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N toxicity/lockout or what?


New member
Hi guys, reading from years till now.. don't write a lot, internet here cold be unsafe. Anway, short sad story I'm a good organic grower but seems coco isn't my medium. Picture attached is from a 3w flowering critical (ripperseeds version) under a 600w hps, a weed ago i see some tip burn so i flushed with a flushing product a restart feeding @1EC. I'm running canna coco a+b, some humic and some ph down. Fact: Small flower very hard, leaf curled an EC of runoff with drippers is 0.8, when i have waterd by hand ec runoff is 1.2/1.3.. can be a problem of poor water distriburion? I have 2 drippers in 7L smart pot. EC inflow is in range, and i have a lot of runoff so coldn't be "standard" salt build up. Any suggestion? Thanks


  • IMG_20191111_164225.jpg
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New member
For me it looks like mites (broad/russet mites)

I Hope im wrong because this mites are a big problem. They are 0.2mm big, so fucking tiny you cant even see them with your eyes.