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Morocco to legalize?


Original Editor of ICMagazine
From a story in the Morocco World News by Larbi Arbaoui.

After the Istiqlal party, one of the old conservative parties of the kingdom, proposed last year a draft law to decriminalize and regulate the cultivation of cannabis for medical and pharmaceutical uses, the country is re-examining policies toward cannabis and looking to some degree of legalization of this corp.


The latest report of the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) revealed that Morocco and Afghanistan are the world’s largest producers of hashish.


Let's hope there's some substance to this and the law gets relaxed over there, especially for the Moroccan people who are severely punished for hashish under current laws


Well-known member
Strange that a plant that grows so well in countries like Morocco is kept illegal by the United Nations , when it could be a number one export if legal, lifting many countries out of poverty and debt....
Oh , wait, I see it now.


Active member
Another brick in the wall? Hopefully they come to their senses. I am kind of shocked at the lack of any legalization efforts in Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, etc. All of these countries have had cannabis in their environment for eons, and they have tremendous crime problems revolving around illegal drug trafficking. Citizens are being held hostage by the drug cartels. Extreme violence in the favelas (ghettos) of Brazil and Columbia. Gun violence out of control. If they decriminalized, these drug gangs would be hurt badly, the crime rate would plummet, and the people could begin living like human beings. Yet they continue to hold us hostage and they continue to support violence. Never ending battles between the military police and the "traficantes". I have a friend there who's husband was just killed in a gun battle with the traficantes. Her life is devastated. Her 4 year old daughter already lost her father. For people in these poorer countries like Morocco, the war on drugs is raging, and the people, innocent people are paying the price in a big way. It has a profound effect on their daily lives, even if they have no involvement at all, because they are living in the war zone that we created. It's nothing short of madness, yet the madness continues. When the same mistake is made over and over and over again, it's called insanity, and that's exactly what this war on the common man is.
Time to evolve. Time to end the madness.

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