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My mum´s going in for her first surgery tomorrow


Well-known member
Okay, so my mum has her appointment for her first eye surgery tomorrow. I called her today to say good luck and she seems to be pretty okay with it and doesn´t sound too worried at all.
But the thought of someone (second choice doctor, not her first choice) poking, cutting and f*cking about right on / in her EYE makes me cringe, man.
Another thing which worries me is that I tend to have and get the same crappy health issues she has which means that I may (or may not) have to go subject myself to eye surgery one day... YIKES!!!!
I´ve had visions of it going horribly wrong....

But anyway, SHE is the one having the surgery, SHE is okay but I AM the one who´s totally freaking about it!!!
KInda weird, huh?
Anyway, I REALLY hope it all goes to plan.... (sigh)


Well-known member
Best of luck to her. I had catarac surgery to replace my lenses, and it wasn’t bad. You are awake when they do it, watching a laser destroy the old lens.
yeah, I think she´s getting a new lens or something... and it´really freaks me out.

I recall one bio class baxk at schoole when we dissected a cows or bulls eyeball. I felt sorry for the animal :(

No, seriously, I keep imagining that something will go wrong. Maybe not the first surgery but probably the second... eeeeeeekkkkk!

Hey, Fly, weren´t you scared or afraid to go totally blind or and stuff?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
yeah, I think she´s getting a new lens or something... and it´really freaks me out.

I recall one bio class baxk at schoole when we dissected a cows or bulls eyeball. I felt sorry for the animal :(

No, seriously, I keep imagining that something will go wrong. Maybe not the first surgery but probably the second... eeeeeeekkkkk!

Hey, Fly, weren´t you scared or afraid to go totally blind or and stuff?
No. The real issue is the lenses they use. I have some that make spiderwebs around lights at night. But the sky is blue again instead of dingy green from the yellow lenses. Imagine the back window of an old British convertible dingy yellow.

Getting old isn’t for wimps. I jogged a mile chasing a kid on roller blades on my 68th.

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
The older we get, sometimes the more comfortable we can be with accepting our fate in life, mortality, what ever. Good, bad, or ugly.

She's your mom, and you're worried a lot about her. Also pretty normal. Sometimes we can fear for our loved ones more than we might fear for ourselves, too.

Hopefully it comes off as planned with no outcomes other than those already accepted and desired.

Take her some of those chocolate oat cookies (assuming she allows herself to eat them). And be as much support to her as you can. (Like I needed to tell you that, right? :) )

If not, just tell the Doc that if anything horrible happens to your mother, you'll hunt him down like a jackall and he'll regret the day he ever donned a white coat. :)


Well-known member
Thanks guys. I don´t know how long this surgery takes but they could already be finished by now. I intended to call her this evening but she said that friday would suit her better as she is suppose to go home, lie down and just rest afterwards. So I just hope that everything has gone well.

The surgery was already delayed because there were issues with her blood pressure but then she was put on extra medication and it finally stabilzed somewhat.


Well-known member
I just talked to my mum and guess what? Those tossers f*cked it up and she´s got a serious and also painful infection.
She went to the doctor (not the surgeon but her regular eye doctor ) and they gave her 3 different meds for it, drops and cream. She´s suppose to see the doctor again on Monday but if it gets worse she´ll have to go into hospital over the weekend.
I´m really pissed off. They´re not only sloppy and obviously don´t even pay attention to hygene but they also expect to be paid... aaaargh.
Anyway, I hope this infection goes away again very quickly.

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
I just talked to my mum and guess what? Those tossers f*cked it up and she´s got a serious and also painful infection.
She went to the doctor (not the surgeon but her regular eye doctor ) and they gave her 3 different meds for it, drops and cream. She´s suppose to see the doctor again on Monday but if it gets worse she´ll have to go into hospital over the weekend.
I´m really pissed off. They´re not only sloppy and obviously don´t even pay attention to hygene but they also expect to be paid... aaaargh.
Anyway, I hope this infection goes away again very quickly.
Sorry to read that, Cuddles.

The Doc in my cancer surgery nearly killed me (literally) with 7 infections in my abdomen and a giant hematoma to keep them company, then denied to others what he'd already acknowledged to my local urologist re. misdeeds during the procedure.. For a year or more I envisioned encountering him in the parking garage at his facility. Probably a good thing I didn't.

As recently as 4 or so months ago, he was putting fresh chart notes into my chart, despite my not having seen him in a year and a half at that time. Pretty much stating things in 'fresh notes' that amounted to covering his ass.

With proper care, I hope your mother recovers well. With a decent immune system and enough vim and vigor, she can bounce back and spit in the fellow's eye. Perhaps literally, even.. ;)

Send or take her some of those chocolate oat cookies. That, and if you're able, some good chicken soup. If she's not near you, and you can, maybe have someone closer to where she is take her some soup from a nearby deli.
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Well-known member
Sorry to read that, Cuddles.

The Doc in my cancer surgery nearly killed me (literally) with 7 infections in my abdomen and a giant hematoma to keep them company, then denied to others what he'd already acknowledged to my local urologist re. misdeeds during the procedure.. For a year or more I envisioned encountering him in the parking garage at his facility. Probably a good thing I didn't.

As recently as 4 or so months ago, he was putting fresh chart notes into my chart, despite my not having seen him in a year and a half at that time. Pretty much stating things in 'fresh notes' that amounted to covering his ass.

With proper care, I hope your mother recovers well. With a decent immune system and enough vim and vigor, she can bounce back and spit in the fellow's eye. Perhaps literally, even.. ;)

Send or take her some of those chocolate oat cookies. That, and if you're able, some good chicken soup. If she's not near you, and you can, maybe have someone closer to where she is take her some soup from a nearby deli.
Sorry to hear about your ordeal moose. I had a nasty doctor f*ck up with me too - years of excrutiating pain, couldn´t do anything, not even go to sleep without booze - I know exactly how you feel and you have my full symphathy!
I still have fantasies about getting some sort of revenge. Couldn´t afford a lawyer back then.. or later on .


Well-known member
Well, I called my mum a few minutes ago and she says there´s been an improvement - she says it´s a bit less painful than yesterday, which is some good news I guess. She is on a time schedule with all her eyedrops incl. an antibiotic one and cream and stuff.
I´m gonna ring her again tomorrow - these things tend to take time...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah time - sometimes lots of time Cuddles - the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK is probably worse than it's ever been these days - and I was recently told that I'm needing heart surgery due to something awful called Mitral Regurgitation - so the heart has to pump harder to move blood - due to a leaky heart valve - that doesn't make a perfect seal - because the heart strings have been stretched or broken - so oxygenated blood leaks back to the chamber it was pumped from - leading to dizziness often - and other associated psychological and physical problems - so I'm now aiming at 'getting on the long list for heart surgery' - after a thorax CT scan - and that's gonna take a whole lot of time before a heart surgeon goes anywhere near me old Ticker - due to the NHS being so fucked-up lately - and having waaay longer waiting lists for surgeries - than its ever had -

Your Mum seems to be on the mend - which is good news - yes - it all takes some time -