here is the start of our bogglegum grow, we have started 3 seeds like we did with the bogbubble, we soaked them for 24 hours before we sprouted them, put them right in dirt and in less then a day they were poking their heads out. After about 36 hours and the shell hadnt come off yet we did a little emergnecy surgery and extracted the cover, one died on the table,bummer soaked and replanted. It sprouted over night and still had the shell stuck on it again, brought it into operating room and dr. babba's skilled hands gently set our young sprout free. It is in recovery doing nicely. We had to do surgery on the other 2 tonight, both of their covers stuck to the sprout, it went well but it was touch and go there for a sec you cant see them very well in the pictures, still a bit small, but we couldnt wait to show them off, we are so proud of them waiting for the 2 babies to spread their leaves and grow, grow, grow! I'll update soon, they seem to grow very fast. Thank You and Love each other The Babba's
cover is still on, kinda dark though
dr.babba performing delicate surgery
ohhhh steading hands!
big sis, watching over her siblings
all 3 together
p.s. thanks you sooo much p!!
p.s. thanks you sooo much p!!