Looking at setting up a second room and need lighting. Recently came across these fixtures ( and after pricing out air AC/DE setups thought this was a great plug and play package. It's well priced, compact and as far as I know comes from a reputable company. Because of my geographic location I am able to take advantage of air cooled reflectors most of the year so I do. Because of this I don't have to purchase or maintain spendy A/C equipment or run it. Currently running 3 AC xxxl reflectors over a 4.5x15 custom built table and plan on building a second one.
My questions are: Has anyone ever heard of these fixtures? They seem pretty new when I googled them. If anyone is running them and would like to chime in that would be a bonus. Does anyone have any good experience with any self contained fixtures like these where the ballast and bulb are confined together? Are there any inherent risks maybe I haven't thought about? Any positive thought or input would be appreciated, regards.
My questions are: Has anyone ever heard of these fixtures? They seem pretty new when I googled them. If anyone is running them and would like to chime in that would be a bonus. Does anyone have any good experience with any self contained fixtures like these where the ballast and bulb are confined together? Are there any inherent risks maybe I haven't thought about? Any positive thought or input would be appreciated, regards.