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my water is suddenly stinky like sulfur?


when we set up our garden, the spring on our property was nice and clean. (dug pretty deep 15x8x12) some frogs, animal tracks and the like.
has plenty of lush growth but smells like rotten eggs and sulfur?

ph is low, 6.1, whats the scoop. animals still like it but is it good for my plants? what should i be concerned about and look for?


so you dug a hole and you get water from that? thats interesting, i suggest sending a sample of your water for testing which people should always do when they drill/dig a new well


its a spring, like a slow creek that runs in and outta the ground at diff spots on the property. then runs into a larger creek, then into a river. dug it out a few yrs ago with a lrg back hoe as deep as possible. its little bigger than stated, kinda runs downhill. i believe from reading quite a bit the grasses and lilys growing and dying are decaying and causing the gassy smell. just not sure if its ok for plants?


Active member
Most likely hydrogen sulfide gas is in the water...

Like chlorine.... you can let it sit for a day and most if that will go away. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:


sorry, I saw your pond, and I farted in it while taking a swim.

Hope it smells better soon... ;)