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Mr titor and his predictions.




I wanted to start this thread to see if there was anyone else out there who would be interested in some debate on this guy. I'm really amused by the story and the following it's gathered and as it's now in the right timeframe to discuss. Anyone fancy chewing the fat on this? It's a long read but it's a strange story. I'm not stating i think it's real or anything wild, just that i'd be interested to hear other stoners opinions and what they thought.

Any takers?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I try to avoid clicking on outside links, but isn't Titor the guy who made a splash on a bulletin board a while back saying he was a soldier or something from the future, gave all these warnings and poofed?

If so, I remember the story, but not the details. Lemme clear outta here and I'll go check it out. If it's the same guy I'm thinking about, yeah, I'd love to talk about it some. If for no other reason than it's a damn interesting story :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, I just read up on it a bit, refreshing my memory.

Scary scary shit.

He says multiple times that it comes down to people being forced to decide if they want security or freedom. He says the ruling elite figure we'll go for security, and they were very wrong.

When I look at the Patriot Act stuff after reading Titor's statements, I get a chill.

I'm sure people will point out that the civil war he said began in 2004 hasn't happened, but when you look at the other statements, the divergence he discusses could easily account for that.

Also, he points to the destabilization of Western foreign policy as a major factor that leads to the brink. When I look at Bush and his aggressive foreign and domestic policies, and at the backlash that is coming in 2008, it's easy to see the pattern develop.

Gotta admit, I like his descriptions of the new Constitution and Presidency.

I've got 3 of my five, how about you guys? :D


New member
This one is a little scary...
Can you tell me when the police stop busting people for weed?
It happens about the same time they stop coming to your house when you dial 911.

as for the revolution its unavoidable.Power struggle, we are to greedy now days and the population is getting to high. Something like this has to happen...they tell you that you must learn history or it will repeat itself...but yet all history has pretty much been repeated in a way. All I have to say is bring it on. Ill never be ready but I have no choice either.



I Used To Grow said:
Is there a revolution in the air man? I can smell something
ive been smelling it for a few years now. and back then i wasnt even paranoid, almost like a voice was whispering "yo reefer, check out the world man, some shits going to go down" problem is everyone is numbed with television nobodys woken up and smelled the coffee, its already went cold. its about too late and im about losing hope. for those of us who are aware of whats ahead of us you just have to ask yourself. are you going to let this affect you as a person? all i know is im going to stand up for what i believe is right for me and my family. And if it means me being hauled off in a concentration camp then so be it, but i will not stand here and let my rights be stripped away. not without a fight, not without blood, not without those fucking cum guzzlers knowing exactly who the fuck i am and how i feel.

:badday: its a sad world


i remember seeing this way back. i thought he said there was a huge civil war to break out in 2005? smells like shit to me.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
He did indeed say that a civil war started in 2005. But he described the civil war as starting with a series of "Waco" style incidents. The incidents increased until by 2008 it was clear the government was waging war on its own people. That's when most people's idea of war, active revolt, started.

He also mentioned that our timeline had a ~2% divergence from his own, which could easily explain being a few years off.

Hell, may still be shit :D

If nothing else, it's a fun coupla hours to read the story and the newspaper articles linked to some of his predictions. Especially stoned :wink:

Have you been to the website recently?


i went a little earlier, but i wasnt stoned enough i guess. but i have done that before, kinda interesting shit to think about, especially when ripped, lol.

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