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My first real has run.


Leave this place better then when i arrived
First time i tried to make hash was with males and ended up with pollen which was a waste of time. Now i took 2 plants which were very much abused and probably would of yielded less then an oz between the 2 of them.

This was the last batch of plant that wasnt very dark in color.

Was going to put it over the vent which read about 86 farenhite but was told its not very healthy so decided to just put 1 plate. I will evaporate the rest tommorow, peace!


Hey T.doT.Toker!

Haha nice stuff... Is that from cold water method? I just made some shit from my trim with ice and cold water , syphin water ect.. It was pertty good



Leave this place better then when i arrived
How do you use the cold water method? I just shook it in iso alcohol for about 20 seconds and then filtered it into the jars. Thanks to gdk he helped me with it! :)


Active member
Hey man
hopefully you will end up with something nice.

This is the only pic I have of iso oil I made along time ago.


Leave this place better then when i arrived
Howd you make oil. I just evaped 1 plate yestarday and the hash is a hard ass drop. It is tar black though.


Why not go and buy a turkey baster and some Butane, BHO is far superior.


Leave this place better then when i arrived
Yes they are papper, try smoking some cardboard oh man does it get you high ;) jk, but i wouldnt b surprised if someone has tried it. Maybe, ill smoke some and see if i graduated to the bho method :) Btw shmike everyone has those plates, there like the immigrant must have. The bed sheets.... i bought on a sale :confused:

Some pics of you, the first plate i didnt chill in the fridge and it turned out dough texture but a little bit harder. The rest turned out kind of liquid a little to solid to call liquid. Its sticky like fuck as well and it took me sometime to figure out how to get it on the papper :bat: Havent smoked some yet but i will soon and give a report. Peace all :joint:

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