So my girlfriend just got a little boy ferret because mine needed a friend. All ferrets steal shit. Mine likes to steal rubbery shit mostly. It's not too bad. Once I had a brand new tincture bottle disappear. That's pretty much the worst of it be sides maybe some of my remote buttons getting chewed off. Anyways, the other day I was pretty out of it from being sick. My buddy loaded me his girl's pipe and hands it to me. I prefer water pieces so I unpacked it and set it down. Then I can't figure out what the fuck I did with the pipe. I'm thinking that I was just being a space cadet and that it disappeared into the clutter. I can't find the damn thing for like a day and a half. Then all of a sudden its just on the floor. So I'm thinking "I wonder if Tray took it". Just now I finished smoking a bowl and he gets up on the bed and starts sniffing at it. Then right there in front of me he precedes to snatch it and try to run. Also he's been stealing the hash/oil tubes that we use for hot knives. So its official, our ferret likes to steal weed paraphenalia. I thought that if anybody got a kick out of that it would be people here. Here he is. He's going to get fucking huge.