I want to build a mixed spectrum bloom room using 6/750 gavitas and some kind of CMH. I'd love any input from anyone running mixed spectrum. My initial idea is to not rely too heavily on the CMH. Room is 13 feet wide, im thinking 3 gavitas and 2 315 CMH's per row, with maybe another 315 in the middle of each row. Not sure if I should use the parabolic style vertical bulb or the horizontal bulb, can't find much info on the difference. Also open to using the dual bulb fixtures if that's the way to go. Hopefully my diagram stays formatted.
x=Gavita 6/750
0= 315 cmh
x o x o x
o o
x o x o x
x=Gavita 6/750
0= 315 cmh
x o x o x
o o
x o x o x