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My first grow!! Chocolate skunk


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Hi All!!
I finally decided to make this post to show you my first indoor grow.

Closet is 80x80x160
Jackson Nemesis LED 200W
100mm intake
125mm exhaust

I will put 9 x 7L pots
I put 9 seeds of Chocolate Skunk by 00seeds, 9/9 germinated and I put them last Saturday in the first pots (0.6L), 7 of them have gone well and are growing well, I just put a little bit more soil in those that were a little bit longer, and they are all well supported.
One of them started to sprout but seems to stopped, I see like the seed is breaking on top of the soil, but it has been since Monday like that.

The last one germinated, but I think I put it too deep, it's been since Saturday and it hasn't changed anything, and I don't see any hint of roots or seedling, so yesterday I put the last seed I had (I bought 2 5packs) in a paper towel to germinate, and I will put it in one of the 2 pots who hasn't gone well.

Hopefully, the one that is just breaking the soil recovers.

I used only water till today, Wich I added a little bit (minimum dosage) of roots stimulator.
When should I start using grow stimulator??

I have a root stimulator, a grow stimulator, a bloom stimulator and a bloom.... I don't know the word... The PK that makes your flowers fatter.

I will keep you posted and I will post some pics in this thread.

Feel free to ask anything, and more yet feel free to give tips or recommendations, what do you think is happening with the 2 cases?


Well-known member
Hi All!!
I finally decided to make this post to show you my first indoor grow.

Closet is 80x80x160
Jackson Nemesis LED 200W
100mm intake
125mm exhaust

I will put 9 x 7L pots
I put 9 seeds of Chocolate Skunk by 00seeds, 9/9 germinated and I put them last Saturday in the first pots (0.6L), 7 of them have gone well and are growing well, I just put a little bit more soil in those that were a little bit longer, and they are all well supported.
One of them started to sprout but seems to stopped, I see like the seed is breaking on top of the soil, but it has been since Monday like that.

The last one germinated, but I think I put it too deep, it's been since Saturday and it hasn't changed anything, and I don't see any hint of roots or seedling, so yesterday I put the last seed I had (I bought 2 5packs) in a paper towel to germinate, and I will put it in one of the 2 pots who hasn't gone well.

Hopefully, the one that is just breaking the soil recovers.

I used only water till today, Wich I added a little bit (minimum dosage) of roots stimulator.
When should I start using grow stimulator??

I have a root stimulator, a grow stimulator, a bloom stimulator and a bloom.... I don't know the word... The PK that makes your flowers fatter.

I will keep you posted and I will post some pics in this thread.

Feel free to ask anything, and more yet feel free to give tips or recommendations, what do you think is happening with the 2 cases?
Be careful adding anything but only water in the beginning. New potting soil will have a full charge of nutrients and the plants shouldn't need anything for a few weeks. Let the plants grow some leaves and get a strong stem before adding any fertilizer.


Active member
Be careful adding anything but only water in the beginning. New potting soil will have a full charge of nutrients and the plants shouldn't need anything for a few weeks. Let the plants grow some leaves and get a strong stem before adding any fertilizer.
Thanks for the tip!!
I'm so afraid of over watering because I have read a lot about that, so I'm trying to water them when the top soil looks dry.

I watered them last night and I will post later a picture, because they are drying fast but I was thinking about watering them every 2-3 days to give the roots time to dry and expand...

Quick question, should I water them near the stem to let the water be close to the roots, or should I water near the wall of the pot, to make the roots look for that water?


Active member
This is a pic taken 3 hours ago!

Top soil now looks almost dry in almost all pots, should I water them tonight again or should I let them without water until tomorrow night?

Bottom center pot is the later germinated seed, and bottom right is the one that have the cotiledons peaking through the top of the soil, but the plant is not growing...


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Well-known member
Thanks for the tip!!
I'm so afraid of over watering because I have read a lot about that, so I'm trying to water them when the top soil looks dry.

I watered them last night and I will post later a picture, because they are drying fast but I was thinking about watering them every 2-3 days to give the roots time to dry and expand...

Quick question, should I water them near the stem to let the water be close to the roots, or should I water near the wall of the pot, to make the roots look for that water?
I weigh my beginning containers dry and wet and write both weights on the container. Before I water I always weigh at least one pot first. That way I can tell when the pots have water and don't. As an example, I can weigh a Dixie cup full of dry potting mix. The dixie cup will weigh about 100 grams dry. Then after watering, I can re-weigh the cup wet and it will weigh about 260 grams wet. Now I know what the water holding capacity is. So I let the water weight drop back to 130 grams before I watered again. It's so easy to manage watering when using this method.


