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mutating cannabis with mercury


larry badiner

I've read somewhere that you can make marijuana mutate with the silvery stuff in older fire alarms. i think its mercury. is this possible? better yet, what are other things that can cause cannabis to mutate?


Active member
I have no idea if it works but I can tell you:

1) Mercury is extremely hazardous poisonous and dangerous.

2) See number one.

You do NOT want to work around mercury in any form.
You do NOT want to smoke a plant that has been exposed to Mercury.

Please, there are so many other ways to manipulate the sacred plant, find a safer alternative.


Well-known member
high fambz!

please don't use mercury, unless you are planing on poisoning yourself!
if you are interested check out plant mutagenesis (mutation breeding), but don't be planing on doing this stuff without a proper lab setup...

ps.: really, don't screw around with that silvery stuff from old fire alarms :)


ICMag Donor
Damn, I wouldn't try it!!!! Mercury is a known carcinogen, gets in the cellular level of plant, or more importantly humans and difficult to eradicate.

Elemental and methyl mercury are quite toxic to the central and peripheral nervous systems. Symptoms such as tremors, emotional instability, insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscular changes and headaches are known with mercury exposure, either vapor, playing with thermometer drops or ingested.

The inhalation of mercury vapor can produce harmful effects on the nervous, digestive and immune systems, lungs and kidneys, thyroid and may be fatal.

what are other things that can cause cannabis to mutate?

A variety of factors....unstable genetics, heat, light to name a few.
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Genetic Resource Management
EMS is the standard chemical for use in mutagenesis experiments. As stated, this is not something you want to mess around with without a proper lab and safety protocols in place, you can really fuck yourself up exposing yourself to such chemicals without proper protection and safety in mind.

The difficulty with cannabis and mutagenesis is that Cannabis being an outcrosser will most often bury the mutation in hybrid crosses, where they remain hidden in a recessive condition.. You need to use a combination of EMS and then selfing to expose these rare mutations through homozygous pairs of the mutant allele. Say 1/10,000 plants acquires a mutation in a useful gene- we would need to self 10,000 plants to see that mutation appear, and then screen at least 4 of the progeny (theoretically) from each of the 10,000 to show the mutated phenotype. As you can imagine, that's a lot of work in a plant like cannabis, as opposed to something like tomato or Arabidopsis thaliana, which naturally self without having to be exposed to chemicals like STS to induce reversal and self pollinate.

EMS is really a brute force approach to breeding that might not be so well suited for cannabis, which already possesses a huge degree of heterozygosity and "buried" recessive alleles that could be exposed exploited through inbreeding schemes.


Active member
I bought a 5% solution of mercuric chloride (HgCl2) to be used as a seed surface sterilizer.
It won't be used on Cannabis seeds. It's for something else. But I haven't used it yet as
mercury is not something to play around with. There are serious safety protocols to use
with a toxic element like mercury.

larry badiner

ty for the responses everyone, i didnt know mercury was so dangerous. i don't remember where i heard that mercury causes mutations but i probably found out about it through google.


ICMag Donor
ty for the responses everyone, i didnt know mercury was so dangerous. i don't remember where i heard that mercury causes mutations but i probably found out about it through google.

Don't believe every grow technique on the internet. Sounds like you are still undecided when we've mentioned hazards and caution. Mercury poisoning is not irreversible.