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MJ Poisonings linked to MMJ legalization .....Ya right!

Former Guest

Active member
they had on the news yesterday that 20 kids under age had been sent to the hospital for overdosing on legal rec pot edibles. reminds me of that 911 call where the cop eats a brownie and then thinks he is dying so he calls for help.

Former Guest

Active member
what I found so funny was that it has this reefer madness vibe to the story that was on the news and then I hear all the time, about oh it's okay that these college kids drink because they're supposed to do that in college. that's normal. like pot isn't?


Well-known member
I think the word overdose is being misused here. Since there isn't a known lethal dose for cannabis, I'm thinking that these are cases of people not knowing just how potent the effects of edibles are, and freaking out. The term overdose doesn't really apply in the context of cannabis.

Former Guest

Active member
I think the word overdose is being misused here. Since there isn't a known lethal dose for cannabis, I'm thinking that these are cases of people not knowing just how potent the effects of edibles are, and freaking out. The term overdose doesn't really apply in the context of cannabis.

I should've put that in parentheses as I agree. the news uses certain words to make bunk news stories. they should try reporting on how many underage people die from driving drunk. won't happen till people start coming out and saying that they smoke pot besides the hippy.


Well-known member
I should've put that in parentheses as I agree. the news uses certain words to make bunk news stories. they should try reporting on how many underage people die from driving drunk. won't happen till people start coming out and saying that they smoke pot besides the hippy.

I wasn't singling your comment out, the original story used "poisoning", and I should have also included poisoning as well as overdose in my comment.

It's fear mongering regardless of the terminology. Poisoning is even more ridiculous than overdose, as it indicates toxicity.


Active member
The one thing I will say is you can easily over-do it if you are consuming canna-butter by itself.

My friend discovered this after insisting on putting some(too much for him) cannabutter on on newyears eve in his coffee...

His missed newyears eve...halucinated his ass off in a bad way, and pretty much freaked the fuck out..

He won't touch my cannabutter anymore...

He described the feeling like Drinking a 40oz of Rye combined with Acid.... He couldn't tell if he was awake or dreaming and had some pretty horrific visions.

His wife thought it was funny tho...him tripping balls...she had a nice quiet new-years eve once he finally passed out.

He sure enjoyed it for the first 45 minutes tho....problem is he just kept getting more high till he eventually passed out and didn't wake up for 12+hours...

What would have happened had he eaten 10x's the dose...probably the same thing...I have went as high as 3 tablespoons and won't be doing that anytime soon again...Upside the visuals were supperb but I haven't been that fucked up in a very very long time, and have no real desire to try again..

I have a friend who every sunday eats about the same amount as my friend did...he enjoys being totally shitfaced so it works for him..lol


$$ ALONE $$
Ive been totally fucked off 4 hits of Jamaican Lambs Bread back in High School.
Had the magnet pulling my head down. Puked 2x in the mens room. Was tripping ballz.
Had to get picked up and I immediatly hit the bed when I got home.

1 other time I got that fucked up off a joint shared by a few people. Dont know what strain it was. Really good. 5 hits and I sat in the van all night listening to Pink Floyd, LOUD! What an experience.
Guy had a thumpin system that was crystal clear and surround sound with the speakers mounted on the sides of the vans walls. Really freakin cool!


ICMag Donor
I've smoked nothing but the best for decades. DECADES. Decades ago I ran tons ( a ton is 2,000 lbs and I did half ton+ every week-10 days or so for more than 2 years ) of the best gold Colombian you ever saw in your life, and since I didn't start selling tons but started selling an oz out of a quarter elbow to finance my own. But it grew over a period of years and as such I came in contact with lots of people in several different countries and I'm sorry but I just never heard of anyone ever having anything bad happen to them from cannabis other than the fking police enter their lives and while that's another story to which I know plenty, is meant for another time and another thread.

I also "ingested" 50 hits of 500 microgram hits ( this is the early days children ) of clear dot blotter in the late late 60's. Police were coming and what to do with the acid was dunk a 50 hit sheet in a big glass of Michelob ( that's what was there ) . As it bubbled up I drank it all down while friends of mine all shuddered " Oh my, Tudo! ). Now THAT's an OD and still within 12-14 hours or so while drinking copious amounts of orange juice etc I came down, went to sleep, woke up and had a giant breakfast to start the new day.


$$ ALONE $$
Blessed Tudo!
Best acid I ever had was Blue Lotus Flowers. Seen a couple that dropped with us, really freak out. It was the cleanest, most visually stunning acid trip of my life. (Waaaaay back in the day).
Im glad you didnt end up in a looney bin Tudo.
A kid I knew dropped a 4-way diamond and tripped in the looney bin for 6 months.
Came out of there with a huge strawberry patch on his left cheek. Poor Bruce.
Never was quite the same again. He had to place every little knick-knack in perfect order, so we would go to his place and start moving shit around and watch him put shit back were it belonged. LOL! We really fucked with poor Brucey.