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my dog has behaviour probs.



hello everyone,i was hopping there is someone here who could
my dog, a little staffy is acting stranger and stanger.

here is the problem,when me and the wife are together
he is brillant,full of life and charictor that staffys are renowned
but when i go out and he is left in with the wife he goes away
and hides in a dark corner somewhere.
and its the same if she goes out but even worse.
he wont come near me and acts frightend shaking and
acting weird but as soon as me and the wife are together
again he just comes alive again.
it is annoying us both as we love him very much and its
starting to become upsetting for us both,we are becoming
more trapped in the house together because of this.

any ideas whats going on and what i can do?

thank you,rocky5.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Looks like your dog enjoy's and feels more comfortable when both of you are around him....

...I guess he likes a family....

Dogs are usually very social animals, but if they only have one or two people/other dogs to socialize a bit with then they can get lonely and act odd because of it.....

I'm not sure what you can do about it other than try and introduce more activities into the dogs life with more contact with other people/dogs....and see if that works....

...I have 6 dogs, and they pretty much all keep each other company and are in daily contact with humans too, so they all have quite a social life....


The Tri Guy
have you tried playing with it together, and one of you leaving the room for a few seconds, and slowly increasing the time spent in a different part of the house so that it gets used to playing with just one of you?


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
you could always get a dog for your dog.

my dog had a cat for years, it was the only way she could be left at home w/out me there.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
how old is he? id drag his ass out of a corner and put him on a leash . dont give him a chance to hide. he may fight it whine cry trynto run away but eventually he will break and give in. keep treats near by, sliced ham works great if he trys to run from that i dont know what ya can do.


thank you everyone for replying,i think you are all onto something
with more human/annimal contact as everytime we are out with him
he just loves running upto strangers and other annimals.
he goes evrywhere with us around family and just tears around mad
loves evryone and always puts his belly up in the air for a good old rub
to anyone that will do it.
we were actualy thinking about another dog but this now has put urgencey
into it,but i would not like to make a wrong decision.
what i mean is if we get a new dog for company for him could he
posibly get jelous?
he is a dog so what would be better for him?
another dog or bitch?

agian thank you very much all.


he is two and a half years old and doesnt eat either if we are appart.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
if you go to your local shelter/pound, it's possible they may have a few animals in need of short term housing/'fostering'.

you'd be doing that dog a favor, and you wouldn't be committed to another animal without knowing if it actually helps your first critter (or makes it worse - nothing is a given with psychology, even with pets)


if you go to your local shelter/pound, it's possible they may have a few animals in need of short term housing/'fostering'.

you'd be doing that dog a favor, and you wouldn't be committed to another animal without knowing if it actually helps your first critter (or makes it worse - nothing is a given with psychology, even with pets)

the dog pound/kennels around here want to come to
your home to make sure it is suitable,we tried them
before we got our dog so that wouldnt fly with the grow on.


Trying to have a good day
Tomorrow ill be picking up another dog for myself and my dog.I now have a male and the new one will be a female same breed.I have allways thought that it was wrong and hurts a male dog if it doesnt get to bread.They allways seem to go horny/crazy if they cant get at a female.

I bet if you get another dog with a good temperament it will take care of the problem.If it was me I would get a female..Good luck.


i wouldnt get another boy get a bitch. 2 boys can turn real ugly on ya.

never two males again for me sooner than later one will try and dominate the other .
A cat & a dog friends maybe probably not, our chow we had for awhile got along with the cat, but then one day the love was gone the cat after that gave the dog a very wide berth, for very good reasons, wanted to live!

Rabbi Reefer

I've had 2 males for 8 years without any problems. 1 Lab Mix and 1 Shepherd.
We brought the shepherd in as a puppy which helps a lot. They ride in the car together and walk together every day, never a problem.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Oh no, poor little baby...I agree that another dog may help. Not male and male though...like a couple people said. That could make it worse. I'm so sorry your little buddy is so scared like that:( Probably making you guys feel horrible! Give him lots of treats:) Hope it gets better.

*Oops, post actually by Miss Blunted*


Active member
the dog is fine...your wife however...why does she keep leaving the house ?? keep an eye on her, the dog is on to something !!