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Mountain Goats


Well-known member
Just a few minutes walk down the road in the early spring; the goats come down the mountain and come to this same location to lick the ground in specific spots, some kind of mineral I am guessing.
A few years back when I was still capable of climbing around the mountain I found a partial skeleton of a goat, the head was intact, I decided to keep it. I thought the horns might be good for a project.


Well-known member
I read that they will follow people around, waiting for someone to take a piss...they are that desperate for minerals. I bet that they would love a big ol mineral block.


Cabana’s bitch
those dudes are jacked, big time...I wish I was in that good of shape...:biggrin:


Well-known member
most wildlife craves salt. crazy squirrels here sit licking salt out of cracks in the road until cars are literally right on top of them ! SQUISH! :eek: those goats are cool...


Well-known member
I read that they will follow people around, waiting for someone to take a piss...they are that desperate for minerals. I bet that they would love a big ol mineral block.
We throw salt/mineral blocks out here, you can buy them cheap and always get animals to watch for your efforts.

@oldmaninbc great photos! :)


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Premium user

It's astounding and beautiful in my eyes how plants and animals evolved divers ways to fill all niches.

But oh so fragile many of them...
I see it the same way, I also see how humans over rate their significance and contributions,everything we learn is from the plants and animals.

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