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Miracle-Gro To Target Cannabis Market




A logical choice for Scotts' to purchase would be American Agritech (Botanicare) from the current owners (whatever LLC they're using this week but I'll go with SunLight Mfg/National Garden Wholesale).

The distribution systems is already up and running. Purchasing this specific company would be little more than a paper shuffle, some cash, and it's a done deal.

New labels and keep the same actual manufacturers/packers that currently do the Botanicare lines.

Just my $.02

What Mg75 said. and i have never ever gotten flys from it and have used it for the last year now. i do add a tiny bit of perlite to the organic tho. and i guess that may keep flys out. i am in an enclosed room as well and have NEVER seen a fly. i use the regular stuff too because it's so cheap and Lowes quit carrying the large bags of Organic. the regular also has more than enuf perlite. i recommend the mandalla seeds site alot as proof that perlite is bullshit. i have changed alot of shit i do and one of them is follow the recommendations given at mandalla. i have just switched back to floranova bloom as well because they recommend it. i didnt have the greatest results with it before, but i blame that on using 50% perlite/soil mix because i figured perlite was magic. felt like an idiot after reading the mandalla sites list of what to avoid, i had all my plants in ProMix HP!

i am still teaking and searching for what is Best. as in bloom enhancer to go with the floranova. using budswel and carbo load for now. anyway, MG rocks in my novice grower book.


Miracle gro is the worst fertilizer out there!

Miracle gro is the worst fertilizer out there!

Its worse than cheap. Never used this company and never will. MG is missing so many nutrients its a joke!!! It takes them too many decades to catch on to anything! Why buy from them now? They'll just bring down the reputation, of the good company they buy out. Sad. Nothing good can come from this! Miracle grow ha.
i use alot of supplements, i just wanted good clean dirt with minimal perlite, high quality stuff. recommended by mandalla. i have been adding nutes like it was unfertilized, at the lowest recommended doses. i know the MG nutes are washed out by the time the plant hits bloom, at least it was. i thought til recently the bag said it would feed the plant for 3 months. the last bag i got said six. mandalla said not to use soil that says it feeds the plants for more than 3 months i THINK. guess i need to go back there to look. but neverthless, the Organic MG soil says it only feeds the plants for 2 months, and that has no perlite in it, so i get that when i can. Haggens supermarket had 2CF bags (large bag) of Happy Frog soil there for only $12.99 last month so i bought like 2 bags of that! i am getting the same results as both MG soils, as well as a Gardener's Gold Potting Soil i am trying again that has sand, guano, castings etc etc in it for $9sack at the local nursery. i am not fussy about the soil i use i just DO NOT ADD perlite to any of it except a very small amount to the MG Organic which has none. if you want potting soil it is hard to beat the price of MG, and who really cares what it in it for the veg cycle?

i agree it will not help the rep of any company they buy, but then they will be gone anyway, so......

i also put in about 1/4 mix of local 8yr old dairy farm compost with all my store bought, a dash of D lime, and sprinkle of Bone Meal. i cant leave ANYTHING alone DONT YOU KNOW THAT??? I veg water with mainly just a bit of Alaska Fish Poop 5-0-0 and my plants look good. i mean they are indoor grown smallish size plants but i just use a 400W MH for them anyway so it's not like they are going to be as big as outdoor grown in a greenhouse, but the 7 plants i got outside in the MG and Happy Frog are all over 3ft tall, had to top them last weekend, only have like four sets of leaves bigger than your hand and look like they are going to be 10 feet tall! i need to start all my plants outside, holy crap.


It appears they bought GH.

Yes Scott's not Monsanto as according to Big Mike. Was funny watching him bitching about Larry getting rich off the monster company he built and how Larry has a personal plane now (which is old 2012 news).

This is Big Mike whaaaa wahhhh Larry Whaa whaaa Plane Whahh wahhhh why ddn't Scotts buy my unstable brand.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I grew back in the day with Super Soil cut with perlite, MG 15-30-15 as my veg nute and GreenLight 12-55-6 Superbloom as a bloom nute before all the new fangled products we have now...did pretty well...now I use the Fox Farms lineup with a few other goodies...the yields are a little better with the FF nutes, but the big diff is the flavor and aroma of the herb...way better with the FF lineup...

If they do buy out a company we can only hope they will not change the formula...otherwise there will be a lot of folks on the move...

i know this is a very old post but i wanted to comment this is the exact nutes i used last year. the yeilds was fine with it as u say but the flavor and smell was lacking. this year im growing with a couple things to see what i like best. maxi series,veg+bloom dirty,dyna gro FP & bloom and 100% living organic soil.
they have bought out GH now so im hoping that they will start having them on the walmart shelf so i dont have to order all my shit online.


Active member
I hope they don't screw it up by using Urea as part of their nitrogen mix, leave Maxibloom just like it is! I have periodically used the 15-30-15 for a veg nute and it works just fine. It is preety darn acidic and will drop your PH a couple of points but if you have water in the 8 PH range this might work fine for you.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I hope they don't screw it up by using Urea as part of their nitrogen mix, leave Maxibloom just like it is! I have periodically used the 15-30-15 for a veg nute and it works just fine. It is preety darn acidic and will drop your PH a couple of points but if you have water in the 8 PH range this might work fine for you.

yes i hope so as well. all im hoping for is they bring it to wal-mart or lowes. the owner would be really stupid if he does that when he wants to target the marijuana market.
.......Raids on pot-growing operations have turned up Scotts products. Mr. Hagedorn takes that as a good sign of brand awareness, but he fears that some growers would be reluctant to use a mainstream product.

Exactly.... And he knows damn well why any grower with a brain wouldn't use that crap.

Fuck him, fuck Scotts, and fuck Miracle Grow..


Miracle Gro seem to have a zillion different formulas that vary greatly, with regional versions, and special versions for big retail chains, are there any yet for the cannabis market?


New member
So what all does Scott's own now? Hawthorne Group (Scott's/Miracle grow Front Company) Bought General Hydroponics/General Organics, apparently inked a deal with Botanicare, and spent $120,000,000 ($120 million) on a 75% stake in Gavita Lighting. I guess they want a piece of da pie :greenstars: :asskick:

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