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Mississippi Mud and Nyc Hp13

From seed to smoke hopefully i find a keeper :smoker:

Mississippi mud (Mountain Jam F2 X G-13 F2)48 hrs after germing

NycHp13 (HP13 X HP#1/Double Dawg)24 hrs after germing

its been along time since i grew anything from seed.......


hp13, wow, you must take cuttings and spread through the worls for all of us to share...good luck


ICMag Donor
Cool stuff,, we are on SD x MM right now so you sure got our interest :joint:

all the best
thanks guys
update reused soil on the miss muds and they all died :fsu: heres some shots of the nychp13 ill have some shots of the other ones in a bit


sucks to hear that on the MnM's peeps..I just had a fan accident that took out 4 PowTangs and then decided to downsize the other pots and ended up killin the other 3 I had..least I know why it happened..went from soil that had been in the cab under the lights all night to soil that was in a cooler part of the cellar, plus using cool water... insta-shock I couldnt pull em outta..:redface:

whatever happened to that ebb n flow shire??


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