way to bring her back to topic...


Active member

they thanks for the replies and your product....
heres the pic...
the first pic is right after extraction second one is about 2 hours later (a few minutes ago)

I put that melted stuff in the freezer for now

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