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Mighty Might x Freezeland & Boggle Gum

Sneaky Grower

New member
I hope everyone’s 2006 grow has been safe and stinky thus far. My original post for this grow was posted in the image gallery, but none of those viewers seemed too interested or had much to say. I’ve always been partial to the OG outdoor forum anyways. :joint:

This year has been somewhat disappointing, but atleast I still have 2 healthy females for all my labor. I started off with 12 plants - 8 of which had eaten by deer, 2 others were males. That leaves me with 1 mighty might x freezeland and 1 boggle gum.

As for nutrients - I've been feeding them FoxFarm Grow Big & seaweed extract for veg and have just started with the FoxFarm TigerBloom during the last two waterings. To cut down on watering soil moist is being used.

On with the show, lets start with a full view of the mighty might x freezeland.

A little closer..

Yes, that's pink..

The boggle gum showed female pre-flowers for the first time today - yesss!

There're 2 plants in this pic. The first one is easy enough, but can you find the second one? They don't call me sneaky grower for nothing! :joint:

I will try to keep this thread updated and I love to hear your comments. Keep on growin!
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New Grower

Bogglegum?? oh man This is my favourite strain (but I still have no chance to grow it). Congrat for the female!

Your MM cross is really early! but in the next year you should talk with some deerhunter! (joke)

Good luck!



New member
Sneaky Grower wrote: There're 2 plants in this pic. The first one is easy enough, but can you find the second one? They don't call me sneaky grower for nothing..

Solved your puzzle Sneaky Grower!

The 2nd plant is in the background of the front plant.
In the yellow/red circle:

Nice stealth grow dude! You plants look healty! For how long have they grown on that spot?

Growfreak :smoker:
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Sneaky Grower

New member
Thanks for your comments guys, I'll try to get an update by next week.

@ New Grower - Boggle Gum is one of my favorites too. I grew it outdoors several years ago and it was so sticky -- I consider it one of the stickiest substances in the world! As for the deers - it was my own fault trying to be "sneaky" and not using a fense or any other form of deer security.

@ dazed_kiwi - I have several different Freezeland crosses that were obtained from the individual in Canada who made the crosses. I believe the crosses include Freezeland x AK47, Freezeland x Blueberry, Freezeland backcross, and ofcourse Mighty Might x Freezeland. This is my first year using any of the crosses - apparently the Freezeland does well outdoors, mold resistant, and a quick finisher - perfect for the North!

@ growfreak - Great eyes! I started my plants in early May and put them outdoors towards the end of May. I'm in the NorthEast United States for anyone that's interested.

MY QUESTION - Should I keep using seaweed extract fertalizer during flowering? What are some of the 'experts' opinions on this?

Keep it green & stinky!
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New Grower

There is a product on order called CAL-MAG plus calcium, magnesium and iron. liquid concentrate, just add to tank and feed.

bat guano from Indonesia for flowering

I also use kelp (algae). these are the two best organic additives!!!

You should water with clear water in the last 3 weeks of flowering!


Sneaky Grower

New member
Thanks for stopping by everyone.. High winds and heavy rain forced me to check on the girls today. These grow bags are very practical, but at the same time a nuisance and I’m convinced that plants won’t get as big when they have any type of root space restrictions - plus their always falling over! The reason I choose these grow bags is really my fear of being found in the forest with a shovel. Being seen with a shovel in the woods you really only have two explanations - one you’re growing pot, or two you’re burying a body. So obviously you have to be very careful. One suggestion I can think of as an explanation for having a shovel is that you’re building jumps for mountain biking. In whatever case, it’s important to have a story planned out ahead of time if seen. I’d like to get my hands on an old foldable military shovel because these grow bags just aren’t living up to my expectations. I’m going in the ground for now on!

Since it rained yesterday I gave them a gallon of water with TigerBloom (high phosphorus) only. It’s my understanding that seaweed extract (kelp) helps with root growth, along with maintaining the overall health of a plant. Since I only want the plants energies to be focused on bud growth, wouldn’t the kelp focus the plant’s energies on things such as root growth and minor plant repairs instead of bud growth? I just want the biggest and most buds possible. :joint: Could someone tell me if this way of thinking is correct?

Here are some pics from today (7/30/06).

Below is the Boggle Gum girl..

I’d like to hear people’s opinion in relation to my fertilizer question. Any other comments or feedback is welcome as always. Thanks for stopping by. Grow ‘em stinky and be safe! :joint:
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