Active member
Little update.
The tenth seed germinated and is going on as well as I could expect. You'll see her at the left of this pic.
The pot in the far left was the seed that germinated but stopped growing. Eventually the sprout peaked through the soil, and the seed capsule fell off, but the cotiledons never spread apart.
The other seven are doing so great!!
I'm planning to make their final watering in this pot tonight, and to transplant them to the final 7 liter pots (never got intermediate, maybe for the next grow) probably the Friday.

Another update is i got a humidifier because RH was about 30%, now is stable between 67-71%.

Here's the pic!


Active member
I just transplanted them, and seems like just in time, because bottom of the little pots was full of little braided roots.
I was so focused on not messing up that I didn't take any pictures.
I will post a pic tomorrow!


Active member
As I promised, the picture!!
Soil looks a little dry, maybe I underwatered them yesterday, but I was afraid of overwatering... Don't have a scale but I'm confident I will get used to the weight "manually".


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Well-known member
I water by weight, a lift and think type op. lol

I once started very much like you, but I used rapid rooters, and kept a dry mix to avoid wetting the floor

it tough its a weed!


Active member
I water by weight, a lift and think type op. lol

I once started very much like you, but I used rapid rooters, and kept a dry mix to avoid wetting the floor

it tough its a weed!
I have to say that my soil was recommended by the growshop owner, and it is a light-mix, coconut mixed with soil, so it should drain faster than just soil.

I'm not using mycorrhizae, I'm starting "as simple as possible" with the biobizz try pack (bio grow, biobloom and top max) and a root stimulator by upper nutrients called "metaroots"(I think is a spanish brand)

Floor of the closet is waterproof so I shouldn't worry about wetting the floor itself, but it would mean that I overwatered a lot hahaha.

Hopefully one day I will be as experienced as you!!


Active member
It's near lights out and some of them have turned a little yellowish, does it seem like they are asking for water or does it seem something worse??
Shouldn't be underfertilized because Im using the dosing that the brand indicates, 2ml/L


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Active member
Sweetness. This becomes addicting btw. Enjoy and remember to take flower shots!

How long you vegging?
Germinated them 2 Thursdays ago, today they are starting their second week of veg, maybe I flip the lights next weekend because I was told that this strain will double, near triple their size, so the shop owner recommended me to turn them to flowering when they reach near 30-35 cm


Active member
Update! They looked dry so I watered them thoroughly this morning. Tested the runoff with pH drops and color seems to be like a 7, so maybe I have to PH-down the watering a little bit, to be more in 6.5.
Picture about 5 mins ago, I don't know if I'm optimistic but I see them greener than yesterday


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Well-known member
Update! They looked dry so I watered them thoroughly this morning. Tested the runoff with pH drops and color seems to be like a 7, so maybe I have to PH-down the watering a little bit, to be more in 6.5.
Picture about 5 mins ago, I don't know if I'm optimistic but I see them greener than yesterday
It can be hard to be patient friend. Hold on to what you got they will green up in time.


Well-known member
And I should get an electronic PH tester, being colorblind doesn't help hahaha, I have my girlfriend checking the drops with me hahaha
Let me tell ya man, screw digital ph meters...yes there are good ones...such as Blue Lab, But very pricey and still needs to be calibrated regularly, in my humble opinion of many years of checking ph, the little General Hydroponics test kit solution is still easiest and persistent.


Active member
Let me tell ya man, screw digital ph meters...yes there are good ones...such as Blue Lab, But very pricey and still needs to be calibrated regularly, in my humble opinion of many years of checking ph, the little General Hydroponics test kit solution is still easiest and persistent.
Mine is from Terra acuatica, and the problem is I'm colorblind, and the watering solution is kinda brown, so when I use the drops, I don't know if it is yellow but darker because the nutrients, or if it will turn clearly yellow when reaching 6...
I'm having a problem with that things, if an electronic tester gives me the number, it will be easier hahaha.

That or I'm reading my drops wrong or using them wrongly


Well-known member
If you get a digital, DO NOT get a cheap Amazon one, I only trust Blue Lab, just calibrate and your golden

Also if your new to hydroponics and ph testing, I highly recommend always premix your solutions a day ahead of time and recheck ph, as SOME nutrient lines will "bounce" or change ph after being mixed a while, as a rookie long time ago took me forever to figure that out. No one told me.

I personally prefer the general hydroponics kit, but digital blue lab for shore!

Let them (plants) tell you, you'll see dude, awesome stuff

EDIT: OR APOGEE , they are reliable as well if blue lab not available over there, I take it your in UK?

Edit: another tip, if use litmus, NEver dip into solution...only drop onto paper with dropper. and only after solution is really well mixed and sat for while. Dipping litmus in recently mixed solution will not be accurate, trust me.
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