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Mothers/clones tent to substain my SoG grow


New member
Hi guys,

Probably not the most popular idea, but I want to setup a "true" SoG in my 1m² tent (flood & drain table with hydroton). For that, I will need up to 40 plants per runs.

I'm considering the idea to set up a smaller tent in my attic to make my own clones and keep one or a few mothers, as needed.

If I were to do this, do you have any advices over the following concerns for this mom/clones tent:
- how many mothers plants/tent size to generate about 40 clones of the same size?
- how long would it take on average to generate those 40 clones from seeds?
- also not sure about the techniques, I feel DWC would be overkill/2 fast to manage, and do top fed rockwool cubes for the moms.

I realize it's probably dumb of me to stick to this SoG ideas - it would be simpler to grow large plants, but I really want to give a serious try to this method.
Buying seeds is the alternative, but I do not see myself buying 120+seeds a year. It is too limiting. Also, clones are not really available in my area.
I could also settle for 20-25 plants and could veg for a little longer or top, if it's really hard to manage to get 40+ clones in the same time.

Thanks for reading and I'm really curious to hear your thoughts about it.


Well-known member
It’s really strain dependent.

When I did sog I could get 30-50 cuts every 2 weeks off my mothers. I kept the mothers in dwc buckets.


Well-known member
First things first, attic is a tough spot for any plant unless it's insulated. Here at 41N my attic gets to like 120F in the summer as it's not insulated.

As to your real question, 40plants in a SOG isn't hard to achieve; but we also need to know if this is one straight run or a continuous run.

Before plant limit numbers I was doing 36 1gal square pots in a 4x4, one week veg on the indicas and 0 weeks veg on the sativas (2 tents). I had anywhere from 4-6 mothers depending on what I felt like growing. Mothers were in 5 gal root pots under the LED shop lights, 42 watts each, 4 shop lights total. They're going to grow way faster than you'll need.

I used a 64 site clone king to clone and it was more than enough. Assume at the worst you lose half of the cuttings, though I never lost more than 10%. Take cuttings 3 weeks in advance of when you need them, then slam them in the pots and let them rip.

Since I was running two tents at a time, sometimes my indica and sativa harvests would align, so I also had a 36 site backup cloner for a 100 total clone potential.

My best yields under 600w in the 4x4 were around 2.5lbs per run. That's 37.5w/ft2 per square foot. I used regular growers mix (no nutrients) from the local garden center and jacks 321 on an automatic drip irrigation timer. Very strain dependent, mostly big strong sativas. Other times I would be pushing 1-1.5lbs per run with the indicas.

I removed all side shoots up to the 3 week mark for indicas and 4 week mark for the sativas, then let them rip. No topping.


Well-known member
1. how many mothers plants/tent size to generate about 40 clones of the same size?
---2-3 depending how hard you push them.
2. how long would it take on average to generate those 40 clones from seeds?
---a few months. I would aim for 4 mothers minimum. You could probably get there in 3 months if you're pushing the plants
3. also not sure about the techniques, I feel DWC would be overkill/2 fast to manage, and do top fed rockwool cubes for the moms.
---I used drip irrigation as stated before. My mom's I hand watered. In 5 gals they're not too bad to manage when you have the lights low and keeping them growing slow once you've gotten into the rhythm